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Rap/Hip-Hop was a Psyop from beginning


Rap/Hip-Hop was a psyop from the very beginning. The original hip-hop movement was a natural rhythmic movement that formed when southern blacks moved up north during the 60s & 70s. It didn't take long for the "investors" to get involved and take it over. It took 10 years for rap move past only black circles and now it's the most popular genre ever.

As the years went by, rap became more and more violent, sexualized and hateful. I had a co-worker who played some modern rap on the drive and I found myself getting angry over the music.

https://stljewishlight.org/news/wor... Boys have,famous decorator and art collector.

Do you think the baseball cap especially when worn the wrong way around is one of the symbols of this psyop.
If it was, it worked!
Many a more intelligent person than me has explored the links between the rise of jewish-produced gangster rap and the invention of the private, for-profit prison system (with majority jewish shareholders).
From Plantations they ran generally to the "Big House" today.

That's an interesting history of Race Relations between Fake Joos and Sub Saharan Africans here in America.

Not too mention the Section 8 housing scam and Dissolution of Ethnic White Enclaves...and all the wholo time never losing your status as helper of the Downtrodden.


Yeah...Hip Hop as an interesting genre died long ago....as I was listening to a Generally Alternative Music Podcast from the around '89 or early 90s. And their was stint of Hip Hop from Nenah Cheri, Soul II Soul, Digatable Planets I believe that was at least tolerable and groovy for lack of a better description. 2 Live Crew pretty much ecapsulated the whole Thug Life Bad *** Brotha over 30 years ago. Kinda old at this point. I'm Hard and Tough, Thug life forever, but evidently ghey? Wtf?

Can I have another Legitimate Alternative Music British invasion with some Regional American Alternative Bands like the 70s 80s and 90s again? At least make the Marxist Propaganda Interesting and clever once more. Lol...
Default Hip Hop for the kids now is quite depressing and truly mindnumbing.
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