Latest Lunacy in Italy

This is not lunacy, people don't realise what a based leader Italy now has :

That one may have been censored by youtube. When will this spread to the neighbouring countries...

This video is several years old, prior to when she became Prime Minister, IIRC. Dr. Steve Turley talked about glowingly at the time, but she's turned out to be a turncoat and illegal migration into Italy has INCREASED under her watch, compared to before her stint in office. She's been a very big disappointment for conservative Italians.
She could be compromised:

SPIES: Israel’s Mossad is reportedly embroiled in a high-stakes espionage scandal targeting Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and other senior officials, as first reported by Yedioth Ahronoth. Allegations suggest Mossad collaborated with a Milan-based private investigation firm staffed by former security service personnel to obtain personal data on politicians and public figures, potentially for extortion.

Italian authorities have already made four arrests, with dozens more under investigation.

Cybersecurity experts warn that Italy’s Interior Ministry servers may have been compromised, sparking fears of breached state secrets. Italian media describe the case as a “high-level conspiracy” involving both mafia and intelligence operatives. In response, Meloni denounced the plot as a “threat to democracy,” while Defense Minister Guido Crosetto has called for an immediate parliamentary investigation.
I'm pretty certain as long as "The Right" keeps putting forward female 'leaders' (Weidel/Wagenknecht, Meloni, Le Pen, whoever else), they'll keep taking an L after L. Women created current situation (well, the Jews planned it, but women carried water to the hebraic mills), and they benefit from it (until they're murder-raped by a gang of Africans/Muslims because they were walking home drunk through the ghetto, certain that nothing bad can happen to Her Highness who Has All The Right Opinions).

She has good energy, but still the problem lies with the error of her birth. A man needs to lead each nation. A woman needs to support the man leading it, like the women need to support the men of each nation in the home and being solid mothers to children. It's such a jewish tactic to disarm men by putting a woman in the spot who speaks their talking points, then let more gutter filth waltz in unopposed under her "watch".

Orban does a somewhat decent job but Hungary is not without its depravities. If the menorah extinguisher gets elected in Poland, provided he does not cuck, there is a chance for serious awakening and push back, but until the first part of Europe figures out how to break free of US hegemony (no they will not immediately fall under support of Russia or China) and also learn how to be independent from the east, nothing will change long-term. Europe will continue to be a piece of the chessboard between West and East in this jewish dialectic. Laws must be enacted, enforced, and prevented from jewish generational erosion, and since these anti-invader laws cannot seem to take a foothold in occupied Europe, it will have to be forced on it by the brave men who do rise up.

She has good energy, but still the problem lies with the error of her birth. A man needs to lead each nation. A woman needs to support the man leading it, like the women need to support the men of each nation in the home and being solid mothers to children. It's such a jewish tactic to disarm men by putting a woman in the spot who speaks their talking points, then let more gutter filth waltz in unopposed under her "watch".

Orban does a somewhat decent job but Hungary is not without its depravities. If the menorah extinguisher gets elected in Poland, provided he does not cuck, there is a chance for serious awakening and push back, but until the first part of Europe figures out how to break free of US hegemony (no they will not immediately fall under support of Russia or China) and also learn how to be independent from the east, nothing will change long-term. Europe will continue to be a piece of the chessboard between West and East in this jewish dialectic. Laws must be enacted, enforced, and prevented from jewish generational erosion, and since these anti-invader laws cannot seem to take a foothold in occupied Europe, it will have to be forced on it by the brave men who do rise up.

Are you gonna marry her piano? I bet you can show her a few new tunes.