Modern Man has Feminine Thinking

Fr. Moses has some good videos and good pointers, especially for younger men. What I see as an older man though, over and over, is that we just have (and he rightly says in North America) a cycle and civilizational problem on our hands that has been set up and is now unraveling. Now, it is important for him to be able to guide young men and women in a healthy way, as a spiritual father or pastor of his flock. But for the purposes of this forum and its ideas, which are bigger picture and overarching, the facts are that the modern/developed world is set up in a way that is closer to zero sum than it is eat what you kill, even if the population boom problems weren't technically there. What do I mean? It's not actually zero sum, but it is either markedly limited in acquisition of certain key and fulfilling aspects of life, or there is minimal class mobility. Other people have brought it up (I think Pearl Davis), and it's true, but if people and especially young men aren't getting married early and thus having sex, of course large numbers of them are going to find some sexual avenue. I agree with Fr. that its damaging and playing into a "loser" game but at that point of starvation for most, it's not about anything other than some type of release. The problem is that it changes your brain and teaches you bad things. If you add economic issues and status problems for most to arise and become a man with more possibilities, you'll see that there is no real place for large swaths of men to go. "Feminine thinking" of men, and what he doesn't point out, "masculine attributes" of women, are only going to be solved by older men taking control and leading.

I don't think the boomers and older want to hear this, but that's why we're here in the first place. I'm not blaming anyone, as the entirety of the subversion is complex, but blaming young men while sabotaging all parts of their lives, and never talking about a proper role of women in basically any aspect of life, is obviously not going to solve the problem. I don't believe the problem will be solved in any case, so I'm indifferent to it, except for the fact that I want to correct people who speak incorrectly about it. As in most things in human life, the solution is usually too hard or painful, so the eventuality is almost always collapse and then building out of the creative destruction.
Fr. Moses makes some good points. I summarized them for comment. Sadly, I can say I'm guilty of some feminine aspects here. Good to have them laid out to consider.

#1 feminine perspective has a tendency to focus on too many possibilities. Women often perceive the world in a kaleidoscopic manner; they are very perceptive to subtle social keys - however this can cause analysis paralysis.

#2 It is feminine to look for perfect answers. But perfect decisions don't exist, we make the best decisions with the limited amount of information we have, then we move forward.

#3 It is feminine to make decisions based on fear of failure vs. risk to reward ratio. Too many people make decisions on what is "safe". But this is not adventurous, not challenging (also not challenging to women), and boring.
It is not masculine to constantly second guess yourself, be afraid of failing, not go after it, and not go out with attitude of conquering life.

He notes that life is not a video game. Life is happening in real time - no pauses and do overs. We are constantly making decisions based on limited decisions at the time. We build confidence based on failure. Hallmarks of a man is overcoming adversity and being ok with looking bad.

#4 Not masculine to make decisions that are incongruit with your mind. Foundational example is women and porn. You see women you cannot get. You are destroying your ability to see yourself as the protagonist and center of the story. You are literally looking at other men's genitalia by looking at porn. That is extremely emasculating.
Men are turning into b*****s, that summarizes the video. With the amount of gynocentrism in North America, it’s not a surprise. Considering feminine and Machiavellian traits are held by certain men in leadership positions and politics some men are adapting them. Monkey see monkey do. A lot of it is bad male role modeling.

I rarely exhibit any of the feminine traits listed above, but still don’t find women going for me in large numbers. Like he speaks about in the video, women go for safe guys and when you appear or act masculine, you are deemed unsafe or worse as something being wrong with you. Unfortunately, some women get hurt by men with bad intentions and many of these guys are masculine, but unethical (think thugs, etc.). Then they’ll automatically group you into that category even if you are masculine, but actually ethical. It is largely my area of the country as I usually see couples where the man doesn’t seem masculine but safe, so woman are choosing these men.

He’s correct, but he may be in a bubble. He also doesn’t point as Blade Runner mentioned the role of women.

If men are becoming more feminine, then women are becoming more masculine, this is the inversion that is spoken of. As you get older, who wants these masculine women? Nobody, except the ‘safe’ guys. It’s a complete role reversal.
Feminine thinking" of men, and what he doesn't point out, "masculine attributes" of women,

He’s correct, but he may be in a bubble. He also doesn’t point as Blade Runner mentioned the role of women.

If men are becoming more feminine, then women are becoming more masculine, this is the inversion that is spoken of. As you get older, who wants these masculine women? Nobody, except the ‘safe’ guys. It’s a complete role reversal.

The catch is that the way women are becoming more masculine is completely fake. They screech about "equality", have been given the high value "leadership" roles, some now even pump themselves full of testosterone, but do any of those women ever come close to the masculinity in the sense described by Fr. Moses? They don't, their version is just a pathetic facsimile of masculinity.
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The catch is that the way women are becoming more masculine is completely fake. They screech about "equality", have been given the high value "leadership" roles, some now even pump themselves full of testosterone, but do any of those women even attain the masculinity in the sense described by Fr. Moses? They don't, their version is just a pathetic facsimile of masculinity.

You are correct. However, it doesn’t change the fact that women acting more masculine reduces the pool of feminine women and thus the availability of good mates for men. Hence many of the issues we discuss here.

Even if and after they cut this fake act, it still creates long lasting damage. Also let’s be real, behavioral change is difficult, most people can’t do it. Once a woman takes on these traits they’re hard to shake.
I rarely exhibit any of the feminine traits listed above, but still don’t find women going for me in large numbers. Like he speaks about in the video, women go for safe guys and when you appear or act masculine, you are deemed unsafe or worse as something being wrong with you. Unfortunately, some women get hurt by men with bad intentions and many of these guys are masculine, but unethical (think thugs, etc.). Then they’ll automatically group you into that category even if you are masculine, but actually ethical.
I'm in the same camp, but mostly it's because I've given up trying to get as many connections, as I don't see the point in marrying advanced maternal age women, or find them as attractive. The other point that Rational1 and I have discussed, or perhaps it was another member, is that the modern european/white woman is more affected by all of this, so while a white guy could pull off a bigger SMV difference with a girl from a different race, mostly he still won't want to form a family with her due to obvious reasons.

That clown Galloway said in a video, since he's one of few they'll give air to due to being an NYU lefty prof, women prioritize kindness, intelligence, and resources or ability for future resources. This was funny because in the comments of a video/reel a lot of people said, "Oh, they are looking for married men." His explanation of kindness was supposedly acting nice to family members and others, not necessarily her (not that he was saying treat anyone poorly). I don't really agree with him on much, and while these comments are sorta true, I personally see any woman who is young or of any attractiveness (98%?) really just trying to get all they can get, or away with all they can get, or both. That's the real issue. I also haven't really ever met women who are smart and attractive, except for maybe 1 mixed race girl that was pretty (most would be 5s, such as in professional schools - maybe law would have the hotter ones but then their just better looking loudmouths). And by smart I mean contemplative and interesting even in their own way. Being intelligent vs fun/bro-ey is thus mostly going to be less interesting to them, weirdly. They just don't care about anything regarding how you got your loot, lol, they care about your having it. So intelligence is backfitted from a humor perspective, which he also mentioned, but a lot of people are very basic even in their ability to understand jokes, even if you can run the gamut of all the levels of humor.
They don't, their version is just a pathetic facsimile of masculinity.
I agree, but we're saying that regardless, it makes women less attractive, and that's what Rational1 said too. What's more is that the added masculinity didn't make them all of a sudden want to have sex more like men do, lol. So again you lose out on maybe the only part that might benefit you.

Taking a big step back to the larger problem, if you have to tell people what a guy like hoe_math tells them - that it makes no sense to complain that there aren't a lot of men out there that don't make as much money (or as much as you want them to), after you've voted for free stuff and fake jobs and payouts - we've got a much bigger problem than anyone realized. By the way, it's been the better part of a decade that this has been obvious and women keep complaining, but I'm the only one I know beyond places like this forum or very recently hoe_math who has ever mentioned this anywhere near the sphere of "mainstream" nor have I heard it in common conversation or with family.
You are correct. However, it doesn’t change the fact that women acting more masculine reduces the pool of feminine women and thus the availability of good mates for men. Hence many of the issues we discuss here.

Even if and after they cut this fake act, it still creates long lasting damage. Also let’s be real, behavioral change is difficult, most people can’t do it. Once a woman takes on these traits they’re hard to shake.
Not only are the behavioral habits hard to shake. Acting like a man causes women's testosterone levels to rise, which is why so many women nowadays have a huge, square jaw and big shoulders .

Even if one of these women has an epiphany and sees the value and beauty of acting feminine, she'll never get rid of her linebacker's jaw and shoulders.
I personally see any woman who is young or of any attractiveness (98%?) really just trying to get all they can get, or away with all they can get, or both.
This is because the combination of female youth, beauty and fertility is essentially a superpower. A young, attractive woman literally has a comparable sexual market value to a wealthy and famous middle-aged man. Of course, the rub is that it's a very ephemeral power, and most women take it completely for granted until it's gone before they know it. This is why society used to be set up to constrain and channel the vast power of female sexuality into youthful marriages, because our ancestors understand that young women themselves simply lack the wisdom, maturity and life experience to handle their own sexual power.

Every attractive 16-25 year old woman is basically a rock star in her own mind (and in the mind of the men surrounding her), high on her own farts so to speak, living in a world devoid of hardship, accountability or consequences for her poor choices or misbehavior. And this is entirely because of the vast sexual power they wield which insulates them against reality, creating a bubble of delusion that results in all sorts of problems that men are then forced to deal with. The historical restrictions on female sexuality were not just designed to protect women from themselves, but to protect society as a whole from the terrible downstream effects of young women running roughshod over society with their vast sexual power, which is one of the most profoundly destabilizing social forces that could ever be unleashed, as is very clear to us today.

A society that encourages totally unchecked female sexuality/promiscuity is, in the long run, as retardedly broken and suicidal as one that hands out cocaine and firearms to ten year-olds. In both cases, you have people who are simply unequipped to handle the power they're holding in their hands, and who will, over time and in aggregate, end up gravely harming or outright destroying both themselves and everyone around them.
The other point that Rational1 and I have discussed, or perhaps it was another member, is that the modern european/white woman is more affected by all of this, so while a white guy could pull off a bigger SMV difference with a girl from a different race, mostly he still won't want to form a family with her due to obvious reasons.
Firstly I think this whole thing about “white”, “black” “mongoloid” etc is modern thinking and is also an American way of thinking.

In many countries your nationality and culture is more important than your race. In Europe people don’t think about the “white race” that is an American idea. For example for a typical Frenchman to him it’s important that he is French rather than being important that he is white. A typical white Frenchman feels more affinity to a black French person whose family has been living in France for 300 years than he does towards a white German.

Even among Vikings there was a small amount of non Nordic people (middle eastern etc) living among them as Vikings.

Personally I don’t care to much about race mixing on an individual level (although I accept on a societal level it can work differently). If I find a woman attractive and all the other necessary attributes are there then I’m indifferent to her race. Although I understand that other men may feel differently about it which is okay too.
I think it comes down to personal choice. If you want to stick to a woman of the same race thats your choice. The trade off is you have a smaller pool of women to choose from. Personally I don’t care about race mixing and I’ll happily go with a woman from another race if all the other boxes are ticked. Just like how I’m strict about virginity and other guys don’t care. We each have our own sticking points.
In my experience, the younger and hotter a woman is, the more she is attracted to masculine qualities in man, irrespective of how righteous he is. A Christian alpha and drug kingpin typical both get very attractive women. Of course, the Christian is 100x more likely to have a good wife out of the equation, and there is far more to a woman than her fleeting beauty, but all things considered it is always better to be a masculine man if you want beautiful women in your life.

As women age they settle for the 'safe' man and these women are middling at best.

A society that encourages totally unchecked female sexuality/promiscuity is, in the long run, as retardedly broken and suicidal as one that hands out cocaine and firearms to ten year-olds. In both cases, you have people who are simply unequipped to handle the power they're holding in their hands, and who will, over time and in aggregate, end up gravely harming or outright destroying both themselves and everyone around them.

I know our society is doomed, but that doesn't affect us on an individual level. With sheer will and determination, it is possible to take what one wants from today's world and bend it to their will, but it is soul crushing without God's help.

The bad parts of society are going to die off, like the fig tree that doesn't produce fruit. God simply has no use for such lifeforms. That doesn't mean he won't preserve the parts He deems pleasing and acceptable.

So, I remain optimistic. We can salvage what we need from this dying civilization and leave something decent for our kids and grandchildren.