

Starting this as a compendium of knowledge for Powerlifting and different methods to gain strength.

Intent is for this thread is to will include discussion on different methods, exercises, equipment, and even an honest discussion about PEDs use in the sport.

I'll start with some references on Conjugate Training:

Louie Simmons on Bench improvement:

I do not do powerlifting, but I will sometimes take a lift and run a cycle for strength peaking. I know that powerlifters are more well versed in how to plan to be as strong as possible at the three lifts at a particular point in time.

Do you have any recommendations for programs that have worked well for you?

In the past, I would do for example pullups. For at least 6 weeks I would do a cycle of three to five sets to failure a few times a week to build mass and rep strength. Then for six weeks I would steadily add weight and drop volume, peaking to a max single. Afterwards, deload program, usually going back to reps or perhaps just like 6 sets of close to failure and maintain that exact rep set scheme for 6 to 8 weeks.
I do not do powerlifting, but I will sometimes take a lift and run a cycle for strength peaking. I know that powerlifters are more well versed in how to plan to be as strong as possible at the three lifts at a particular point in time.

Do you have any recommendations for programs that have worked well for you?

In the past, I would do for example pullups. For at least 6 weeks I would do a cycle of three to five sets to failure a few times a week to build mass and rep strength. Then for six weeks I would steadily add weight and drop volume, peaking to a max single. Afterwards, deload program, usually going back to reps or perhaps just like 6 sets of close to failure and maintain that exact rep set scheme for 6 to 8 weeks.
Muscle moves weight.

Right now I'm doing a legs push pull split

The idea is 2 heavy/compound exercises and 3 single joint or accessories exercises for assistance/volume:

On legs day it's a heavy squat variation 3-6 sets of 5-10 reps depending on percentages. In general I go for 5x5 and try and add 20 lbs per week and change the bar/exercise every 3 weeks.

Then a deadlift (regular/stiff leg/deficit/sumo) or good morning variation for 3 or 4 sets of 6 - 8, do same as above 3 weeks change and move on

The 3 accessories :
Leg curl hamstring / reverse hyper

You probably don't need to work quads at all as they are generally overbuilt and people have weak hamstrings...that why they always get hurt.

Chest might be:

1)Bench press/military press/incline dumbbell press

2)Close grip bench/dumbbell press diffent angle ect

3 chest fly/ dumbbell press high reps different angle

4 triceps exercise

5 trixeprs exercise

Back might be:

1) deadlift (depending on how smoked by legs are from the leg day, or Bent over row/t bar row/chest supp row

2) cable row different angle

3) shrugs/face pulls/ upright row

4) reverse fly/rear delt cable row/high pull shrug

5 biceps preacher curl/dumbbell curl/ hammer curl

If you want something templated online:

I would do a "powerbuilding" program focused on progressive overload. I do this for a couple of training cycles a year If I'm done with Conjugate Powerlifting style training.

Also fortitude training is a great program for both strength and hypertrophy.

Ben pollack powerbuilding split

If you want to get really sexy with it: try

I had one of my best leg workouts in a long time Saturday. Unfortunately, I have some damage in both knees' meniscus, and I work out at a Planet Fitness, which means no squat rack or bench press.

I warmed up with the Elliptical and 20 and 30 reps of Smith Machine Squats at a light weight.
Smith Machine Stiff Leg Deadlifts 2x15@ 50lbs, 2X15@ 90lbs
Split Squats 4x12 at 25lb DBs

The real workout was when I tried to max out on Goblet Squats:
DB Goblet Squats 7X15 from 40lb DB to 70lb DB, then a final set of 10 at 75lbs, which is the max DB at Planet. I only wonder if I didn't go deep enough.
@Get2choppaaa I use to be into lifting alot. I was never a huge power lifter but I use to enjoy a good session. I want to put out a good announcement to make sure yall are working those lower back muscles continually. I've lifted in alot of circles before and there was always one dude who had low back issues. My wife purchases Dr. MacKenzie books. He has multiple ones about basically every part of the body and the are boons for myself and ensuring I have a proper core muscles for heavy lifting then and now maintaining size with body workouts. I use alot of what I learned in the Marines for my exercise routines as well.

I work out 3 times a week:
Stretch routine (all limbs plus some core stretches)
1/2 Mile run warm up
2x 30 push ups
2x failure pull up sets
2x sit ups usually 50
2x burpies 30
3 mile run/jog
Cool down stretch Routine
If I have the time I incorporate Kettle bell workout to include goblet squats, swings, and Kettle bell presses.
@Get2choppaaa I use to be into lifting alot. I was never a huge power lifter but I use to enjoy a good session. I want to put out a good announcement to make sure yall are working those lower back muscles continually. I've lifted in alot of circles before and there was always one dude who had low back issues. My wife purchases Dr. MacKenzie books. He has multiple ones about basically every part of the body and the are boons for myself and ensuring I have a proper core muscles for heavy lifting then and now maintaining size with body workouts. I use alot of what I learned in the Marines for my exercise routines as well.

I work out 3 times a week:
Stretch routine (all limbs plus some core stretches)
1/2 Mile run warm up
2x 30 push ups
2x failure pull up sets
2x sit ups usually 50
2x burpies 30
3 mile run/jog
Cool down stretch Routine
If I have the time I incorporate Kettle bell workout to include goblet squats, swings, and Kettle bell presses.
That's all GPP (general physical preparedness) oriented work outs. This is basically what CrossFit does 99 percent of the time.

Powerlifting is SPP (specific physical preparedness)

For Powerlifting SPP is anything that improves the Squat, Bench, Deadlift.

GPP for Powerlifting might be: sled drags, reverse hyper extensions for time, box Jumps ECT.

If I'm getting super winded after a set, my GPP sucks and I need to address it.

Low back and core strength are an integral part of Powerlifting.

If my Deadlift or Squat goes below 550, I don't do more deadlifting, I incorporate additional abdominal work and Lower back specific strengthening exercises.

Accessory hypertrophy work is integral to the main lifts development... Even if you're not doing a 1rm.
If my Deadlift or Squat goes below 550, I don't do more deadlifting, I incorporate additional abdominal work and Lower back specific strengthening exercises.

Thoroughly impressed by those weights. I'm thinking I need to get a trainer to truly push myself and get back into lifting like I used to. The highest high I ever got at the gym was trying a short term squatting program from a book, I can't remember which one, might have been Mass Made Simple by Dan John, where one of the last workouts was to do 100 squats at about 95 lbs(different for each individual). My whole body felt good the next day.
Thoroughly impressed by those weights. I'm thinking I need to get a trainer to truly push myself and get back into lifting like I used to. The highest high I ever got at the gym was trying a short term squatting program from a book, I can't remember which one, might have been Mass Made Simple by Dan John, where one of the last workouts was to do 100 squats at about 95 lbs(different for each individual). My whole body felt good the next day.
Thanks, but there intermediate numbers. I'm also around 250 and have good leverages for the sport.

Dan John wrote some interesting articles for T Nation.

He's pretty big on kettle bell swings daily for GPP

Coincidentally, Donnie Thompson used kettle bells between every couple of exercises for GPP.

I have his "fat bells" in 35 and 55 lbs and use those a lot for swings and snatches for reps of 12-25 depending on the movement.
Here's what I did this week for a sample of a Conjugate style 4 day split with some cardio/sled days added. Weight Workouts take about 1 hour 30 mins including warming up...my wife trained with me this week so it was probably closer to 2 hours with the added 30 mins working with her in between sets.

All this is with equipment in my home gym. I've got 7 different bars, about 10 different attachments for cable rows, dumbbells from 10 to 100 lbs, bands and chains, rack, bench with pins, a reverse hyper, and an adjustable rack and box for box squating.

If someone likes this, I'll post next week's complete training at the end of next week's training cycle too.

If there are any questions as to the exercise or why it's done or what the goal is let me know...happy to educate.

Day 1 Max Effort Bench (less volume more intensity)
Close grip bench with 3 chains each side (120 lb chains) Warm up to 225x1, 255x1
back off sets, 185 lbs + 3 chains 3 x 6
JM Press 185 + 2 chains 4 x 6
Cable row 5 sets x 15 reps
Biceps curl / triceps rope press down superset 3 sets each

Day 2
walk 15 mins uphill
155lb yoke carry 400 m walk
Walk 15 min uphill

Day 3 Max Effort Lower
Bow bar straight weight box squat
255x5, 335 x 5, 385 x 5, 435 x 1
Bow bar food morning 255 3 x 6 sets
4 inch deficit stiff leg deadlift 225 x 4 x 8
Rev hyper 5 plates and banded abs (15 reps front/side/side

Day 4 Dynamic Upper (tons of volume)
Bench + choked mini band (100 lbs tension) 185 straight weight 5x5
Chest supported row straight bar 245 x 4 x 6
Weighed pushups 45 lb plate strip set 10,15,20 reps then 10 pushups after each set
Kelso shrugs 245 3x 10
tsunami bar cable rows, 2x45lbs x 3x 20
Biceps curl 30 lb dumbbells fat grip x 4 x 15
Tricep overhead extension fat grip with rope 45 x 4x15

Day 5
Sled drag 60 yards x 10 trips

Day 6 Dynamic Effort Squat
Goal is explosive reps in the 60-75 percent range (following Prelipens Chart)
-Beltless Safety squat Box Squat 235 + blue band ( about 150 lbs tension at top 100 lbs at bottom) 5x5
-Beltless Deadlift 315 x 2 x 5, 335 2 X5 365 1 X 5
-Neck Harness Good cable good morning 3 x 12 (this one really sucks but blows up the entire posterior chain and neck)
Reverse hyper 5 plates 4 x 15
Standing calves 135 + blue x 3 x 20
Hanging Abs 3 x 15