On the (un)necessity of redpill for Christ


Orthodox Inquirer
For many people the path seems to go from redpill, to JQ pill, and ultimately Christpill. From realizing the male/female dynamics, to realizing the hatred of Christians, to realizing the futility of life without the ultimate truth, Jesus Christ.

Even after going down conspiracy theories rabbithole, it all leads to Christ. At the bottom of the rabbithole, of whatever conspiracy you may look into, is worshipping Lucifer. If Jesus was not real, why are these elites so afraid of simply His name and hellbent on worshipping demons that appear in the Christian mythos? You don't see these elites worshipping some mesoamerican spirits or Marvel comics gods. Even if you go down the DMT rabbithole, these machine elves or otherworldy beings seem to be frightened of the name of Jesus.

Most Christian people I personally know are more redpilled on worldly issues than atheists. That being said, I also know redpilled Christians who have been believers since their birth.

That leads to my question, do you think taking the redpill is necessary for ultimately getting to Christpilled?
Personally I think the redpill can only lead to Christ, anything else is just coping. But does one have to experience the solitude and ultimate meaningless of life induced by redpills to ultimately find Christ?
There are Christians who got saved from a very early age. Even then, there will always be soul searching.

Jesus Christ is the true red pill, He is the Truth.

There is nothing red pilled about athiests, whatever truth they may have is borrowed from the Christian worldview.
It's certainly quite common in this day and age with the internet. I personally went from baptized too young(and aware of that fact), to doubting, to agnostic, to yoga and being a hippie in general, to tentatively reading my Bible again, to Christ. I found the red pill somewhere along the way, but that was only one small part of the larger journey described in the last sentence.

Books were more formative in bringing me back to Christ- especially Mere Christianity.
I don't think the red pill is necessary to find Christ. There are plenty of blue pill Average Frustrated Chumps (AFCs) that are true Christians.

As you can probably tell by my choice of words, I think the red pill contains information that is also useful to men, in addition to the gospel. Some may try to say the gospel is all you need, but that's not practical. There are lots of practical things we need to know in life. The gospel is essential for salvation. However, once you are saved, it's also pretty useful to be able to understand women's behavior and know how to handle it.

Blue pill AFCs have a lot of wrong headed ideas that cause them lots of headaches and relationship failures. These failures don't just hurt these men, they hurt the wives or potential wives. They hurt the children involved. These guys need the red pill!
Some may try to say the gospel is all you need, but that's not practical. There are lots of practical things we need to know in life. The gospel is essential for salvation.
I once was talking philosophy with an agnostic friend. The conversation did him no good as he ended by saying he only cares about "what is practical." My response to him was that without the Gospel he cannot define what "practical" even means.

Christ is Lord over all. Everything in life must be understood in the light of His Lordship. This includes dating and all other tertiary topics. The Gospel is not one category in life that we must deal with but rather, it is the category that defines all other categories. It's Christ or Chaos.
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For many people the path seems to go from redpill, to JQ pill, and ultimately Christpill. From realizing the male/female dynamics, to realizing the hatred of Christians, to realizing the futility of life without the ultimate truth, Jesus Christ.

Even after going down conspiracy theories rabbithole, it all leads to Christ. At the bottom of the rabbithole, of whatever conspiracy you may look into, is worshipping Lucifer. If Jesus was not real, why are these elites so afraid of simply His name and hellbent on worshipping demons that appear in the Christian mythos? You don't see these elites worshipping some mesoamerican spirits or Marvel comics gods. Even if you go down the DMT rabbithole, these machine elves or otherworldy beings seem to be frightened of the name of Jesus.

Most Christian people I personally know are more redpilled on worldly issues than atheists. That being said, I also know redpilled Christians who have been believers since their birth.

That leads to my question, do you think taking the redpill is necessary for ultimately getting to Christpilled?
Personally I think the redpill can only lead to Christ, anything else is just coping. But does one have to experience the solitude and ultimate meaningless of life induced by redpills to ultimately find Christ?
I'll use the term "Red Pill" to mean aware of true male/female dynamics and also capable of influencing them, as well as the same in the political realm.

In that sense it is not necessary in any way to be "redpilled" in order to come to Christ.

However, accepting Christ as your savior won't do much to help you in dating/marriage, nor in culture/politics. I've known lots of devout Christians who were essentially blue-pilled men when it came to women and politics. Now when I say this, people are inclined to think of the extreme worst case (cuck, beta weakling, something gross). That's not what I mean. It just means they were naive and/or dismissive and/or lazy about the depth of these other topics.

So I'd say that Christ-Pill doesn't necessary lead to Red Pill, and it's also not necessary to be redpilled beforehand. But to your original point I agree that -- taken to its extreme conclusion -- Red Pill would lead the honest inquirer eventually to Christ Pill. It may be why the powers that be are so intent on stomping out any red pill content no matter how benign or even libertine/wasteful. Because men who can somewhat master their own will and bend the will of others (especially females) as a result of observing universal truths are not going to stop at just getting a raise and getting laid.

At any rate, it's just one path.

Edit: I now see that @Thomas More already said what I said but in a much pithier way.
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I once was talking philosophy with an agnostic friend. The conversation did him no good as he ended by saying he only cares about "what is practical." My response to him was that without the Gospel he cannot define what "practical" even means.

Christ is Lord over all. Everything in life must be understood in the light of His Lordship. This includes dating and all other tertiary topics. The Gospel is not one category in life that we must deal with but rather, it is the category that defines all other categories. It's Christ or Chaos.
To answer your first point, once you know the Truth, it is highly impractical to defy God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. However, once you have that straight, it's not like you have no more need for other practical knowledge.

Knowing what is Godly in and of itself does not provide practical knowledge in areas where it is needed. Such knowledge needs to be taught and learned. Whether it is knowing how to gap a spark plug, or knowing how to handle a woman's fitness test, there are important practical skills that are separate from a knowledge of God. Practical knowledge must be used in Godly ways, but an intention to be Godly does not eliminate a need for practical knowledge, such as the red pill.
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To answer your first point, once you know the Truth, it is highly impractical to defy God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. However, once you have that straight, it's not like you have no more need for other practical knowledge.

Knowing what is Godly in and of itself does not provide practical knowledge in areas where it is needed. Such knowledge needs to be taught and learned. Whether it is knowing how to gap a spark plug, or knowing how to handle a woman's fitness test, there are important practical skills that are separate from a knowledge of God. Practical knowledge must be used in Godly ways, but an intention to be Godly does not eliminate a need for practical knowledge, such as the red pill.
I make no distinction between what is Godly and what is practical. For me, they are the same thing. If you use practical knowledge to get a better job and provide for your family, then that is a Godly knowledge. If you use ungodly knowledge to sleep around and live for yourself, then that is an unpractical knowledge.
I'm curious about what some of you mean when you talk about the red pill. If I stopped trusting The Daily Wire and Fox News because of the perspectives I heard on RVF, does that mean I got redpilled? Does the redpill represent an awakening about several things at the same time?
I'm curious about what some of you mean when you talk about the red pill. If I stopped trusting The Daily Wire and Fox News because of the perspectives I heard on RVF, does that mean I got redpilled? Does the redpill represent an awakening about several things at the same time?
Good question. I have an idea of what I mean by it, but I need a little more time to write it up. It primarily revolves around the nature of women, and how they relate to men in different ways than the modern narrative would say. There are some secondary points about the fact that the modern narrative is dishonest and destructive in this area, which leads to noticing the same thing in almost everything the modern narrative says.

It is this pathway towards noticing that the modern narrative is a lie that leads many to God, who is the Truth. However, I think many still think of the red pill narrowly as a better understanding of male and female dynamics. Such things as the fact that women are attracted to dominant men, and the emotionally sensitive behavior they say they want is actually a turn off for them. There are important things that men need to know about relating to women, that are actively hidden by the modern narrative.

I tried to google a quick summary of these ideas, and it's almost impossible to find. Any search on the topic is flooded with leftist perspectives that mix some "toxic" characteristics in with their description of the red pill, to smear it. There are so many of these smear job descriptions floating around that an honest and fair summary is pretty well non-existent. I think even most men on our side of the internet likely have accepted some of these smears. I think there is a core of red pill truth that is fully compatible with Godly living. Of course, leftists would smear the idea of Godly living, but I think we should welcome red pill thinking that is consistent with Godliness.
I never really had a red pill phase in terms of how people are defining it here as pertaining specifically to the relationship between men and women.

For me it was more general things like waking up to the idea that most people just place all hope and responsibility outside themselves; "if we'd only vote for the right people..." --- that kind of thing. And seeing that the atheist materialist presumption that our ancestors were all retards with nothing of value to offer was a lie. A lot of that stuff plays into the relations between men and women but I didn't arrive at Christ through that specifically.
...seeing that the atheist materialist presumption that our ancestors were all retards with nothing of value to offer was a lie. A lot of that stuff plays into the relations between men and women...
I think that was the main thing for me, too. The incredibly arrogant idea that everyone who came before us for millennia were both idiots and evil, but sometime between the appearance of Marxism and the hippies we figured it all out. Then after I got divorced at around age 40, I tried to figure out why that happened in particular and how to understand women in general and...red pill.
For me, being redpilled on women seemed to help push me toward seeking Truth. I was very much a white knight type before the red pill and my lack of red pill knowledge got me horribly blindsided by a "good Christian girl" I was beginning to date who dropped me like a hot potato. Post red pill I was able to reconcile with the reality of what happened. I was already "Godpilled" at that point, too, but my evangelical Godpill upbringing had only made my relations with girls more blue pilled and dysfunctional.
As much as I hate these "pill" themes, for me, Christ is the ultimate white pill. The red pill is fine, but if it's not followed up by an embrace of Jesus Christ, you will end up following the black pill. I've seen it happen to plenty of guys who can't get past the red pill rage stage, and have no faith to fall back on. They end up living a hedonistic and fatalistic life.
That leads to my question, do you think taking the redpill is necessary for ultimately getting to Christpilled?

Yes and no. I think the path to God and to Christ is very personal. It could be event-driven, such as succumbing to addiction (hitting rock bottom), enduring hardship like a war or an accident etc. It could be through a personal reflection. It could be age-related. It could be admiring nature and seeing His presence manifested.

Plenty of people including otherwise atheistic people have "found" God and Christ in their own way. And that's how its always been even in the time of Christ and before.

Today is the same but then again it's different. And its different because of the unique circumstances driven by radical "progressive" politics and ideology. The Redpill is a social phenomenon that exists as a consequence of this ideology. Perhaps it can be described as "reactive" but I avoid the moniker of "reactionary" because I feel inasmuch as it is a "reaction" this is not the same. Namely, because the radical "progressive" ideology creates the Red Pill or the Red Pilling process. Indeed, if we didn't have "progressivism" we would not have the red pill.

A key characteristic of the "progressive" ideology engendering the Red Pill is due to the fact that progressivism is 1) not congruent with reality and 2) impacts all people adversely. And 3) will eventually impact just about everyone in an adverse way.

A person becomes Redpilled because the current "progressive" system impacts them personally and at a profound level. This is also a highly personal experience and it differs from one person to another. But, what is the same for all people is that the impact is negative.

Examples of Redpilled events include; being passed over for promotion for someone more "diverse", getting in trouble because of DEI policies, being forced to use preferred pronouns, seeing a picture of a post-opt "trans" operation, seeing "gender" ideology being indoctrinated to kids and causing them to ruin their lives, realizing they want to legitimize pedophilia, watching an election being rigged, getting assaulted by "diversity".

I call these moments "vectors" because they get people to go in a different direction (or vector) from before. It sets off a chain reaction that leads an individual down the red pill path or process. For there are increments of the red pill. For instance, Joe Rogan is a Red Piller, but, he retains what he thinks are broadly "liberal" concepts, which are in actuality "progressive" or communistic and, therefore, untenable. As such, Rogan is more of a first-level Red Piller, which is fine because he sets fires in millions of people. Of course, it would be nicer if he allowed himself to go deeper, but, his is a personal experience just like everyone else. Alternatively, E. Michael Jones is someone very advanced in his Red Pill journey.

The Red Pill when fully expressed always results in the God-pill or Christ-pill, because, the entirety of the radical "progressive" agenda is an inversion of the Christian moral system or, for that matter, a theistic moral system based on objective right and wrong.

The personal rumination process that starts with, for example, being passed over due to your race or sex, creates cognitive dissonance within the subject because hitherto they've believed and were told, incessantly, that "progressives" seek to eradicate things like racism. But in this instance, the subject was directly impacted by racism and a racist policy that is widespread within their organization and other organizations. Thus, they realize this is systematic. But, isn't the claim from the "progressives" that the archetypical "racism" was once "systematic" in America?

Cognitive dissonance is a state of conflicting ideological concepts. It can persist indefinitely depending on the person and situation; for this reason, it differs from the Red Pill. For it is only a condition of the Red Pilling experience. The subject above will experience this dissonance as their perceptions are challenged, but, that is just a mechanism. The Red Pill is a permanent state of being. It is a complete and utter rejection of the progressive ideology whole cloth and with total and complete conviction.

Once this vantage point is established, the individual can see the progressive ideology from the outside or third-party perspective. This enables them to see it wholly among other things, such as, how it has movement and a direction and a destination. And then you contemplate the direction and destination, which includes odious things like justifying and fighting for pornography in elementary schools. For others, it could be black supremacy or the subjugation of white people.

It is at this point the subject realizes what they have on their hands and they run feverishly away and never look back. In such a state, what was once considered unthinkable to many becomes appealing. And, again, the more you go down the red pill path you'll eventually realize that it is entirely the opposite of Christian morality. This can be arrived at through personal observation, but also through the writings of the "progressives" themselves, which only further bolsters the resolve of the newly red-pilled individual.

One also begins to develop not only a hatred but repulsion against progressivism and they seek to run or escape from it. It is a 180-degree turn. And because 180 degrees is the opposite and progressivism is at its roots satanic and/or based on the belief that mankind is gods and individuals are gods it leads right back to God.
Agreed, there are many stepping stones on the way. Looking at my own path, I stepped on many un-Christian redpill stones. None of them were the end destination, but each had value in leading me that way. That's why I have no hate for most redpill content, as it can lead you the right way as long as you realise that they are in fact stepping stones, and not the final destination. Stopping forever at one of the stepping stones and thinking whatever it teaches you is simply another flavour of bluepill. Once you've stripped away the nonsense and can see the redpill truth about the mortal world you are then free to see the actual Truth, which transcends mortal truths. At least, that's how it worked for me.