Osama bin Laden's Letter to America Is Going Viral


Here is a cache to the original article from 21 years ago.

He’s right about the USA doing the bidding of Israel and the rest is just theocratic. I’m still convinced Israel and the jews are behind the 9/11 attack but bin Laden is just saying what he thinks

What strikes me as odd is that every site(news sites, social media) is making an effort to block the article /letter and say any effort to talk about it is aiding terrorists

Has anybody here watched the original Borat film? I saw it in the cinema and I remember a part in which Borat mentions the Jews possibly repeating their attack of 9-11. Even though Sacha Baron Cohen is a foul-mouthed scoffer and mocker who hates Our Lord Jesus Christ, who wanted to portray Christians in a bad way, I remember his film red-pilling so many normies that I knew at the time...OHHHHH, the irony ✝️☦️

Galatians 6:7 (KJV) "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."
The guy made a screed about how much he hates Jews and Americans, right after buildings blew up in NYC aka miniature Israel. I'm struggling to see how the JQ is the answer to all questions, especially 9/11.

He’s right about the USA doing the bidding of Israel and the rest is just theocratic. I’m still convinced Israel and the jews are behind the 9/11 attack but bin Laden is just saying what he thinks

It's more than that. From the Muslims perspective they really did manage to get onboard a plane and fly them into the Twin Towers. In reality Mossad was guiding along the flight systems once the planes were hijacked. The Muslims were trained by learning how to use the automated flight system. The Muslims were most likely told to tune into a certain frequencies or computer code, which Mossad had setup for them ahead of time.

From the Muslims perspective they did everything, and that is exactly what the chews wanted them to perceive.
I heard apparently this was getting passed around a lot on TikTok with lots of "normie" girls posting about it. Can't wait to see the ride shift more when it comes to the Israel question. If even sooner TikTok girls who are the most progressive group out there are getting clued in, it'll be harder for people to just dismiss the whole issue as just being a 'extremist right wing conspiracy theory '.
Here is a cache to the original article from 21 years ago.

He’s right about the USA doing the bidding of Israel and the rest is just theocratic. I’m still convinced Israel and the jews are behind the 9/11 attack but bin Laden is just saying what he thinks

What strikes me as odd is that every site(news sites, social media) is making an effort to block the article /letter and say any effort to talk about it is aiding terrorists

Pretty solid letter outside of things like the jihad rhetoric, the comment about America being only set up for white people (Not sure how he could make this dumb of a take based on his insights about jews and not make the poisonous melting pot link), and other stuff that didn't really seem accurate.

Ultimately it shines a light on America many times being the bad guys, our festering culture/morals, hypocrisy, etc. The stuff about the jews controlling us is spot on.
Keep in mind that when he says Muslims, not Jews, are the real inheritors of the Torah that has not been changed; he is including the Christian Old Testament as something that has been changed.
Boo hoo, us poor oppressed Muslims being kept down by the man. These people are far from innocent but will never take responsibility for their part in anything. Like it or not Israel is staying.

Jordan and the rest of the neighboring countries have to take it upon themselves to create a place for Palestinians. They are the other side of the wall that won't take in refugees and is a road block to any real solution here.

Tha Abraham Accords were an opportunity for peace that was abandoned nonsensicaly by the Washington power structure that wants war everywhere for a variety of reasons.

If leftist Jews undermining the West had any sense they should realize that the Frankenstien they've created is now coming for them. Plenty of blame to go around for where we're at now.
It seems like he’s more angry about US and Israel’s secular puppet governments in the Middle East than anything else. Think Jordan and pre Arab Spring Egypt. After reading the letter Bin Laden could be summed up as “I want a theocracy and they’re not letting me set it up.”

I get how someone could be butthurt if they’re a giant Islamist and the US keeps claiming to be a bastion of values and morality. We the good guys bruh. He died in what, 2011? If he thinks we were immoral in the 90s what if he could see 2023!?
If leftist Jews undermining the West had any sense they should realize that the Frankenstien they've created is now coming for them. Plenty of blame to go around for where we're at now.
The Jizyah might be cheaper than the stupid high cost of living we’ve been experiencing, planned obsolescence costs, and the quality of life losses over the last 10 years - just saying.
I'm willing to bet that the majority of that 99% didn't know the letter existed until just a few days ago, and that includes myself.
After being hoodwinked by the official 9/11 narrative and Israel's wars are the West's wars caper, my mental pendulum swung to the Truther movement. I never came across the letter in nearly 20 years viewing conspiracy sites but I came across the picture of bin Laden with Zbigniew Brzezinski when they were opposing the Russians in Afghanistan. Then there was Al Qaeda's (i.e the [CIA] database's) overthrow of Green Libya.

Didn't Canada's CBC report that the only aeroplane that was allowed to leave US airspace after the 9/11 aviation lockdown contained members of the bin Laden family who were visiting the Bush family over oil matters?

Treat this letter as a confession filtered through the CIA.
Boo hoo, us poor oppressed Muslims being kept down by the man. These people are far from innocent but will never take responsibility for their part in anything. Like it or not Israel is staying.

Actually, I'd put money down that Islam takes back Israel by the end of the century, and if Isreal manages to survive then the chews will lose it in century of 2100.

Islam is absolutely relentless, and without America Israel has no chance.