Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


I pray everyone is doing well this year, that God may bless you and your families, that you can celebrate the birth anniversary of our Lord in peace and contemplation, that your days are long and filled with love.

I won't be on much tonight or tomorrow, so I wanted to say this now before attending liturgy tonight.

May Christ be with you, here's to the first Christmas on the forum dedicated to our King!
I pray everyone is doing well this year, that God may bless you and your families, that you can celebrate the birth anniversary of our Lord in peace and contemplation, that your days are long and filled with love.

I won't be on much tonight or tomorrow, so I wanted to say this now before attending liturgy tonight.

May Christ be with you, here's to the first Christmas on the forum dedicated to our King!
Christ is Born!

Glorify Him!

What a beautiful Psalm fit for the days of Christmas, with royal, deep meaning. Clear on both The Father and The Son being King and God! It speaks of a queen. A queen is always the king's mother in Hebrew context, as a wife is not ruler but rather submits to the king until the king dies and she becomes queen. But it also speaks of a daughter, and tells her to "forget thine own people" The queen and daughter are the same person, because she is both mother to The King, and daughter of The Father!

She becomes an outcast because she accepted The Son. But God promises that daughters of Tyre will worship Him with gifts (gentiles, foreigners.) And they did, the wise men came to manger of The Queen and The King. The rich among the people shall entreat her countenance. They that follow after her footsteps to Christ, they that are close to her shall be brought to The King. The saints shall commemorate her name in every generation and generation. Therefore shall peoples give praise unto her for ever, and unto the ages of ages.

"From henceforth all generations shall call me blessed" It seems as if Mary did know, and she knew this Psalm was about her with all humility.