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Poland Politics Thread

Poland has a new, liberal government with Donald Tusk - former President of the European Council - as the Prime Minister.

And with Sikorsky - Ann Applebaum's husband - as the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Hopefully, with PiS' guy still as President, not to mention lots and lots of seats in the parliament still held by PiS, not much progressive legislation will get through. That said, for all the anti-immigant rhetoric of PiS over the past few years, they're responsible for opening the doors to the africans I see out and about in small-town Poland. I can't see much changing - a continuation of neoliberalism on a much smaller scale than Western Europe.

With the exception of abortions, even self-proclaimed 'liberal' Poles aren't liberal by Anglosphere standards. The idea that anyone can be Polish for example is not even a concept.

On a positive note, at least Konfederacja increased their seats too.
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Take note of the greasy rat in a mafia hat. He's the boss of 'chabbad-lubavitz', a synagogue of satan in Poland. It's de facto chief rabbi steering the country's ministers. Poland is without a shadow of a doubt a ZOG controlled state. The whole club bragging, out in the open.

For those who can deal in Polish or other slavic language here's a neat explanation by none other than an Orthodox jew who understands this clearly unlike stupid goys who think that democracy works.
