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Leary, Liddy, and Baby-Boomer Perspectives


Oriental Orthodox
Two pre-boomers shepherding late boomers in video circa 1982.

They have a dinner conversation starting around 33:40, in which Liddy's wife presents the sole voice presenting arguments in favor of traditional sexuality.

It contains some background nudity between the 46 and 48 minute marks.

Two pre-boomers shepherding late boomers in video circa 1982.

They have a dinner conversation starting around 33:40, in which Liddy's wife presents the sole voice presenting arguments in favor of traditional sexuality.

It contains some background nudity between the 46 and 48 minute marks.

I saw both of them on separate occasions as speakers at my university in the early 80s.

I remember Leary saying the sixties hippy generation would be in control eventually and put all their ideas into practice. The college audience consisted of the tail end of the baby boomers, but had much different attitudes. College students voted strongly in favor of Reagan in those years. He ended up being right, but he expected it in the 90s, and it took until Obama to really be like he expected.

Liddy was about what you'd expect. I remember him saying he had expected to be whacked, and he told his superiors that if they were going to do it, tell him to go to some street corner, and he would go. He told them not to do it where his family would be at risk.

I also remember him talking about picking a wife based on having good upbringing and good genes, such that she would produce the best children and be a good mother to them. It sounded cold blooded to me at the time, but now I agree fully.
I remember Leary saying the sixties hippy generation would be in control eventually and put all their ideas into practice. The college audience consisted of the tail end of the baby boomers, but had much different attitudes. College students voted strongly in favor of Reagan in those years. He ended up being right, but he expected it in the 90s, and it took until Obama to really be like he expected.
We didn't get what Leary or the hippy generation wanted, but the overlords definitely catered a lot of their message to them. The last exchange between Leary and Liddy in the video bared the former's idealism against the latter's warning of the threats facing the then-free world, that if the Soviets won Leary would be killed and Liddy would end up in a gulag. We got something closer to Liddy's worry, I think.
I also remember him talking about picking a wife based on having good upbringing and good genes, such that she would produce the best children and be a good mother to them.
This topic comes up in the video. This attitude appears when families get involved in mate selection, but not usually when a couple pairs in an open sexual market.