Neophytos of Morfou

Greeks get a lot of bad press nowadays but people forget that 80% of the Greek Church is super based. From my experience, it's just a few bad apples at the top of the Greek hierarchy that hurts them but most Greeks are based like his Eminence Neophytos. Highly recommend listening, people ask him questions like you or I would ask.
Greeks get a lot of bad press nowadays but people forget that 80% of the Greek Church is super based. From my experience, it's just a few bad apples at the top of the Greek hierarchy that hurts them but most Greeks are based like his Eminence Neophytos. Highly recommend listening, people ask him questions like you or I would ask.
Different Greek Church. Metropolitan Neophytos is Church of Greece, not Greek Orthodox Church of America.
Different Greek Church. Metropolitan Neophytos is Church of Greece, not Greek Orthodox Church of America.
Yes, and? I know America would be blessed to have Neophytos, but the Greek Church in Greece still has to deal with Bartholomew. Moreover, the Greek clergy in America is very based from whom I've spoken with and the seminary I've attended. Many of the lower ranking clergy are honestly scared of Elpidophoros.
Yes, and? I know America would be blessed to have Neophytos, but the Greek Church in Greece still has to deal with Bartholomew. Moreover, the Greek clergy in America is very based from whom I've spoken with and the seminary I've attended. Many of the lower ranking clergy are honestly scared of Elpidophoros.
The Church of Greece is autocephalous and not under Bartholomew. Hence my point that the “based” Greek Church is a far cry from the Elpidophoros crowd, though I’m glad to hear some GOARCH clergy are based as well. I haven’t heard a single GOARCH priest speak out against Elpidophoros.
The Church of Greece is autocephalous and not under Bartholomew.

Yes, but they still have to deal with him. They are right next door and the Phanar is directly tied into Turkish politics since to be Patriarch of Constantinople one must also be a citizen of Turkey. I'm sure most Greeks have 10x more to say on Bartholomew than the average Orthodox clergy does.

Hence my point that the “based” Greek Church is a far cry from the Elpidophoros crowd, though I’m glad to hear some GOARCH clergy are based as well. I haven’t heard a single GOARCH priest speak out against Elpidophoros.

Of course they cannot speak out publicly without being defrocked and cut off from funding, as well as potentially causing schisms inside of the Church. Right now the strategy is mostly to tell the laity one thing, and the Metropolitan another thing.
Yes, and? I know America would be blessed to have Neophytos, but the Greek Church in Greece still has to deal with Bartholomew. Moreover, the Greek clergy in America is very based from whom I've spoken with and the seminary I've attended. Many of the lower ranking clergy are honestly scared of Elpidophoros.
I think the point was that ethnically Greek Churches don't get a bad rep for nothing, because for GOARCH it's actually true, reasons for it notwithstanding. GOARCH and OCA do have a couple of problem bears high up the hierarchy, and it always makes me thank God that we never had the Vatican system where they could carry their bad ideas into every single parish just by occupying certain positions.
There is a stereotype about diaspora Greeks being more adamant on ethnic exclusivity than other denominations which I have heard at several occasions from different people, but that would obviously not apply to Greeks in Greece, where nationality is taken for granted.

Oh by the way, hi @BrotherAugustine, glad to see you joined the migration.
There is a stereotype about diaspora Greeks being more adamant on ethnic exclusivity than other denominations which I have heard at several occasions from different people, but that would obviously not apply to Greeks in Greece, where nationality is taken for granted.
The Greek churches in my area also have a reputation for being very ethnocentric and unwelcoming to outsiders. Also, they seem much more politically liberal.

Greece is unique in that two autocephalous churches have jurisdiction. Constantinople controls the north and Crete. Athens controls the south, which gained independence from the Turks first.

The Church of Cyprus is also its own autocephalous entity. I believe that is the one in which Metropolitan Neophytos belongs, not the Church of Greece nor the Phanar. It appears that the Church of Cyprus is still very based.

This next video provides greater detail:

TLDW; Metropolitan Neophytos passes on the prophesy that America will shortly descend into civil war and that a major otherworldly earthquake will take place along the San Andreas Fault in California, the end result of which may be the dissolution of the America republic as we know it via succession. Damage of this earthquake will not go past the monastery of Elder Ephraim in Arizona where he was laid to rest. This will all occur in between the events of Constantinople (Istanbul) becoming Orthodox once again.

Apologies for doom-posting in case it comes across as such, thought it may be worth sharing this to my American brothers and sisters.

Lord have mercy, scary days are potentially ahead.

*NOTE: Mods may want to cross-post this to one of the American threads.
TLDW; Metropolitan Neophytos passes on the prophesy that America will shortly descend into civil war and that a major otherworldly earthquake will take place along the San Andreas Fault in California, the end result of which may be the dissolution of the America republic as we know it via succession. Damage of this earthquake will not go past the monastery of Elder Ephraim in Arizona where he was laid to rest. This will all occur in between the events of Constantinople (Istanbul) becoming Orthodox once again.
I must say that it is amazing that the SA fault is right in and on California and always was as a potential for major carnage there. Then they go and do what they've been doing ...

Whether any of this happens or not is anyone's guess, but it is amazing that a civil war after the election has a higher probability than ever, AND this earthquake thing was always a real possibility ...
Reminds me of the prescient Demolition Man, the earthquake mentioned there.
And how about the movie that 'The Rock' stars in titled 'San Andreas'?

Makes me wonder if the rulers that be are aware of certain prophecy themselves...

I must say that it is amazing that the SA fault is right in and on California and always was as a potential for major carnage there. Then they go and do what they've been doing ...

Whether any of this happens or not is anyone's guess, but it is amazing that a civil war after the election has a higher probability than ever, AND this earthquake thing was always a real possibility ...
This is exactly the thought process I had, unreal!

From a logically point of view, it appears that the USA cannot rid itself of the internal division and that both the red and blue sides will continue the hate for one another until it reaches a tipping point. What would kick off a civil war though? A Kamala win? A Trump win? It is anyone's guess. It may not even occur during this election cycle but it seems almost inevitable.

I was looking at this US government website and a major quake is expected in the region before 2032 -

From a spiritual point of view, America is so powerful that destruction can only come from within and from God (if He so wills it as per the points made in the video).
And how about the movie that 'The Rock' stars in titled 'San Andreas'?

Makes me wonder if the rulers that be are aware of certain prophecy themselves...
I think it's the other way round. The worldly satanic rulers will purposefully deploy a seismic weapon in hopes to bring the US to it's knees to make their reset. The Orthodox know this will happen through grace. And God will allow this evil to happen to separate the wheat from the chaff in America.
And how about the movie that 'The Rock' stars in titled 'San Andreas'?
Is it just a movie about cataclysm? I didn't know there was another movie that presaged it.
I think it's the other way round. The worldly satanic rulers will purposefully deploy a seismic weapon in hopes to bring the US to it's knees to make their reset. The Orthodox know this will happen through grace. And God will allow this evil to happen to separate the wheat from the chaff in America.
Wow, that's also possible. I might even say probable. What kind of weapon?
Wow, that's also possible. I might even say probable. What kind of weapon?
Matt R. Johnson on Radio Albion once talked about seismic weapons (which is basically an underground atomic bomb) used in real life by USSR in Armenia IIRC. You might want to look for it.
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