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Moving beyond the redpill...


Orthodox Inquirer
I've been thinking about this topic for a while now and wanted to get some feedback from those who've been around the block a few times. Surely there must be a stage after "redpill", no?

It seems that when some men learn uncomfortable truths about the world and where it's heading, it sends them into a negative feedback loop of sorts. Gone are the blissful illusions of our parents and grandparents, signs of societal decline become readily apparent in daily life. Negative thoughts will begin to creep in, how could they not?

Think about the common people of previous generations in the post industrial world, who only received information that was allowed to reach them. Whether right or wrong, the result was the masses living together in some kind of cohesion. The people of today who have the desire to seek out the truth, now have the means to find it, and when they do, find themselves at odds with broader society. The lies upon which the average person's value system is built upon are stripped away, and suddenly you find yourself having fewer things in common with your neighbors, friends, and sometimes even family.

Your mileage may vary, this is written from my own perspective, living in "hostile territory" (a large deep blue city in the US). I also believe that it goes far deeper than left/right politics, that's just a surface level manifestation. In my youth, I found myself on what I now believe to be the wrong end of the political spectrum. Perhaps you're lucky and live in a cohesive, like minded community. Even so, you're still aware of what's going on and still have to contend with the negativity it brings.

As for myself, since I've become aware of this condition that for lack of a better term I will call "post redpill malaise", I've started making a few changes in my behavior and thought process:

1.) Not wasting time and energy ruminating on bad things that I'm already fully aware of and have no control over. This seems to be a big problem that I've noticed in various communities. Day in and day out people will run in circles talking about subjects where everything has already been said, to other people just like them, who really don't need any educating on the matter. Not exactly sure what motivates people to do this, and I've been guilty of it myself, but I've realized this behavior doesn't serve any good purpose. I believe there are consequences to allowing negative thoughts to occupy real estate in your mind without offering/working toward a solution.

2.) Not judging/resenting the bluepilled masses. This was another one I struggled with for a while before realizing it was doing nothing but affecting myself negatively. This was a big problem for me during the covid fiasco. People are blasted 24/7 with propaganda, social engineering, divide and conquer schemes, so it makes sense to me to view them as victims who have the potential to change just as many of us have changed.

3.) Being conscious of when you can influence change and when you can't. You can always make a change in yourself, that much is certain. When it comes to others, instead of wasting your energy trying to shovel $&#% against the tide, hold onto it for when you come across someone who would be receptive, and be smart about it. Start with small things. Try to activate their curiosity. Don't scare them off with level 99 stuff, if you give them a gentle push there's a chance they'll find their own way there in due time.

Anyway, that's my midwit tier bloviation on the subject. Perhaps others have relevant experiences and wisdom to share.
It reminds me of this film and song :

Who are the ones that we left in charge?
Killers, thieves and Lawyers

The stage after redpill is to keep efficiently moving with your life as best as possible but notice and acknowledge the various clown factors in the back of your mind when you see them.

Two christians found themselves in miami amongst redpill influencers, its interesting to see the contrast.

reminds me a bit of roosh hour with the dark beard and way of talking
The greatest challenge is finding a means to live (conceptualize) in a manner that is outside of the modern zeitgeist. That is the act of surpassing the Red Pill.

This is the issue with the RVF 1.0 PUA mentality, it may have been aware of the flaws of rote, progressive, orthodoxy, ("equality"), but it still operated within the Overton Window of modernity. One has to understand that the truth is not on the standard conception of the dialectic (right-left spectrum). This is akin to the statements in 1984 about limiting language so that the masses would have a reduced capacity for independent thought and inquiry. You could say that it´s a conditioned myopia.

Think of it this way: Reality is a cage, and everyone is operating within a microscopic cardboard box housed within that cage, thinking that said box is the limit of reality. It´s effectively Russian dolls, and one has to step into the larger, overarching, doll from the normie/NPC doll that all general conversation/philosophy/politics/etc. resides in. The red pill analogy is apt, but the means in which we once used it are still within the matrix; the dreamer is still asleep but only slightly more aware.

The red pill as a philosophy is a cope that tries to grapple with the corrupted, ill, current landscape, and make it work in a manner that benefits men and avoids the mass leftist conditioning dictated by the elites. Where it fails is that it still places all value on hedonism (consumerism, etc), and doesn´t provide value, it simply acknowledges some of the culturally omnipresent lies stemming from those in power.

The red pill was observing the lies of progressivism. What comes next is seeing the fallacies of hedonism, and that one can live a life that has value, meaning, purpose, and genuinely kind connections if they shift their values; you don´t have to be stuck in the mire with the normies and Red Pill crowd.

The black pill is the natural occurrence of what happens when one swallows the red pill but still operates within the hedonistic expectations of the modern milieu. One surpasses such a state once they acknowledge the flaws of modernity, how they have implicitly bought into such a psychological framework. Decisions and self-standards must be made to no longer live within that context, and those can be enacted immediately once one has the necessary awareness.

Also: Accept that the majority of the populace will be conditioned to live the life of an incapacitated vegetable that´s entirely controlled by the ruling elite.
Old post, but you really hit the nail on the head with your 3 points. During covid I also struggled with each of these and they caused me a lot of grief. Eventually I saw the good intent behind getting informed can also be a subversion of the enemy:
- it's a gnostic pursuit because there's a never-ending rabbit hole of new facts and conspiracies to discover (even if true)
- one can absorb only so much of this info at a time before becoming blackpilled (demonic despair) - do not use it as entertainment
- wanting to redpill the masses on your findings alienating your friends, family, etc to pridefully demonstrate how much you "get it"

I think the real value in learning this is to fine-tune your BS meter to inoculate yourself from future propaganda and be able to effectively guide your family down the correct path while following Christ.
The “red pill” is basically ideas that challenge the modern cultural paradigm you adhere(d) to. The emotional aspect of the red pill is basically the consequence of you being forcefully “humbled”.

The question of what comes after the red pill, just like all the emotions associated with the red pill, is just your ego trying to recover back to default. If we’re being honest then default for most people is “retard”. It’s your mind [ego] trying to adapt to contrarian information. You thought you had it figured out before, surely now after such a grand revelation you have it figured out, right?

You making life long mistakes -> realization -> your ego trying spin this as a win

Basically, before the internet, the red pill was known as “maturity”. You live and learn, it happens naturally. You adjust. It’s part of life.

So let’s use the “red pill” with a bad example to illustrate what is actually happening to you. I’m confident they would consider it an “atheist pill” or some form of enlightenment.

  1. You have some retard who doesn’t really understand his own religion but believes in it anyway.
  2. He reads an atheism book.
  3. Overwhelmed with a feeling of resentment professes himself to be now enlightened. No more “bearded man in the sky”.
  4. Keeps being a retard, probably even worse than before.
  5. Circles back to tolerance of religion anyway because turns out being a retard who looks down on people isn’t that fun either.
To avoid falling into such traps, when you feel you have come across some kind of truth, you need allow it to humble you.

The biggest issue people have with the red pill is believing it gives them an advantage. Knowledge/wisdom is suppose to give you peace. That’s what you should be seeking.

Imagine going back in time and telling someone you’ve realized whores makes bad wives so you’re ahead of the pack.

This world is a mystery packed on top of mystery with the devil’s lies interwoven into everything. Just accept that you’re a blind man and let God guide you. You’re never going to truly understand women, politics or whatever.
Also: Accept that the majority of the populace will be conditioned to live the life of an incapacitated vegetable that´s entirely controlled by the ruling elite.
Great post. I think the next stage in development is understanding things like this, and not having contempt or hate for the average person, or normie. It's akin to Christ saying, "forgive them, they don't know what they are doing". Notice that you can live in this fashion, which is refreshing, but also be saddened by the choices of others, for which you also know they will be subject to consequences.

In this manner, it has been revealed to me that having a type of knowledge or understanding about how the world "works" in this fallen place will necessitate suffering, mostly because you realize you are also powerless to the motions of the cosmos, the masses, etc. What will save you of course will be God's mercy in your understanding that you were willing to endure the suffering and still see Him in other people. Let's pray to God that we make good on this moving ahead, when things will get much, much more difficult for all people.
There are times when I wish I could do the Cipher from the Matrix "Put me back in the bluepill world" where I just think gay people are Living Their Best Life and jews are just part of our ancient Judeo Christian heritage and Republicans are just greedy low tax good mannered leaders and Democrats are overly egalitarian high tax good leaders and Democracy is grand and voting is a great system of governance and our military are great freedom fighters doing good all over the planet and soon we will spread gayness and democracy all over the world and hopefully be free from oppressive bad guys our government doesn't like.

I mean a tiny part of me really wants to be able to unironically salute our flag or feel happy watching a presidential inauguration or thanking a fellow Murican for "serving" our country or just smiling at a gay pride parade "look at those boys having fun!".

But there's no putting the toothpaste back in the tube.

Once you know there are only 2 paths:
1) Accept that you live in the belly of the beast and cannot change any of it. Focus energies on other things
2) Move to a saner society.

I've been doing #1. Doing #2 soon.