Martin Scorsese to make another movie about Jesus


Oriental Orthodox
He said he was inspired to do this after a recent meeting with the Pope.

It will be based on the book The Life of Jesus by Shūsaku Endō (same author as Silence).

And it’ll be set mostly in the present day, though Scorsese doesn’t want to be locked into a certain period, because he wants the film to feel timeless. He envisions the movie to run around 80 minutes, focusing on Jesus’ core teachings in a way that explores the principles but doesn’t proselytize.

“I’m trying to find a new way to make it more accessible and take away the negative onus of what has been associated with organized religion,” Scorsese says.

Every time the word “religion” has come up since we started talking, I say, you’ve tried to find a way around it.

I am worried.

Well, I thought Silence was a powerful film... but I did some research on the Endo book and it doesn't look promising, quotes from reviews:

[Endo] was heavily under the influence of German higher criticism. He quoted Bultmann a lot, as well as other mid-century German textual critics of the Bible. In the end, he didn’t believe in a real resurrection of Christ, but instead a very humanistic interpretation I’ve read in other liberal theology, that Jesus’ legacy rose in the lives of his followers such that it lived in them, and in that way, he was resurrected.

Endo is not a traditional Catholic. Christianity's resonance for him hardly lies in the miraculous intervention or revelation of God. He presumes most of the miracle accounts to be folktales added in by the Gospel writers to speak to the "miraculous" nature of Jesus' life

Could be another Last Temptation in the making. Dangit Marty. Can't you just keep making gangster flicks and also maybe cut 30 minutes out of each film you make after you think it's done.