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Off the forum


Hi all,

I’ll be off the forum. I stepped away for a few months last autumn and then started posting again. For me, it’s not developing in a way I like. Instead of a skeptical forum, it is becoming more a political forum. Also, I find some personal attacks distasteful, like getting my own thread in the “troll forum” with a list of mockery. And having too many people on my ignore list. I think it's time to move on.

I’ve outlined my thoughts often and I'm increasingly feeling like a broken record, repeating myself lately in the deep forum:

I think the post-WW2 global order has shaped a grand illusion in which most live today in society and on this forum. An illusion with a “Cold War,” “nuclear bombs,” “Iron Domes,” “hypersonic weapons,” and endless fake wars in Ukraine and Israel. Dreams of space travel, satellites, bases on Mars, and extraterrestrial mining. And the sowing of constant division among people: black vs. white, Muslims vs. Christians, women vs. men, children vs. parents, gay vs. heterosexual, vax vs. unvaxed, etc.

I think we are all being played by our international leaders and held in constant fear of ongoing illusionary wars and fake hopes.

My views contrast with the general opinions on this forum, which I think has become too political and one-sided and false; bad Muslims, good Russians, real nuclear weapons, propaganda war reports, degenerate women, dinosaurs, satellites, conservative politics good, evil Pope who wants to marry gay people, Trump good, Elon Musk good, vax kills, China bad.

I think there is no point in taking sides in these false dichotomies. I also don’t feel I’ll change your point of view and you won’t change mine. So why exchange voices?

I enjoyed many of the Christian conversations, great to hear many views here. I see a great desire to search for Christ and I feel brotherhood in that, but also I see a tendency here to become a “conservative” pope-bashing forum.

I want to highlight some posters:
@mountainaire: Great poster. Good luck with your car projects!
@BarrontheTigerCat: Great, smart poster I have to re-read often.
@MusicForThePiano: Great poster, though we disagree on quite a few issues. Smart and well-researched.
On the Christian side, I really value @BasilSeal, @Northumber, and @GodfatherPartTwo.
And some other great posters I now miss. Sorry.

Wish you all the best. God bless you.
I think there is no point in taking sides in these false dichotomies. I also don’t feel I’ll change your point of view and you won’t change mine. So why exchange voices?

Just for the sake of being part of a community. As messed up as it is, it is nice to connect with people who aren't completely plugged into this artificial reality we've created for ourselves. There is some irony in the fact we interact in such an artificial space to seek reality. But, such is the work of Christ, redeeming what was intended for evil.

Sure there may be some things (or a lot) that many of us don't agree on but it can be a practice in forgiveness. Basically just giving a person space for their idiosyncrasies (perceived or real) is a type of forgiveness.

Taking a break is probably fine too though. I hate spending so much time on this stupid screen but keep doing it anyways. I feel like some good comes out of it as I like my information filtered by Christians, but... ideally just being present with people physically around me is probably technically better.

Regardless, the Lord be with you paternos. May Christ lead you in your decisions.
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And the sowing of constant division among people: black vs. white, Muslims vs. Christians, women vs. men, children vs. parents, gay vs. heterosexual, vax vs. unvaxed, etc.
Muslims vs Christians and gay vs. heterosexual are REAL divisions, they are not imposed by propaganda.
I thinking this is typical demonically inspired thinking, showing the same lacking of discernment that leads you to fall for obvious psyops.
I hope you find the echo chamber that you seek. Get @MusicForThePiano and a few other nutcases and start your own forum, discussing the rest of us blue pills that cannot possibly reach your level of openmindedness.
Muslims vs Christians and gay vs. heterosexual are REAL divisions, they are not imposed by propaganda.
I thinking this is typical demonically inspired thinking, showing the same lacking of discernment that leads you to fall for obvious psyops.
I hope you find the echo chamber that you seek. Get @MusicForThePiano and a few other nutcases and start your own forum, discussing the rest of us blue pills that cannot possibly reach your level of openmindedness.
I botched my previous post, so here it is again corrected:

Muslims vs Christians and gay vs. heterosexual are REAL divisions, they are not imposed by propaganda.
This is typical demonically inspired thinking, showing the same lack of discernment that leads you to fall for obvious psyops.
I hope you find the echo chamber that you seek. Get @MusicForThePiano and a few other nutcases and start your own forum, discussing the rest of us blue pills that cannot possibly reach your level of openmindedness, in order to understand that the moon is made of cheese.
I botched my previous post, so here it is again corrected:

Muslims vs Christians and gay vs. heterosexual are REAL divisions, they are not imposed by propaganda.
This is typical demonically inspired thinking, showing the same lack of discernment that leads you to fall for obvious psyops.
I hope you find the echo chamber that you seek. Get @MusicForThePiano and a few other nutcases and start your own forum, discussing the rest of us blue pills that cannot possibly reach your level of openmindedness, in order to understand that the moon is made of cheese.
Do you expect him to feel ridicule or shame at these statements? Or calling any of us nutcases to feel that?

I am not disagreeing with you on the faith divisions and the problem with the deviants. English is also not his first language and I don't think he means it like that. I think he means the politicization of them. Not every Christian can point the finger and make moral judgments, though all of us should with our proper ethos.

I don't understand what is going on in his mind, but then again, none of us can truly understand what goes on in the mind of another. We have only one tally of thoughts to account for and one set of sins to atone for, our own.

This forum is free and anonymous, but it's not much else. We are going to have disagreements theologically and ideologically ad infinitum. I welcome my opposition with open arms in this kind of environment, some try to put it down and force it into submission, others ignore it, and a few run from it.

I pray for him, as I pray for every soul that seeks the Lord, and we should all pray for better understanding here among one another with the continuance of severe differences.
He should feel shame yes. That is his only chance to change. He said that the Moscow attack was fake and nobody died. No proof given, he just thinks that. That is a shameful view worthy of mockery.
If you try to mock him in his own thread it just proves the point why he shouldn't give you more of his time and attention

Good, I have no desire for nonsense and that seems to go for most members here. This place will be better off without flat earth or fake threads cluttering it up. Like the other poster stated, if they want to start an everything is fake forum go right ahead. I’ll say it again, they are disinformation trolls. I can name 5 or so other members that are in the same boat. They started during Covid on the previous forum and then went down ridiculous rabbit holes posting total nonsense to distract and confuse. Nobody will listen to them in real life, so they post here.

Correct me I’m wrong, but this forum is about salvation and discussing tough real world issues. Every one of these stupid threads distracts us from that goal and improving our lives in the eyes of God. If we want to turn this sinking ship that is the western world around (no it’s not beyond hope) we need focus without stupid arguments on issues and facts that were settled ages ago. I predict they will be back and then slowly begin posting more nonsense, let’s see.
I agree parts of the forum are too one sided and political.
I'll also add that if you are not reading the Christian threads, it can be very hard to tell that this is a Christian forum at times.

I see far more politeness, respect, and grace given on a couple of other hobbyist forums I frequent.
Here, there is often a lack of charitable attitude and it seems many are quick to anger or attack someone for their thoughts.

It's a big contrast from other Christian sources I use, like the Stone Choir podcast, who are always calm, collected, thoughtful, logical, objective, detached, and rational in their discussions and critiques (despite coming to what could be termed "harsh" conclusions, like women do not belong in any position of authority, the charging of any interest is absolutely not permitted for Christians, and most modern churches are apostate).

Another thing is people spamming "I do not agree with that" as if every post must be a poll on your personal feelings. I don't respond to everything in life that I disagree (or agree!) with. Ain't nobody got time for that! If you don't have something meaningful to contribute, should you contribute anyway? It's just noise which interrupts the signal, and it is not monitored or removed.

Another is people taking emotional interest in positions, versus detachedly trying to understand the world objectively. I don't really care if the Jew running the Treasury department makes a good decision. I just analyze and try to understand what is being done and why. But I recall, I believe it was you @paternos, making emotional arguments about "the cost of real estate is definately rising in Kiev and this is why" whereas I take the approach of detached curiosity: Are prices indeed going up? If so, what are the possible reasons? Could there be some other explanation? Is this merely price inflation or an actual increase in the value of an asset?

In other words not *caring* whether a Kiev house is cheap or pricey, but just looking at the facts and trying to understand the causes. So many posts here are the exact opposite of this. And are focused on proving others "right" or "wrong" when that makes no sense. If I go to an Israel thread to read about what genocidal actions Israel is doing today, I am not "wrong" if I don't know they killed another 20 aid workers yesterday. I'm just there to learn what actually happened and why.

And another thing I see is the tendency to find something to disagree with in every post. I try to do the opposite--find something I agree with that I can echo and amplify in any post. Some of that can be tied down to the figures leading this forum, who are less likely to have that attitude than Roosh did. And there's a lack of moderation compared to the old forum (which some are certainly in favor of) and behaviors that weren't tolerated before are now not even given warnings.

But I can post something like "Putin is playing the long game; Biden is playing checkers" and there will be one person who will give a thumbs down and says "I was with you right up until you mentioned checkers. Checkers is a game with a long history and requires significant strategy and it's ridiculous to call it an amateur game."

You're not the first to leave the forum, for similar reasons, and while I'll say that I saw a fair bit of emotion-posting from you as well, which annoys me, you are indeed responding to some things here which are not conducive to Christian brotherhood.

I think a forum like this is always going to be a bit difficult, as we are essentially an unorganized band of misfits--those that do not accept the world for the way it is and are naturally rebellious. But those types can be reigned in, and Roosh indeed warned of this very thing happening.
Hi all,

I’ll be off the forum. I stepped away for a few months last autumn and then started posting again. For me, it’s not developing in a way I like. Instead of a skeptical forum, it is becoming more a political forum. Also, I find some personal attacks distasteful, like getting my own thread in the “troll forum” with a list of mockery. And having too many people on my ignore list. I think it's time to move on.

I’ve outlined my thoughts often and I'm increasingly feeling like a broken record, repeating myself lately in the deep forum:

I think the post-WW2 global order has shaped a grand illusion in which most live today in society and on this forum. An illusion with a “Cold War,” “nuclear bombs,” “Iron Domes,” “hypersonic weapons,” and endless fake wars in Ukraine and Israel. Dreams of space travel, satellites, bases on Mars, and extraterrestrial mining. And the sowing of constant division among people: black vs. white, Muslims vs. Christians, women vs. men, children vs. parents, gay vs. heterosexual, vax vs. unvaxed, etc.

I think we are all being played by our international leaders and held in constant fear of ongoing illusionary wars and fake hopes.

My views contrast with the general opinions on this forum, which I think has become too political and one-sided and false; bad Muslims, good Russians, real nuclear weapons, propaganda war reports, degenerate women, dinosaurs, satellites, conservative politics good, evil Pope who wants to marry gay people, Trump good, Elon Musk good, vax kills, China bad.

I think there is no point in taking sides in these false dichotomies. I also don’t feel I’ll change your point of view and you won’t change mine. So why exchange voices?

I enjoyed many of the Christian conversations, great to hear many views here. I see a great desire to search for Christ and I feel brotherhood in that, but also I see a tendency here to become a “conservative” pope-bashing forum.

I want to highlight some posters:
@mountainaire: Great poster. Good luck with your car projects!
@BarrontheTigerCat: Great, smart poster I have to re-read often.
@MusicForThePiano: Great poster, though we disagree on quite a few issues. Smart and well-researched.
On the Christian side, I really value @BasilSeal, @Northumber, and @GodfatherPartTwo.
And some other great posters I now miss. Sorry.

Wish you all the best. God bless you.

Total hypocrisy.

"I hate how divisive everything is, so I'm going to make a divisive flounce thread and attempt to get users to attack each other as I fake quit the forum for a second time."

I am going to pray about this thread today and consider if I should lock or delete it.