Public Figures - Jeffrey Sachs

Rax Moscow

I'm trying to post this in the Public Figures forum.. not sure it worked.

Jeffrey Sachs is one of the lone public American voices on the side of good. I have great respect for him, but I didn't realize until recently how much of an entrenched establishment elitist he was. Ron Unz has done a couple of great articles on Sachs.

It appears that he just organically discovered some red pill truths, and from there began questioning everything. Which begs the question, why do no other intelligent minds join him? The majority probably do not know or care the truth, but in the elite groups, there are certainly those that know. Why do they remain silent?

Sachs was really the first and only major public voice saying it was the US that destroyed the Nordstream pipeline, has been heavily critical of the US role in the Covid-19 plandemic, very critical of NATO instigating war in the Ukraine, opposed to the genocide in Gaza, critical of the US needlessly starting hostilities and provocations with China, and respects Vladimir Putin. He is also unafraid to speak truth when directly questioned by powerful establishment figures, or in mainstream media interviews.

Here is a clip of him being yanked off a live Bloomberg interview when he starts getting a little too "truthy" about how everyone knows the US committed terrorist acts in destroying the Nordstream pipelines, and is provoking war with China at the same time.

He chaired a COVID-19 commission for Lancet, probably the top medical journal in the world, and concluded it was a bioweapon created by America to terrorize primarily the Chinese.

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs says he is “pretty convinced [COVID-19] came out of US lab biotechnology” and warns that there is dangerous virus research taking place without public oversight.

In fact, he even calls on the USA to make reparations to the world for purposefully doing terrorism:

The US government (USG) funded and supported a program of dangerous laboratory research that may have resulted in the creation and accidental laboratory release of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that caused the Covid-19 pandemic. Following the outbreak, the USG lied in order to cover up its possible role. The US Government should correct the lies, find the facts, and make amends with the rest of the world.

And here are a few quotes from the Unz interview (Ron Unz and Sachs both come from Jewish families btw):

Until just a few months ago, I doubt there were many American academics more solidly situated in the topmost ranks of our elite mainstream establishment than Prof. Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University.

In 1983 he gained Harvard University tenure at the remarkably young age of 28, then spent the next 19 years as a professor at that august academic institution; by the early 1990s the New York Times was already hailing him as the world’s most important figure in his field. Lured to Columbia University in 2002, he has spent the last couple of decades teaching there and also directing a couple of its research organizations, most recently the Center for Sustainable Development. TIME Magazine has twice ranked him among the world’s 100 most influential individuals, and for nearly twenty years he served as Special Advisor to several Secretary-Generals of the United Nations

Hard to get much more establishment elite than that.

Having publicly broken ranks with the political establishment over Covid, he soon began doing the same on other important issues. During July and August he published a couple of opinion columns condemning our reckless policies towards Russia and China

Over the last year, Sachs has become a regular weekly interview guest on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s video podcast, and one of his leading concerns has been our country’s disastrously aggressive foreign policy following the end of the Cold War. He has frequently complained that America no longer does diplomacy, but merely overthrows governments around the world that refuse to follow its dictates, noting that academic scholars have compiled lists containing many dozens of such successful or attempted CIA coups. Our government’s 2014 overthrow of Ukraine’s neutralist and democratically-elected government was one of the most important of these since it ultimately led to the outbreak of the war with Russia in 2022, a conflict that has cost many hundreds of thousands of lives and now threatens to draw in NATO forces, taking us to the brink of World War III.

Sachs appears to be going down the JFK rabbit hole now. It's not hard to conclude that a coup de etat occured in 1963 and that lead directly to the evil and degenerate society that we have today.

I often lament that we have no heros today. I am amending that statement. Jeffrey Sachs, you are a true hero and patriot, and a role model for us all.
Yeah, I was awfully upset at him in 2020 as he seemed to be a part of the "Great Reset" and rigging effort against Trump. He has hung around Pope Francis and been invited to support all the latest "reforms" in the Catholic Church. Obviously we can all change our minds and make different decisions through life. It is great if he is doing so. Here is the clip I was thinking of, it should start about where he talks about Trump:

I'm curious what he has said recently about Trump, in particular, and what he's been up to at the Vatican.
Sachs has been a breath of fresh air. A leftie jew that gets it and is candid in his thoughts (unless he's doing 4D chess on me somehow). Problem is, when I've sent his videos to a couple normie "russia bad" friends, they shut down. NPC brain just does not process such input. Really makes me wonder if a given person's politics is genetically coded/pre-disposed.
I'm trying to post this in the Public Figures forum.. not sure it worked.

Jeffrey Sachs is one of the lone public American voices on the side of good. I have great respect for him, but I didn't realize until recently how much of an entrenched establishment elitist he was. Ron Unz has done a couple of great articles on Sachs.

It appears that he just organically discovered some red pill truths, and from there began questioning everything. Which begs the question, why do no other intelligent minds join him? The majority probably do not know or care the truth, but in the elite groups, there are certainly those that know. Why do they remain silent?

Sachs was really the first and only major public voice saying it was the US that destroyed the Nordstream pipeline, has been heavily critical of the US role in the Covid-19 plandemic, very critical of NATO instigating war in the Ukraine, opposed to the genocide in Gaza, critical of the US needlessly starting hostilities and provocations with China, and respects Vladimir Putin. He is also unafraid to speak truth when directly questioned by powerful establishment figures, or in mainstream media interviews.

Here is a clip of him being yanked off a live Bloomberg interview when he starts getting a little too "truthy" about how everyone knows the US committed terrorist acts in destroying the Nordstream pipelines, and is provoking war with China at the same time.

He chaired a COVID-19 commission for Lancet, probably the top medical journal in the world, and concluded it was a bioweapon created by America to terrorize primarily the Chinese.

In fact, he even calls on the USA to make reparations to the world for purposefully doing terrorism:

And here are a few quotes from the Unz interview (Ron Unz and Sachs both come from Jewish families btw):

Hard to get much more establishment elite than that.

Sachs appears to be going down the JFK rabbit hole now. It's not hard to conclude that a coup de etat occured in 1963 and that lead directly to the evil and degenerate society that we have today.

I often lament that we have no heros today. I am amending that statement. Jeffrey Sachs, you are a true hero and patriot, and a role model for us all.

Wasn't he involved in splitting up the Ukraine and other Post Soviet countries post USSR collapse???
Sachs appears to be a Talmud who suddenly discovers his conscience and soul later in life. Someone should bring him into a real Church, it appears a real conversion is possible.

Jews like him are part of the "Shtetl of Mettle."