Relocating to Japan

I lived in Japan from 2010-2019. Working primarily as an English teacher and somewhat the stereotype of drunken and a bit lost.

I think it's a very lonely and isolating place to live. As a foreigner you will always be treated as a foreigner/outsider no matter how long you stay there or how much of the language you learn.

It can be very difficult to escape the expat bubble and there is something robotic and inhuman about the people. I just feel people are a bit soulless there. Yeah it's 'based' in a way but more because of Japanese group think than actively opposing zog. The Japanese way is best and it's also key to note that Japan is a master of carefully assimilation of aspects of other cultures without losing their national identity.

Not much to gain being there as a foreigner that I can see. After a while Japanese women just look like 8 year old boys in makeup. It's a boyish fantasy yellow fever that needs to be outgrown at some point in my opinion.

Japan is a land of normalized OCD and autism with obsessions about separating garbage and everything being done in a specific exact type of way regardless of how pointless it is. And don't think about questioning anything. People are incapable of creative or independent thought generally which is why teaching English there eventually feels like having NPC interactions all day long as every single person you interact with says the exact same things and has the same opinions on every single topic.

You're not escaping any kind of great reset there you are entering a place that has already been great resetted and alongside China/Korea/Singapore countries that are actually prototypes for they want the entirety of the West to be.

Excluding Singapore, South East Asia is the Balkans of Asia in terms of attitude and a general sense of actually living life while East Asia is generally a soulless dead place. Malls. Fashion. Consumerism. Spiritually dead. Empty. Just worker ants on an ant farm programmed and inhuman.

Visit or even life there for a year but not a place to raise a family or escape the West.
I lived in Japan from 2010-2019. Working primarily as an English teacher and somewhat the stereotype of drunken and a bit lost.

I think it's a very lonely and isolating place to live. As a foreigner you will always be treated as a foreigner/outsider no matter how long you stay there or how much of the language you learn.

It can be very difficult to escape the expat bubble and there is something robotic and inhuman about the people. I just feel people are a bit soulless there. Yeah it's 'based' in a way but more because of Japanese group think than actively opposing zog. The Japanese way is best and it's also key to note that Japan is a master of carefully assimilation of aspects of other cultures without losing their national identity.

Not much to gain being there as a foreigner that I can see. After a while Japanese women just look like 8 year old boys in makeup. It's a boyish fantasy yellow fever that needs to be outgrown at some point in my opinion.

Japan is a land of normalized OCD and autism with obsessions about separating garbage and everything being done in a specific exact type of way regardless of how pointless it is. And don't think about questioning anything. People are incapable of creative or independent thought generally which is why teaching English there eventually feels like having NPC interactions all day long as every single person you interact with says the exact same things and has the same opinions on every single topic.

You're not escaping any kind of great reset there you are entering a place that has already been great resetted and alongside China/Korea/Singapore countries that are actually prototypes for they want the entirety of the West to be.

Excluding Singapore, South East Asia is the Balkans of Asia in terms of attitude and a general sense of actually living life while East Asia is generally a soulless dead place. Malls. Fashion. Consumerism. Spiritually dead. Empty. Just worker ants on an ant farm programmed and inhuman.

Visit or even life there for a year but not a place to raise a family or escape the West.
Sounds like "Asian Germany", but an extreme form.
Sounds like "Asian Germany", but an extreme form.

Facts. And when some of the JQ fellas, who might praise China for being based, then discover...


... this thread is gonna heat up 🔥

yuya osako japan GIF by SV Werder Bremen

As they often say in Japan -

Pika Pika...

pokemon GIF


Peace Victory GIF by Pokémon
Japan is a land of normalized OCD and autism with obsessions about separating garbage and everything being done in a specific exact type of way regardless of how pointless it is.

Good analysis. I was more specifically involved in the subculture of guys into vintage-style Americana clothing, and even superficially admiring this free spirited "American" lifestyle of driving vintage cars and motorcycles and playing 1950s Gibsons while wearing vintage Levis jeans, there is a sort of systematic way of "doing" this hobby, especially in regards to fashion, that's more than a bit ironic. On the other hand, Japan is at its best when it comes to crafting/making things along these lines, where the love of craft and artisanship really comes through. This is why Japan makes pretty much the best jeans, leather jackets, boots, and similar stuff in the world, the Japanese mentality is perfect for this kind of thing.
Good analysis. I was more specifically involved in the subculture of guys into vintage-style Americana clothing, and even superficially admiring this free spirited "American" lifestyle of driving vintage cars and motorcycles and playing 1950s Gibsons while wearing vintage Levis jeans, there is a sort of systematic way of "doing" this hobby, especially in regards to fashion, that's more than a bit ironic. On the other hand, Japan is at its best when it comes to crafting/making things along these lines, where the love of craft and artisanship really comes through. This is why Japan makes pretty much the best jeans, leather jackets, boots, and similar stuff in the world, the Japanese mentality is perfect for this kind of thing.
Your mention of boots reminded me of this:

It is known that they dislike outsiders (Gaijin), but I was able to get some intel from a Japanese girl when I was at a bar. She had a Thai friend who was more approachable. I was ordering my drink and they both were next to me so I started chatting with them. After a few drinks I was able to catch a little bit of the Japanese POV.

The Japanese don't like outsiders overall. But Americans are a special kind due to their huge presence/occupation (US has a massive Navy there). Most Americans are not well educated, specially young men. They dress horribly and tend to be a little loud. I feel sorry for the African American that is educated and suffers prejudice due to the majority. Same with Americans worldwide. They think we're all obese, wear baseball caps and dress in pajamas (or running shoes with T-shirts).

If a Japanese woman marries an outsider (I don't know if the girl was referring specifically to an American), her friends will cut her from their circle. I heard from an older navy guy that lives there; older women (40+) who are single and is too late to find a husband, will go to Yokosuka (near Navy base) to find an American husband. Most likely a Navy guy who's also desperate to find women.

Yokosuka has a horrible night life. A sausage fest. Kids thinking they're pickup artists, a horrible ratio (maybe 2% are women, and masculine), expensive drinks and curfew for the Navy.
That's so strange since back in the 80s, all Asians seemed to love us. Then again, we were a different country in those days. And the only impressions Asians got from us came from the swimsuit models on the covers of magazines and the good-looking, educated, yuppies that inhabited the American films they watched.
When I lived there I was into the music subculture for a time. Lots of technically gifted musicians obsessed with tech and gear and copying their favourite American or British acts. Zero innovation and complete fear of self expression but a kind of autistic obsession with technical aspects and technique.

I actually absorbed some of this myself since I quite heavily studied while I was there. To be cut off from life and only learn about things it is a great place. But to LIVE there. There is no living there in my opinion. Just existing a bit like a brain in a jar in a state of living death. AVOID>
When I lived there I was into the music subculture for a time. Lots of technically gifted musicians obsessed with tech and gear and copying their favourite American or British acts. Zero innovation and complete fear of self expression but a kind of autistic obsession with technical aspects and technique.

I actually absorbed some of this myself since I quite heavily studied while I was there. To be cut off from life and only learn about things it is a great place. But to LIVE there. There is no living there in my opinion. Just existing a bit like a brain in a jar in a state of living death. AVOID>
That makes sense seeing that their society is built upon social customs like order and tradition.
A lot of talk here of the "Japanese will never accept an Anglo as a true Japanese man" as if that's somehow bizarre.

That's the sign of a healthy, normal society. That's how America used to be. Even in the 1990s if you met someone with an accent or a foreign background they could be welcomed, but would always be viewed as an outsider and you would always ask someone "where are you from" if you encountered someone who didn't look Anglo. Well, I still do that--it only triggers libtards--foreigners are happy to talk about their home country.

Any country that is so colorblind as to consider an outsider as an equal is opening themselves up to (((subversion))). Indeed, that trait is why people consider Japan as a nice place to live, and why this thread even exists. On the other hand, Japanese are gracious and elegant and will gladly host foreigners.

America committed the worst terrorist act in modern history--using a nuclear bomb on civilian targets. If Japanese *didn't* have some sort of deep distrust or hesitancy after that, I would question what is wrong with them (I've heard stories from friends who have lived there long term--the older Japanese have a distrust of Americans).

I could see living there for a few years even, but wouldn't want to permanently relocate to somewhere that doesn't speak English (or Spanish, as I'm fluent and anywhere in the Americas is pretty easy for me to adjust).

There are some really great things about Japanese culture. There are also some places for criticism. All I'll say about that is Japan is an occupied country, operated under a constitution written by a twentysomething Jewish feminist called Beate Gordon that the Americans forced on them in 1946.

One of the coolest things I ever learned about Japan was this:

(Japanese elementary school lunch, made under the guidance of a nutritionist, with the help of the students, and sourced through local farmers)

And of course I've been fascinated with Japan as a child after hearing Tanaka tell Sean Connery's 007 "In Japan the man comes first, women come second!" as he is greeted by a group of happy, feminine geishas.

Incidentally, so many of the things America complains about today in Asia are problems it created by subverting the natural order in Asia (Japanese dominance). Taiwan was under Japanese control for a long time in modern history, and while some Taiwanese would say they prefer outright independence, even those who criticize mainland China often have positive things to say about Taiwan under Japanese rule.

Just as all the problems in the mideast come from a similar abnormal state creation of America there in 1945.
A lot of talk here of the "Japanese will never accept an Anglo as a true Japanese man" as if that's somehow bizarre.
It’s not bizarre, it’s a disadvantage.

It basically means you won’t fit in, kind of like high school. Means that you won’t be able to have serious conversations with people because they won’t think your opinion is valid which concerns their affairs. If you try to share in their interests, people might think you’re a poser and don’t have a genuine interest.

It’s very unfortunate that we have to wait a lifetime for the right wing to create a parallel society because turns out traditional white culture is unique. Other races might farm all day and wear traditional dresses but their internal compass is totally different.
My wife is from Tokyo originally and her parents still live there. I have been travelling through there a lot from 1999 onwards and have always enjoyed it from the standpoint of a fascinating place to visit. I have never lived there, instead opting for extended stays of 1 or 2 months. My wife and I met in Vancouver some years ago and are still here raising our family.

As her parents age into their 70s there is some pressure for her to spend more time there. We have even talked about moving there for a longer period of time, but neither of us seem that committed to making it happen. It might be a good option for retirement, but even then I think there are better places than Japan.

If we were to move there longer term, we would likely not live in Tokyo. There are some really great small towns on the Shinkansen lines that have extremely cheap real estate that could be bought, renovated and marketed towards western tourists. This would likely be our plan. As others mentioned, English is abysmal in Japan especially outside Tokyo and being able to capture some of that market would be pretty easy. And right now, Japan is one of the worlds hottest tourist markets as westerners flee the insanity of their open borders/NWO policies. It really does feel like stepping back into a simpler time, with simpler ways to be happy. But make no mistake, Japan is falling ever more into the same subversion as other western countries - just at a slower and more stubborn rate.
When I was younger & naive I went to Italy thinking it'd be like that scene in godfather. In reality they hate Americans there because plenty of people are still alive there, who when they heard English being spoken on the streets they ran for their lives because that meant general patton was coming to work on them.
This is totally ridiculous. I have family (through marriage) in Italy and am there every 2 months. I've also traveled the length of the country many times. I am not Italian. I am American with Scandinavian roots, and I have NEVER been treated poorly in Italy. As a matter of fact, the farther south you go in the country, the more they love Americans.
Places like Italy, Japan, etc are conquered, subjugated nations who live under the boot of Uncle Sam. The only reason locals aren't lynching you in places like this is because the US military guarantees your security. When the US leaves these countries, I'd recommend you say sianara & ciao ciao ASAP. This is 1+1=2 type stuff... not sure why so many are outraged by it..

most countries on earth say "there is no anti US sentiment"..., but Let's see what diplomatic security service advises for US businesses & diplomats abroad in Japan & Italy...

Anti-U.S. rhetoric comes from groups opposing specific “establishment” referendums that have U.S. cooperation, for example: Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) satellite communications system, and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP). Demonstrations occur frequently and can be anti-U.S. in nature, especially in areas hosting U.S. military bases.
More than 25,000 U.S. military personnel are stationed on the island of Okinawa, in the far south of Japan with close to 70,000 U.S. service members stationed nationwide. Anti-U.S. sentiment is commonly expressed within base-hosting communities if/when a servicemember may be involved in an alleged crime involving a Japanese national – especially if there is death, bodily injury, and/or property damage.
This will also probably outrage many of you, but women & culture should be completely meaningless metrics in your search for a new home. If you need a new BFF or lover lady to hold hands with, it's easier to write in the classifieds for that. Most people who stay abroad do so because their host country offers them a higher social position than their home society does, mostly due to easier competition with locals, more abundant resources, more room for development, etc.
Most people who stay abroad do so because their host country offers them a higher social position than their home society does, mostly due to easier competition with locals, more abundant resources, more room for development, etc.
Yes, that's the idea and it translates to greater enjoyment of life, for better or worse.

If you are successful in America it's one of the weirdest times to be in, weirdly in some fashion, in history. Why do I say that? You could have figured out the system, had talents, got lucky, whatever and made it high up in the most competitive market with the world reserve currency, but you're not actually valued in a traditional sense given that achievement. At all.

People don't think this is true but there are a lot (not a great % but a high absolute number) of men who are 6-6-6 (always funny how that worked out to be that number lol) or near that have no shot at a woman who is even remotely close to his objective value unless he pays for it. Sorry, callz'em as I seez'em
Yes, that's the idea and it translates to greater enjoyment of life, for better or worse.

If you are successful in America it's one of the weirdest times to be in, weirdly in some fashion, in history. Why do I say that? You could have figured out the system, had talents, got lucky, whatever and made it high up in the most competitive market with the world reserve currency, but you're not actually valued in a traditional sense given that achievement. At all.

People don't think this is true but there are a lot (not a great % but a high absolute number) of men who are 6-6-6 (always funny how that worked out to be that number lol) or near that have no shot at a woman who is even remotely close to his objective value unless he pays for it. Sorry, callz'em as I seez'em

I fall into this category except for the expat thing. And like most of us from the old RVF days, getting women was never the issue. And as things progressed into where we find ourselves now, we found it harder to find western woman who would be a good long term wife and mother. This was me, and I wrote about it a lot on the old forum, especially around the time I was deciding which woman I was going to spend the rest of my life with. And in the end it wasn't the Canadian or Swedish women, it was my wife who is from Japan originally.

Of course Japanese women are not without their faults, but there seem to be far less issues than what many western men have to deal with. My own case is even more different as I had training in how to select women better than most guys out there. RVF long time members have PHD's in this and if they do decide to settle down, I would imagine their relationships to be quite strong (if they can overcome the negatives to long term player life). Western women are on a trajectory against western men, and for the near future its going to get much worse.

As a father, I am starting to see a future of arranged marriages again. Other fathers I mention this to are also surprisingly open to this idea. Mothers, not so much (but Japanese mothers are). As typical western women continue down their radical path, western men will push back and isolate to their islands of sanity. Our instinct of self preservation is too strong, which in time will attract sanity again.
As a father, I am starting to see a future of arranged marriages again. Other fathers I mention this to are also surprisingly open to this idea. Mothers, not so much (but Japanese mothers are). As typical western women continue down their radical path, western men will push back and isolate to their islands of sanity. Our instinct of self preservation is too strong, which in time will attract sanity again.
I think this will happen as well, just not soon enough. It seems that asians are also just generally more feminine all the way around, which is a racial reality as they don't have as much dimorphism, so that is a part you leave out that if you are also fairly high value as a european looking man, you'll be exponentially more attractive to an asian woman and that also keeps her in line to a great degree that's just not the case with euro descendant girls. The only price you pay in my view is the kids not looking (as much) like you, which is a sticking point for some, but not others.
Mothers, not so much
Yeah, my mother, who is conservative and Christian, does not like the thought of arranged marriages.

Instead of viewing it as a communal effort of vetting, support, direction etc she views it as men controlling women, stifling freedom, patriarchal inequality etc.

I tried to explain it to her that arranged marriages are part of Christian ethics and traditonal societal structure but it's like talking to a brick wall. She just gets mad.

I've realized this topic is a major trigger for my mother and sisters. It's weird. If I explained this stuff to our average Filipina woman she would totally be on board with me.
(Japanese elementary school lunch, made under the guidance of a nutritionist, with the help of the students, and sourced through local farmers)
But American schools are so much better! What about a square of soggy Sysco pizza (It's got all the food groups!), some soggy seed oil fries (Heinz ketchup packets for extra veggies!), a dried up chocolate chip cookie from Nestle, and a low fat chocolate milk? So good! There's the option to upgrade to Coca Cola and M&M products if you're still hungry and can afford that luxury. If you're a kid and have trouble focusing in class, just get some Adderall. Yummy!