I'm surprised this thread didn't exist already. There is so much insanity there, going back since, well...forever.
This is not lunacy, people don't realise what a based leader Italy now has :
That one may have been censored by youtube. When will this spread to the neighbouring countries...
Italy's prime minister snuggling up very closely to the new king in town....
She's practically smushing her left breast onto him.
She was about to jump poor Elon's bones, as well.
Italian prime minister says she wants to sink ships full of migrants. It’s a start but could be too late
She’s divorced . Would marry
Not lunacy. Just Meloni feeling her oats. Will Trump being in office unleash her? When she raised her arm and pointed, I even got flashbacks to Il Duce. Hope to see more of this kind of no-holds-barred speech from her.
View attachment 16813
She has good energy, but still the problem lies with the error of her birth. A man needs to lead each nation. A woman needs to support the man leading it, like the women need to support the men of each nation in the home and being solid mothers to children. It's such a jewish tactic to disarm men by putting a woman in the spot who speaks their talking points, then let more gutter filth waltz in unopposed under her "watch".
Orban does a somewhat decent job but Hungary is not without its depravities. If the menorah extinguisher gets elected in Poland, provided he does not cuck, there is a chance for serious awakening and push back, but until the first part of Europe figures out how to break free of US hegemony (no they will not immediately fall under support of Russia or China) and also learn how to be independent from the east, nothing will change long-term. Europe will continue to be a piece of the chessboard between West and East in this jewish dialectic. Laws must be enacted, enforced, and prevented from jewish generational erosion, and since these anti-invader laws cannot seem to take a foothold in occupied Europe, it will have to be forced on it by the brave men who do rise up.