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Russia Culture General


I would like to bring over the thread on Russia Culture started by thetruewhitenorth (RVF) where we can post mainly positive and interesting content on anything related to Russia (apart from politics). Examples: arts, nature, architecture, culture, movies and so on.
Let's get away from politics a little bit.

Miss Russia Margarita Golubeva chose the image of the Swan Princess as her national costume for the Miss Universe pageant.

The dress is based on Russian fairy tales.

Can anybody recommend any good books on Russian history in English? (or in Russian for when I get to that level.)

I’m wary of what’s commonly available because it’s either written by Jews, or women.

Specifically more about Holy Russia or Imperial Russia

(Apologies if this is the wrong thread)
Can anybody recommend any good books on Russian history in English? (or in Russian for when I get to that level.)

I’m wary of what’s commonly available because it’s either written by Jews, or women.

Specifically more about Holy Russia or Imperial Russia

(Apologies if this is the wrong thread)

This is a classic, written by the former US Librarian of Congress. It's from the pre-woketard era.

Can anybody recommend any good books on Russian history in English? (or in Russian for when I get to that level.)

I’m wary of what’s commonly available because it’s either written by Jews, or women.

Specifically more about Holy Russia or Imperial Russia

(Apologies if this is the wrong thread)
This may be of interest - sadly, I have yet to read my copy, as my ability to concentrate with a book was destroyed by The Madness, along with several other aspects of my psyche.

List of Russian dishes :
Looking through that list, I've had a few of those at some point - borscht, solyanka, pelmeni, shashlyk, blini, khren,

Look at this thing they drink :
- hot honey water by the sounds of it. Had no idea..

There is this thing they have in their homes for tea - 'samovar'

I've seen it around but not really used it. Some examples and stories -
Some Germans set up "colonies" in Russia a few hundred years ago. I learned about it a long time ago when I met some of their descendants in Germany who had used their ancestry to move back again.
Some Germans set up "colonies" in Russia a few hundred years ago. I learned about it a long time ago when I met some of their descendants in Germany who had used their ancestry to move back again.
I've heard of the Volga Germans, many of whom emigrated to the US and Canada. My boss is descended from immigrants like this. However from the article, these Germans went much farther east.

It's interesting to see how they have held onto the German culture, with folk costumes and everything.
I've heard of the Volga Germans, many of whom emigrated to the US and Canada.
Just learned something else about it : 1918 - 1941 it was an autonomous region called Volga German Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic

There were about 380 000 Germans living in there in 1926.

When Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941 the Soviets abolished it and sent the Volga Germans to camps in Siberia and elsewhere.
