Relationship with God

Giordano Bruno

Oriental Orthodox
I've been praying every morning and night from Psalms for four years straight now, and I've come to an epiphany.

I feel like repeating the exact same prayers, word for word, when I haven't even learned to memorise them somehow, is a bit pointless. It's like I'm a drone or machine instead of a Servant to Christ.

I've prayed for guidance, and I think it would be better for me to try and read different parts of the Bible instead. To actually try and learn instead of blindly reading the exact same chapters over and over again like a broken record.

I think I liked when I heard the prayers Kanye West shared with Alex Jones. They sounded full of spirit and vigour.

To some degree, I'd like to admit that praying every day was serving my pride not God. I took pride in not missing a single day no matter how tired I was, or if I was being called by someone, or was running late for work. I always tried to pray as soon as I got up, and right before I got in bed to sleep.

It was a chore, not a real prayer, and that's something I want to apologise for. So forgive me, and let me move forward with faith and humility instead of crumbling with the rust of pride.

Christ is King. Amen.
There is nothing wrong with repeating the Psalms over and over again. They were written for that very reason. But as you say, it must come from true faith and humility or it misses the mark. There is a way to read them pridefully, but there is also a way to read them faithfully by putting all our trust and hope in God. At least with your practice, you have developed discipline in prayer that you can carry forth with you now.

Regardless, the time spent in prayer does not matter as much as the intent. A minute of prayer that comes straight from the heart is better than hours of vain repetitions.
I often fall into the trap of thinking that prayer is something I am doing for God. That He is somehow appeased by it and so "I better do my prayers, I suppose" becomes the prevailing attitude.

One thing that helps me is to take some time to connect with what I'm actually doing and to realise that God doesn't need my prayers. I need God, and for that reason I need prayer. Also a reflection that this could be one's very last day, or even one's very last moment in this life to connect with God. When I am properly tuned in with the purpose of prayer I find that it is much more sincere and less automatic and dry.
The two great commandments:

1. Love God and 2. Love thy Neighbor.

Prayer falls under the first commandment. It's to show your love for God. The problem is that most people use prayer to beg for things, in reality it's where you should be giving the same love God gives to you, back to Him, His Son, and His Spirit.
I almost never ask for anything in prayer. I prefer to just pray for forgiveness, give thanks, and ask for blessings and safety for others. I don't put much effort into "creating" elaborate prayers. Being Orthodox, I follow traditional prayers passed down to us through the Saints and Church Fathers, and only add on personal things at the end. Sometimes I wonder if I'm wrong for not asking for things. Ask and it shall be given unto you, and so on. Honestly though...WHAT do I really need?
I've been praying every morning and night from Psalms for four years straight now, and I've come to an epiphany.

I feel like repeating the exact same prayers, word for word, when I haven't even learned to memorise them somehow, is a bit pointless. It's like I'm a drone or machine instead of a Servant to Christ.

I've prayed for guidance, and I think it would be better for me to try and read different parts of the Bible instead. To actually try and learn instead of blindly reading the exact same chapters over and over again like a broken record.

I think I liked when I heard the prayers Kanye West shared with Alex Jones. They sounded full of spirit and vigour.

To some degree, I'd like to admit that praying every day was serving my pride not God. I took pride in not missing a single day no matter how tired I was, or if I was being called by someone, or was running late for work. I always tried to pray as soon as I got up, and right before I got in bed to sleep.

It was a chore, not a real prayer, and that's something I want to apologise for. So forgive me, and let me move forward with faith and humility instead of crumbling with the rust of pride.

Christ is King. Amen.
The written prayers we read out loud and repeat are like a warm up, they help get your heart and mind in the right place, it calms the thoughts if we actually listen to the words we saying, helps us to focus, you can also add your own words later at the end of the prayers before closing?

Iv also noticed that my prayers tend to be better if I have pain or sadness in my heart it makes my prayers more focussed as I lay my heart out to God, the sweetness at the end is better.
I almost never ask for anything in prayer. I prefer to just pray for forgiveness, give thanks, and ask for blessings and safety for others. I don't put much effort into "creating" elaborate prayers. Being Orthodox, I follow traditional prayers passed down to us through the Saints and Church Fathers, and only add on personal things at the end. Sometimes I wonder if I'm wrong for not asking for things. Ask and it shall be given unto you, and so on. Honestly though...WHAT do I really need?
My priest told me to always ask God for help when you're trying to practice the virtues. You feel your faith slipping? Ask God to strengthen it. You have trouble loving God at all times? Ask God to grant you that love. You constantly fall into lustful sins? Ask God to help you resist and stay chaste. You want $1 million, you want to be more popular, you want more status? Probably not the best things to ask for.
Guys, I had a dream/nightmare about the devil last night.

The first part was weird. In the dream, I was talking to Elon Musk because I was living in a high rise apartment opposite from his. He came over, had a chat and a laugh, then left in his Tesla car.

But then, I just felt this snarling, demonic presence over me. In the dream, I was incapacitated. Just lying down and couldn't move. This wretched, grotesque creature was making guttural noises on top of me.

In that moment, I tried to speak. Eventually, I let out "Wh...wh..who...who...WHO ARE YOU?!"

Ended up shouting that very loudly as I woke up at around 2.30am- probably woke my neighbors up.

It was so vivid and lifelike, I have no doubt that this was something real - a real, demonic force trying to reach me, trying to pull me down.

I've not been taking Christianity seriously in recent times. In fact, I rejected my neighbor's offer to go to Church with him yesterday.

I have, however, been more disciplined in my life, letting go or lessening a lot of the vices that have plagued me for a long time. Starting to understand the gravity of the situation in the world, and trying to prepare.

Upon waking from the nightmare, I immediately started reciting the Jesus Prayer multiple times. I knew I had messed up by turning my back on God the last few months.

Now I understand when I hear Christians say that the devil afflicts them when they least expect it. I never experienced that, but now I know. It was a clear sign that the devil does exist in this world.

It was extremely frightening. I was afraid of going back to sleep because of the possibility that 'It' would visit me again.

A lot to think about.
Guys, I had a dream/nightmare about the devil last night.

The first part was weird. In the dream, I was talking to Elon Musk because I was living in a high rise apartment opposite from his. He came over, had a chat and a laugh, then left in his Tesla car.

But then, I just felt this snarling, demonic presence over me. In the dream, I was incapacitated. Just lying down and couldn't move. This wretched, grotesque creature was making guttural noises on top of me.

In that moment, I tried to speak. Eventually, I let out "Wh...wh..who...who...WHO ARE YOU?!"

Ended up shouting that very loudly as I woke up at around 2.30am- probably woke my neighbors up.

It was so vivid and lifelike, I have no doubt that this was something real - a real, demonic force trying to reach me, trying to pull me down.

I've not been taking Christianity seriously in recent times. In fact, I rejected my neighbor's offer to go to Church with him yesterday.

I have, however, been more disciplined in my life, letting go or lessening a lot of the vices that have plagued me for a long time. Starting to understand the gravity of the situation in the world, and trying to prepare.

Upon waking from the nightmare, I immediately started reciting the Jesus Prayer multiple times. I knew I had messed up by turning my back on God the last few months.

Now I understand when I hear Christians say that the devil afflicts them when they least expect it. I never experienced that, but now I know. It was a clear sign that the devil does exist in this world.

It was extremely frightening. I was afraid of going back to sleep because of the possibility that 'It' would visit me again.

A lot to think about.

When we drift away from God, His sacraments, and Love for our Neighbors, it invites demons into our souls and there's nothing God can do to stop this unless you repent and ask for help.

You're not the first person whose described such an experience, and it is always interesting to see those who manage to see demonic influence. You are still blessed to be able to recognize it.

However, your post seems off-topic in the armageddon thread. (obviously you did not intend) I will move this...