Music Fasting


Orthodox Inquirer
For Lent I want to keep all secular music out of my ears.
So far I've collected some of the usual stuff, you know, Gregorian chant, Byzantine chant, Bach's church cantatas.
Which works at the grocery store, the coffee shop, the mall. But at the gym, they play K-Pop and top-40. and it is loud!
I need stuff thats powerful, bombastic, and that overused word, "EPIC" to drown out the ear pollution.

Commercial Christian, watered down versions of normal music, those genres, I don't know much but I think they're better off in their own thread.

What I have in mind, for example, the Stone Choir intro & outro

I try to stay away from secular music for the most part as well, but indeed, these days you just have to deal with the fact that, whenever you're not at home, there's always the possibility of the most disgusting Jew-produced retard music imaginable blaring out from some speaker somewhere. In a gym it's not a possibility but a certainty.

Bombastic and powerful music is indeed the only way I've found to deal with this. Maybe buying some fairly high-end noise cancelling headphones or something along those lines would fix the problem, but I haven't tried that, nor do I plan on throwing half a month's worth of my third-world salary at a luxury electronic.

Holy music like byzantine chants are never fast or loud enough to drown the nonsense out, and I personally think it would perhaps be disrespectful to use such music just to drown out noise, since they're all prayers and psalms.

Classical music can be powerful, bombastic and epic, but not quite enough to drown out the noise, I've found. The music I listen to in these situations are secular songs that I have analyzed the lyrics of and am 100% sure contain no degeneracy or general retardation. Almost every song from SABATON is good for this. Either that or I simply listen to music in languages I don't understand, like Japanese or German. I sometimes just put on a playlist of Touhou-related music and call it a day. It's total weeb trash, and a lot of people find it ear-grating, but I like it. What matters most is that I'm not feeding degenerate lyrics to my subconscious, and if the lyrics are total ching chong ping pong gibberish to me, then that works too.
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Marching music seems to work pretty well for me. I mainly listen to German or Austrian stuff from anywhere between 1870 up until the early 1930's. A lot of great pieces have been composed within that timeframe, which can vary from joyous to powerful. Might be worth giving it a shot.
Get some earphones (aka in-ear monitors). No need for noice cancelation or any fancy stuff. You can find good chi-fi IEMs from $20 onwards:

Of course, you have to put something through them, so try Bach's Brandenburg Concertos played on instruments from that time period:
Get some earphones (aka in-ear monitors). No need for noice cancelation or any fancy stuff. You can find good chi-fi IEMs from $20 onwards
Remember a few years ago those videos were going around showing the insane levels of microwaves being shot through your brain from airpods and other ear buds? Did that ever get addressed one way or the other, or did everyone just conclude it was worth it?
Remember a few years ago those videos were going around showing the insane levels of microwaves being shot through your brain from airpods and other ear buds? Did that ever get addressed one way or the other, or did everyone just conclude it was worth it?
Perhaps you are talking about bluetooth earbuds, which is completely different thing. I don't know about their SAR levels, I don't use them. They have inferior audio quality and don't transmit lossless audio. I was talking about wired earphones (or in-ear monitors) which are neither wireless nor earbuds.