Latest Swedish Lunacy


Other Christian
"Multiculturalism" (i.e. Jewish manipulation) is continuing to cause havoc in the land of Volvo's and meatballs. Now they're also joining NATO and insist that the cause of their problems is not immigration itself, but failed integration policies. Not looking too bright for my neighbouring country at the moment...

Oh good, someone started a Sweden thread. I'll just leave this here (for nostalgia's sake):

View attachment 263

Heck, I like it, but you're pushing your luck, Christos!!! 😄

Seriously though. Let's try to live up to our standards, folks. I'm not eager to turn this into RVF but propose that we draw the line at the sporadic 'inspiring visual' if you get my drift. For example I would not want to see people start a 'hot babes in bikinis' thread like we had it on the original RVF. It's a slippery slope and before we know it we're back at 'Bang XXX'.

My 2 cents FWIW, I'm not the boss here. Just thinking that we should keep the place 'Christian and wholesome'.
OK, it was meant in jest...and as a throwback to when Swedes actually looked like this. If the general consensus is that it crosses the line, I'll remove it, now that the joke is over. I figured that you see more at the beach, but I take your point.
Oh good, someone started a Sweden thread. I'll just leave this here (for nostalgia's sake):

View attachment 263

Now replaced by this...

OK, it was meant in jest...and as a throwback to when Swedes actually looked like this. If the general consensus is that it crosses the line, I'll remove it, now that the joke is over. I figured that you see more at the beach, but I take your point.

Brother I was kidding. I could not care less as long as it's sporadic and done in good taste.
OK, it was meant in jest...and as a throwback to when Swedes actually looked like this. If the general consensus is that it crosses the line, I'll remove it, now that the joke is over. I figured that you see more at the beach, but I take your point.
I have a friend who loves blondes. He's convinced that Sweden is still the mecca of blondes and has been talking about going there for years, but I remember old school Roosh once saying that while the most beautiful woman in the world is probably Swedish, the average Swedish girl today looks like a tattooed burrito.
I have a friend who loves blondes. He's convinced that Sweden is still the mecca of blondes and has been talking about going there for years, but I remember old school Roosh once saying that while the most beautiful woman in the world is probably Swedish, the average Swedish girl today looks like a tattooed burrito.
They're still a step above Anglo women and have the best genetics among the Nordic/Germanic countries. In the US and UK women go out dressed more whorish, are more overweight, are more unpleasant to deal with and more likely to end up vomiting in the streets.

If it wasn't for the leftist ideology pervading all aspects of their society, and all the problems that come with that, Sweden could've been be a pretty great place to live.
They're still a step above Anglo women and have the best genetics among the Nordic/Germanic countries. In the US and UK women go out dressed more whorish, are more overweight, are more unpleasant to deal with and more likely to end up vomiting in the streets.

If it wasn't for the leftist ideology pervading all aspects of their society, and all the problems that come with that, Sweden could've been be a pretty great place to live.

Drinking culture in Sweden, Norway and Finland is very much go out and get overly drunk and vomit etc. Denmark is more continental and "sophisticated." (Although they drink more in total) Stupid to drink alcohol anyways...
American family moves to Sweden, eventually decides to move back to the US because they don't teach enough math and science to little kids in Sweden. The parents seem to be very typical big city American liberals and interestingly, seemed turned off by frequent school trips to local churches in Sweden, something I wouldn't have expected.

The school system as described in the article matches up with other things I have heard about the Swedish/Nordic educational system where there's an emphasis on making sure everyone is on the same page which means the weakest link in the chain holds everyone else back. Things like gifted classes or anything where kids will be identified as being above the curve is anathema to this culture.