

There are two miracles that have really fascinated me lately.

I realize that many on the outside looking in, even other Christian denominations, will immediately overlook things of this nature and deem them hoaxes, and some of them definitely are, but since becoming Orthodox, I feel like Thomas and I want to touch them myself.

I have approached these topics with skepticism and even looked at what debunkers had to say about them. Their cases against them are extremely weak and only strengthen my zeal to witness them.

I do understand that some of you may be disinterested in miracles, deem them satanic, prelest, hallucinations, etc, and believe that we should not seek this kind of stuff out, but instead solely rely on our faith. Perhaps you are right, I really don't know.

1) Myrrh-streaming icons.

I have looked at many video testimonies explaining and showing this phenomenon and have read many stories about them. This is truly astonishing.

They are not only miraculous in and of themselves for the fact they exist, but there are also many miracles surrounding them as in people being resurrected, healed, converted, etc.

There is one in Hawaii that I would like to see whenever I get the chance, whether that means going to the church to witness it or at another church it is brought to in another state.

For the Hawaii one, it isn't just one little tiny drop of Myrrh. It's gushing out and soaking the icon and dripping onto the floor. People are taking cotton balls and soaking up the excess Myrrh.

And my first thought was maybe they soaked it in Myrrh and it's just seeping out, or that there is a pump. But imagine that, millions of Orthodox Christian laymen and clergy lying about streaming icons for God knows how long? Lol. It wouldn't make any sense.

2) Holy Fire of Jerusalem.

It's shocking to me that this happens every year and many Christians don't even know about it. Before the High Priests enter the Holy Sepulchre, they are searched by the Jews and Muslims for anything that can be used to light a fire.

Through their prayers, the Holy Fire ignites miraculously from the tomb of Jesus, and how exactly this happens is a mystery. This seems to be the major point of contention for debunkers, but still doesn't explain the properties of the Fire even if there is some type of vigil lamp shennanigans happening inside, which there isn't any proof of other than one rogue clergy admission that I can't really seem to pin down or verify. And this is one man's word pointing to a conspiracy of lies involving millions since the year 867. Doubtful.

From there it is spread amongst the people. The Fire does not burn like normal fire for a certain amount of time, many say 33 minutes. There are videos of people putting it up to their beards. I tested this at home on locks of my own hair - the the hair burns instantly even if I move the fire rather quickly. There's people holding it on their clothes and it doesn't catch on fire. It does smolder and can leave soot from the smoke, but it doesn't burn. It will of course burn if it's held continuously for a longer period of time, or if it's been longer than that mysterious time window, or apparently in some cases if someone is a staunch unbeliever.

I'm really looking forward to going there one year to experience this in person. Like with the streaming icons, there are also many reported miraculous occurrences surrounding the Fire itself like supernatural visions and such.


Lord willing, if I'm ever blessed to be married, these are the kinds of things I would love to travel with my wife to see.

Does anyone have firsthand experience with either of these or know of anyone who does? Would love to hear your story.

If there are other miracles like these in a similar category, please do share.
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I woke up in the middle of the night, I normally don't and I'm a heavy sleeper. I went to the bathroom. Mind you my urine was clear so I was hydrated. I get up and my ears start ringing and I feel light headed, I feel like my body is losing control. People have told me that I just got up too fast, but I don't think I did. I begin praying because I'm scared as the last time something like this happened, everything became black while my eyes were yet open, though it wasn't even a seizure then.

After 30 seconds I ran to my room, drank holy water and immediately it went away, and I mean immediately. As if it weren't happening at all, it fell to the ground. The greatest miracle however will be the healing of my soul, and mind. This was really just a shadow of what God wants me to expect I need to go through and accept, to then be free of it by clinging to Him. Unless I do that, the miracle was meaningless in comparison.
Incorruptible and fragrant relics. God glorifies His Saints and also preserves their bodies after their deaths, stops the decomposition process and gives their bodies a fragrance as a sign of pureness of their souls and the eternal joy they have entered. Glory to God, I've had the honor to venerate the head of St. John Chrysostom and the relics of three Saints who are venerated locally in my diocese. You could hear the fragrance when you bow close to the relics.

I've also venerated the wonderworking icon of the Mother of God 'Softener of Evil Hearts'. I've seen it stream myrrh myself. The clergy collected the myrrh and added it to chrism to anoint people after serving akathists near the icon.


But of course, the greatest miracle happens every Liturgy — the Eucharistic miracle.
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I posted this channel once on the RVF and Roosh shot it down as being "show-offy" or something to that effect. Needless to say, I have watched many of this guy's videos, and while he is a bit of an odd bird (a huge powerlifting odd bird, apparently), he seems incredibly devout and has personally helped fund the construction of around 20 Orthodox churches in Africa and the daily feeding of 1000 orphaned African children per month, through his charity. My meagre attempts at Christian charity pale in comparison to his.

His channel reveals many miracles that occur on a regular basis in Orthodox churches or to Orthodox people. Why am I posting this? To show that while the Shroud of Turin is likely genuine (and a miracle), it is not the only one. Orthodox miracles happen all the time, but are not given press and media hype, except maybe (and rarely) just locally or in the Orthodox country in question. You won't hear about these on CNN, BBC, etc. Miracles happen all the time around us, if we have the eyes to see.

Miracles happen all the time around us, if we have the eyes to see.
This is an interesting point. Atheists will expect some grand miracle to provide undeniable proof of God. But they refuse to see the miracles around them every day. They want to look out of the top floor window without having to walk up the stairs.

It took some time for me to get around this mindset, that miracles have to be grand. Saint Dimitri of Rostov made the following argument (I shall paraphrase), a miracle is something that goes against nature, it is in man's nature to hate his enemies, ergo any man who can love his enemies is a wonder worker. This really helped me to see the fact that small miracles are extremely common. I have experienced many. Those who don't want to believe will never see them, so of course God isn't going to write "I am real" in the stars for them or anything like that.
Just as Abraham said to the rich man, "If Moses and the prophets are not enough for your brothers, then even if you were resurrected, your brothers would not believe." So it is with all atheists. If the gospels aren't proof enough for them, nothing ever will be.
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Just as Abraham said to the rich man, "If Moses and the prophets are not enough for your brothers, then even if you were resurrected, your brothers wouldn't not believe." So it is with all atheists. If the gospels aren't proof enough for them, nothing ever will be.
Jesus Christ, God in the flesh walked the earth and preached, healed, did miracles, and STILL the jews refused to believe Him. I cannot explain it, but some people are so mindlessly lost and entrenched in their cynicism that they reject God, even when He literally stands in front of them.
Jesus Christ, God in the flesh walked the earth and preached, healed, did miracles, and STILL the jews refused to believe Him. I cannot explain it, but some people are so mindlessly lost and entrenched in their cynicism that they reject God, even when He literally stands in front of them.
And let's not forget God gave Moses's followers manna from heaven to nourish them every single day for years. And still they went astray and started worshipping idols. Such is the cynicism of the ungodly.