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Magnetic Pole Shift/Climate Change



I think that helps explain a lot of the bizarre weather we've increasingly seeing, along with flocks of birds dive-bombing the pavement, whales beaching, etc.

Another channel I have followed for years that discusses the ongoing magnetic pole shifts is Suspicious Observers.

This thread is meant for actual scientific evidence, as opposed to the other climate change thread, which seems to be about the false propaganda surrounding climate change. Nowhere do I claim climate change is man-made. On the contrary, I believe it is natural and cyclical.
I don't know about the magnetic poles flipping. I think there is evidence that it has happened in the past. If it is eventually going to happen again, it is primarily a natural occurance, although God might time it for His purposes. I think it could be 100s of years before it happens.

The one thing that is clear is that the location of magnetic north has moved just in recent time. It has moved quite a bit within the last few decades. If it has moved that much, it can obviously move more. Other than confusing magnetic compasses, and maybe some migratory birds, I'm not sure it has that much impact on human society.
I don't know about the magnetic poles flipping. I think there is evidence that it has happened in the past. If it is eventually going to happen again, it is primarily a natural occurance, although God might time it for His purposes. I think it could be 100s of years before it happens.

The one thing that is clear is that the location of magnetic north has moved just in recent time. It has moved quite a bit within the last few decades. If it has moved that much, it can obviously move more. Other than confusing magnetic compasses, and maybe some migratory birds, I'm not sure it has that much impact on human society.
At the current rates of magnetic pole wandering, we could see a flip or irregularities, accompanied by severe weather phenomena within the next 20-30 years. Sorry, but it's looking more that way. Perhaps that is the onset of signs and tribulations mentioned in the Bible. I don't see why it would only be political.
Doesn't the seafloor show this magnetic polarization in the form of different colored stripes? Depending on polarity the magma forms different colors as it cools. And give an indication of how often this happens depending on the stripes thickness. This was from my rather naive college geology class days so I didn't have the discerning eye for fake and gay yet. I'll have to find some links to share.


Edited to include more evidence and less rambling on.
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Doesn't the seafloor show this magnetic polarization in the form of different colored stripes? Depending on polarity the magma forms different colors as it cools. And give an indication of how often this happens depending on the stripes thickness. This was from my rather naive college geology class days so I didn't have the discerning eye for fake and gay yet. I'll have to find some links to share.


Edited to include more evidence and less rambling on.
This is what I learned in 1st year Geomorphology class in college, but I recall nothing about different colours. Merely that when the magma on either side of the spreading ridge cools, the polarity of Earth's magnetic field is then 'locked' into the rock. These alternating bands or 'stripes' are measurable by research ships with towed underwater magnetometers.
Ah yes, I think I made up the different colored part. I think the graphical representations were colored differently just show the difference.
This is what I learned in 1st year Geomorphology class in college, but I recall nothing about different colours. Merely that when the magma on either side of the spreading ridge cools, the polarity of Earth's magnetic field is then 'locked' into the rock. These alternating bands or 'stripes' are measurable by research ships with towed underwater magnetometers.
Yes, IIRC it was first discovered by US submarines crossing the Atlantic during WWI or WWII.
Yes, IIRC it was first discovered by US submarines crossing the Atlantic during WWI or WWII.
Very interesting; must have been WW2. Not many subs crossing the entire Atlantic in WW1, apart from the ones Canada built for the Royal Navy. In WW2, subs would have had both on-board magnetic compasses and gyro-compasses which would have allowed sub skippers to see compass discrepancies. Cool thought.
At the current rates of magnetic pole wandering, we could see a flip or irregularities, accompanied by severe weather phenomena within the next 20-30 years. Sorry, but it's looking more that way. Perhaps that is the onset of signs and tribulations mentioned in the Bible. I don't see why it would only be political.
Just saw this post. I looked it up, and the location of magnetic north was discovered in 1831, and since then it has moved about 600 miles. It has been moving faster in recent years. If you take 600 miles since 1831, that's only about 3 miles a year, but recently it has been moving 35 miles a year, which obviously is much faster.

You said it could cause severe phenomena in 20-30 years, and at 35 miles per year, it could indeed move a long way in that time. Also, if it has sped up from 2 miles per year to 35 miles per year, maybe it will speed up even more.

At the current rate of movement, it will move as much in the next 20 years as it has so far since 1831. I don't think that in itself will cause calamity. Also, I don't know that changes in the magnetic north will cause severe weather phenomena.

However I have to admit it is changing much faster than I realized, and it seems possible it could have a significant impact in the relatively short term future.
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I wouldn't listen to (((Ben Davidson))) of Suspicious Observers. He is a fearmongering grifter.

Ridiculous. I have watched Ben for years, and he has made it clear that he is Christian. He may have some goofy theology, but being a whatever-flavor Protestant that is part of the expectation. You can't compare a high church Anglican with a follower of Joel Osteen or Benny Hinn, but they are all "Christian" at some level. That being said, Ben has proven NASA scientists and university professors wrong, and has many on his side. Just because YOU can't prove him wrong, doesn't mean he is wrong.
Ridiculous. I have watched Ben for years, and he has made it clear that he is Christian. He may have some goofy theology, but being a whatever-flavor Protestant that is part of the expectation. You can't compare a high church Anglican with a follower of Joel Osteen or Benny Hinn, but they are all "Christian" at some level. That being said, Ben has proven NASA scientists and university professors wrong, and has many on his side. Just because YOU can't prove him wrong, doesn't mean he is wrong.
Did you watch the video? Anyway, Ben was formerly a lawyer, not a scientist. I've stopped listening to his content since December of 22 and my mental health has been much better for it. There won't be a mini super nova and if the climate somehow shifts to kill many of us off then that's obviously God's will and we don't need to worry about it. Death will come regardless.