Predictions for 2024

I predicted Aliens for the 2023 predictions thread, and while there has been an unprecedented level of fake buzz about aliens from the lying government, my prediction was only for actual alien beings arriving publicly on Earth. That did not happen.

I will go much smaller this time, and predict that skirts will get longer in 2024.
Just another year to pray to God everyday that we stay alive and keep exposing the lies of the jews, satanists, neo-liberals, luciferian medical murderers, shabbos goys in politics, and sellouts and traitors in church offices.

There will definitely be more of the same, more wide-encompassing violence that will escalate like a mathematical formula based on proximity, racial demographics in an area, population density in that area, price of goods in that area, availability of said goods, and whatever brainwashing white-genocide current of the day is being broadcast from the enemies in national mainstream media.

I do predict more figures on the dissident side will be exposed as feds, agents of the state, paid actors, or purposefully disinformation agents. All the normies hopes in these people to lead them to some kind of revolution against the jewish oppressors will be utterly slashed and demoralized that they will seek God out, and only then can real progress be made, when throngs of people find God together and realize that they must be willing to give up everything, including their blood and life if it calls for it, to break free of this slave system.
I predict the Globalists will cause multiple blackouts in various US cities...and I pray that I am not here when it happens.
The juice hire blacks for these positions and it turns out that magically causes water outages and major blackouts in places like South Africa and Mississippi.

Almost burned my computer one time because a guy was "fixing" the energy by turning it on and off again every 5 minutes for 4 HOURS. No warning no nothing.
Just going to go counterintuitive on the 2024 odds here, but I say nothing crazy happens except the usual inflation, the tanking of Bitcoin, and the occasional "mass shooting" or "terror" attack. There will be no financial collapse, asset confiscation, digital ID, alien invasion, or insurrection after Trump gets locked up and/or loses the 2024 election.

I've been bored as of late so I'm kind of bummed that nothing out of the new ordinary will happen in 2024 and that I won't get a chance to test out my newly acquired Red Dawn skills... Oh well, fingers crossed for 2025.
Some easy predictions based on already existing trends:
- The U.S. continues to allow in 3-5 million illegals like every year since Dementia Joe took power
- $2-5 trillion dollar deficit spending like every year since Dementia Joe took power, plus multiple years under Orange Man
- AI censorship of dissidents will continue to get worse.
- The Russia/Ukraine war will *continue* either in a hot or cold form as a way to continue to rape the American taxpayer.

Some possibilities include:
- U.S. unleashing Cyber Polygon as a false flag attack by Iran in order to ban dissidents from the internet and steal their money
- Escalation of war with Iran
- Banning Orange Man from the ballot in order to trigger a white Christian rebellion in order for globohomo to crush it
- Rigging the election against Orange Man like 2020 or against the Republicans in 2022
- Smaller odds: Letting Orange Man win 2024 and then crush the economy and leave Orange Man with the smoldering ruins

The biggest and easiest prediction though is: our quality of life will continue to get worse, just as it has for every year for decades, despite the performance of the stock market (which can be inflated forever by the Federal Reserve printing loldollars and shoving it into the market).
Something which is more of a logical certainty than a prediction is that by the end of 2024 there will be fewer Boomers alive than they are now which means fewer legacy voters for everything woke. There will also be fewer holocaust survivors but that won't change much, as even the heirs of holocaust survivors receive payouts in some places.

Another thing which is fairly obvious is that there will be fireworks around the US election in one form or another.
I agree with @MrRedsquare - I've been thinking there will be a 9/11-style terror attack in either the US or Europe for a wee while. It will probably be blamed on Islamists, as it will likely galvanise support for the Israelis, particularly if it can be somehow linked to Hamas, Hezbollah or directly to Iran.

I think the economic situation will continue to get worse, as will the refugee crisis in both Europe and America. It's all designed to create social unrest and mutual resentment. When it does finally reach a crescendo, the 'solution' will be an Orwellian dictatorship, but I think that's a good few years away.
Just going to go counterintuitive on the 2024 odds here, but I say nothing crazy happens except the usual inflation, the tanking of Bitcoin, and the occasional "mass shooting" or "terror" attack. There will be no financial collapse, asset confiscation, digital ID, alien invasion, or insurrection after Trump gets locked up and/or loses the 2024 election.

This is my assessment as well. This was pretty much my take in the RVF 2023 Predictions thread and it was more or less correct. Sure there were unanticipated things that happened - like the Israel-Hamas conflict - but it wasn't stuff that anybody really saw coming. I've been reading doom and gloom about how the poo will hit the fan and civilization will collapse any moment now since 2008 and it's no closer now than it was then. Rather, we've just experienced a slow descent into a dystopian hellscape through incremental social, economic, and cultural degradation, and I expect that to continue, at least through 2030 or so.

Instead of being families of cool freedom fighters shooting at the feds from our lifted Suburbans in a 4GW post-apocalyptic conflict, we're financially squeezed and trying to figure out how to keep our kids from having their minds warped by social media degeneracy and public schooling malfeasance. It's low-key miserable, just not bad enough that any sort of actual organized resistance beyond grumbling on the internet ever emerges. Which is exactly how they keep their power, keep the peons just comfortable enough that that don't do anything crazy.
This is my assessment as well. This was pretty much my take in the RVF 2023 Predictions thread and it was more or less correct. Sure there were unanticipated things that happened - like the Israel-Hamas conflict - but it wasn't stuff that anybody really saw coming. I've been reading doom and gloom about how the poo will hit the fan and civilization will collapse any moment now since 2008 and it's no closer now than it was then. Rather, we've just experienced a slow descent into a dystopian hellscape through incremental social, economic, and cultural degradation, and I expect that to continue, at least through 2030 or so.

Instead of being families of cool freedom fighters shooting at the feds from our lifted Suburbans in a 4GW post-apocalyptic conflict, we're financially squeezed and trying to figure out how to keep our kids from having their minds warped by social media degeneracy and public schooling malfeasance. It's low-key miserable, just not bad enough that any sort of actual organized resistance beyond grumbling on the internet ever emerges. Which is exactly how they keep their power, keep the peons just comfortable enough that that don't do anything crazy.
Agreed - the screw will be tightened, via all manner of low level, on the face of it innocuous, moves. I noticed that special offers in J Sainsbury, where I do the bulk of my shop, are increasingly cardholder only. I refuse to be swayed but many will be, giving TPTB a little more insight into our lives. 30 years back, I wouldn't have been bothered but, since covid, my levels of distrust have gone through the roof.
2024 is going to be better than 2023.
And worse than 2020.

Basic psychology. You can't just inflict ever increasing levels of pain to your victim. Sometimes you need to crank it down from a 6 to a 3 to make your victim think they are experiencing a pleasant feeling.

We are already seeing some slight pushback against the tranny stuff ( in the UK there is some minor pushback against indoctrinating elementary school kids) and US immigrants (asylum requests are going to be curtailed), and they will give us a new leader (almost assuredly from the OTHER party, which is TOTALLY DIFFERENT and doesn't at ALL believe in the same things as the current party), to make people breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, the entire point of that relaxing is so that we will be vulnerable for their next move so 2030 is going to be awful. As I recall that is when the US officially becomes a majority nonwhite country.

But expect some more meaningless victories like surgical abortion is now outlawed in some states (despite doing nothing about pharmaceutical abortion which is what everyone switched to a decade ago other than extremely low time preference urban welfare queens), or laws banning tranny surgery for 9 year olds (which actually legally affirms trannyism as a real thing and is self contradictory because if trannyism was real, it should be done as young as possible to avoid psychological and physical problems).

But basically the plan is to make things better than this year but much worse than a decade ago, while giving us some token small "freedom" we used to take for granted to appease us. Maybe we will even get to take water on airplanes again or something radical.