Latest German Lunacy

This is actually a reaction to a tweet from a Dutch politician, but it is about the car ramming in Germany.

What's nice is that Geert Wilders is coming out hard core to basically say the muslims have to go, and the first response is naming the Jew. It's still politically incorrect, but it's becoming more and more common. I would think few normies are immune to seeing posts like this.

Unfortunately most Boomers are actually immune to this, they are terminally stupid and the reason why zionists dominate almost every single government in Europe. The other category of people who are immune to this are those that rub shoulders with muslim hoodlums and were victimized, it's harder for them to see beyond the problems of their daily lives.
GIF by Central Coast Honda Dealers

Clearly, Europe is under attack from demonically self-automated cars that just want to run over people at Christmas markets!
AfD is jew-controlled. The only option Germans have is to rebel and remove the yoke of both American military presence and USSR holohoax laws. All European revolutions will look like a Goth and Vandal raid, it will be messy, but it's the only way to change the power structure in Europe.

Only then will there not be any willing traitors able to mount an effective distraction option.

The lesbian leader of the AfD, who is a race traitor "married" to a non-White jeetess, says the guy that went to war specifically to stop Communism was himself a communist. Many aren't having that, of course, and the comment section is full of honesty.



This is the reality with every one of these "conservative" parties bashing not just Hitler, but any of his ideas or any true free stance (aka third position) that operates outside of jewish control. They are the "overseers and drivers" of the plantation, and will always hearken to their masters for permission to exist.

On top of that, any party being pushed by the likes of Musk is clearly controlled by jewish interests.

150 EU officials to monitor Musk's live talk with Weidel.

150 officials no doubt familiar with a bookshelf full of regulations of what you can and can't say, as well as a few Bildeberg behind-closed-doors messages of what goes and what not.

Must be damn tiring to be a public figure on the conservative side these days.

Say a few things wrong and it is career ending or leads to legal action or whatnot.

Most sickening, where is free speech if it takes such an army of people to make sure everything complies.

That being said I look forward to listening to the Musk - Weidel discussion when I have a chance, even with the knowledge that it has been per-sanitised by some very carefully concocted antiseptics.
AfD is jew-controlled. The only option Germans have is to rebel and remove the yoke of both American military presence and USSR holohoax laws. All European revolutions will look like a Goth and Vandal raid, it will be messy, but it's the only way to change the power structure in Europe.

Only then will there not be any willing traitors able to mount an effective distraction option.

The lesbian leader of the AfD, who is a race traitor "married" to a non-White jeetess, says the guy that went to war specifically to stop Communism was himself a communist. Many aren't having that, of course, and the comment section is full of honesty.

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This is the reality with every one of these "conservative" parties bashing not just Hitler, but any of his ideas or any true free stance (aka third position) that operates outside of jewish control. They are the "overseers and drivers" of the plantation, and will always hearken to their masters for permission to exist.

On top of that, any party being pushed by the likes of Musk is clearly controlled by jewish interests.
To be fair, while what you're saying is true, even conservative Germans don't care about most of that stuff.

Yes, the comments are filled with honest people but none of them are Germans. The people of Germany really just want the immigration thing to stop. If the other parties limited the migrant influx, the afd would be completely irrelevant.

Yes, the people would have to rebel to retake Europe, but I just don't see that happening. In my opinion, the only thing that could provoke that would when the Muslim population reaches 30% and they start to push the sharia policies on the general public.

But, even then, I think part of Europe will be annexed / a new Muslim state will be formed probably somewhere along the geographical lines of Germany, Belgium, France and part of England.
AfD is jew-controlled. The only option Germans have is to rebel and remove the yoke of both American military presence and USSR holohoax laws. All European revolutions will look like a Goth and Vandal raid, it will be messy, but it's the only way to change the power structure in Europe.

Only then will there not be any willing traitors able to mount an effective distraction option.

The lesbian leader of the AfD, who is a race traitor "married" to a non-White jeetess, says the guy that went to war specifically to stop Communism was himself a communist. Many aren't having that, of course, and the comment section is full of honesty.

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This is the reality with every one of these "conservative" parties bashing not just Hitler, but any of his ideas or any true free stance (aka third position) that operates outside of jewish control. They are the "overseers and drivers" of the plantation, and will always hearken to their masters for permission to exist.

On top of that, any party being pushed by the likes of Musk is clearly controlled by jewish interests.

Hitler and many top-tier Nazi leaders literally called themselves Socialists. Their party name National Socialist Workers Party even states as much. We can quibble about what the holo-thingy was about, what happened, what was real, or not, but the party was socialist.

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Hitler and many top-tier Nazi leaders literally called themselves Socialists. Their party name National Socialist Workers Party even states as much. We can quibble about what the holo-thingy was about, what happened, what was real, or not, but the party was socialist.

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My perception of Hitler’s use of the term “socialism” is that it was reactionary, not because it was some fundamental part of his ideology. He didn’t want to discard “socialism” outright because certain socialist prepositions are compatible with the European spirit. Europeans are a communal people.

To put it in plain English if marxists weren’t a threat he wouldn’t have used the term “socialism”. It seems Hitler wanted to challenge Marxism ideologically as well. To offer people the “proper” or “right” way of life that they sought within socialism.

Hitler actually cared and tried to create a nation. You can say National-Socialism was too ambitious and bit off more than it can chew, to this day we have a lot of misunderstanding about what they were about because it’s unrefined.

As can be seen with AFD they don’t care to even understand what they preach. To describe the right as “we’re not commies, we love property rights” is about as uneducated of a political opinion you can give. What a joke.
150 EU officials to monitor Musk's live talk with Weidel.

150 officials no doubt familiar with a bookshelf full of regulations of what you can and can't say, as well as a few Bildeberg behind-closed-doors messages of what goes and what not.
I think they've got so many regulation these days, that a single apparatchik can't remember them all.

That being said I look forward to listening to the Musk - Weidel discussion when I have a chance, even with the knowledge that it has been per-sanitised by some very carefully concocted antiseptics.
If You have the time, give us a rundown.

Anyway, I don't expect any change in Germany. Even if AFD wins the elections, all other parties will unite against them in the Bundestag.
I think Hitler's Socialism was a Response to the Unfettered Usury based Capitalism that imporverishes society as a whole.

His Socialism was Productive Socialism with a focus on the Value of Labor. Not the Jewish Run Welfare Socialism of sitting around waiting on a check because of a purported wrong doing by the majority population on a Minority that allegedly had grievance. Although that was 99.99% B.S. because most Whites didn't participate in Trans Atlantic Slavery.

Lots of Jewish Propaganda to keep the dumb Goyim Europeans off the scent of their Usury based Plunder with the Twisting or Demonization of words to create Division.
Hitler and many top-tier Nazi leaders literally called themselves Socialists. Their party name National Socialist Workers Party even states as much. We can quibble about what the holo-thingy was about, what happened, what was real, or not, but the party was socialist.

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He is describing word for word how it is different from Marxism right there. The party's original name was just the National German Worker's Party, but realizing that the workers were a huge part of the economy, they made the portmanteau "nazionalesocialismus" to reach out to the millions of German workers who were being enticed by the communists. Nazionalesocialismus has a different meaning than our English connotation of "socialism".

This is not the "socialism" of Bolshevik Russia, Communist China, Pol Pot's Cambodia, North Korea, North Vietnam, Cuba, or any of the eastern European Soviet proxies, it is a coupling of nationalism and socialism which worked incredibly well because of the demographics of Germans at the time. Only two similar forms of this system were ever attempted post-Hitler, the Ba'ath's in Iraq, and Gaddafi's attempts to free Libya and north Africa from the petrodollar.

Yes the word "socialism" has an icky connotation now, but more and more nationalists once they get past their initial patriotic bravado and look at ways of running an economy, see that everything the Third Reich did financially is the only way to go in our current predicament.

I was wondering for years why they used that word, not until recent years did I truly grasp how the economic situation calls for action taken against all the capitalist ways as well as the communist ones, and that National Socialism is a bridge between the two that excises the ills of each but combines their benefits. We are seeing the mass rejection of both mainstream left and right by millions of people now in real time, so if not National Socialism, then it's going to have to be some kind of monarchic dictatorial system led by strong warrior-kings that would lead people in the future. Fascism is perfectly suitable for this, but restoring a head to a throne may take a bit more time.

In the immediate, NS and Fascism offer the only solution against the NWO, and perhaps once the jew system has been defanged, righteous monarchs and regents can once again rule with strength and honor over their respective peoples.

Have you seen what is happening in Bulgaria for example? There are more third positioners there rising unopposed by the government than anywhere else. I very likely predict an Orthodox Fascist organization to grow very strong there in the coming decade.

My perception of Hitler’s use of the term “socialism” is that it was reactionary, not because it was some fundamental part of his ideology. He didn’t want to discard “socialism” outright because certain socialist prepositions are compatible with the European spirit. Europeans are a communal people.

To put it in plain English if marxists weren’t a threat he wouldn’t have used the term “socialism”. It seems Hitler wanted to challenge Marxism ideologically as well. To offer people the “proper” or “right” way of life that they sought within socialism.

Hitler actually cared and tried to create a nation. You can say National-Socialism was too ambitious and bit off more than it can chew, to this day we have a lot of misunderstanding about what they were about because it’s unrefined.

As can be seen with AFD they don’t care to even understand what they preach. To describe the right as “we’re not commies, we love property rights” is about as uneducated of a political opinion you can give. What a joke.

Yes, as I stated above, this was a break from the left-right dialectic the jews were pushing on Europe and a chance for him to show how proper leadership took care of all its workers. All those former communist workers with the Reich Labour Service (Reichsarbeitsdienst; RAD) when they were sent into the liberated countries during Barbarossa were absolutely horrified at the state of the "worker" in the "Soviet worker's paradise". They knew they had chosen the right side based on how the worker was treated in Germany.

That's why AfD is just another controlled-grift. All this "action" taken against them is ultimately the German's own nausea for self-flagellation which hasn't subsided one iota post-WW2. There are jewish interests controlling the direction of AfD and it makes good theater to have their members homes raided by the cuck swat or denied gun rights. That's why revolutionary means may have to come to Germany from the outside unless enough of them rebel on their own within.

I think Hitler's Socialism was a Response to the Unfettered Usury based Capitalism that imporverishes society as a whole.

His Socialism was Productive Socialism with a focus on the Value of Labor. Not the Jewish Run Welfare Socialism of sitting around waiting on a check because of a purported wrong doing by the majority population on a Minority that allegedly had grievance. Although that was 99.99% B.S. because most Whites didn't participate in Trans Atlantic Slavery.

Lots of Jewish Propaganda to keep the dumb Goyim Europeans off the scent of their Usury based Plunder with the Twisting or Demonization of words to create Division.

Yes, you understand. They play with our lexicon like a marionette, and try to fool us with connotations of words when the meaning behind them is much more important. If everyone is reviled by the term "socialism" they will never look into the only real historical functioning system that broke free of the Rothschild stranglehold and was building a successful free civilization essentially. However it only worked with National Socialism, not any other form, because it has to be nation-specific. It worked in Austria after the Anschluss, because they were racial Germanics. It operated in the free territories during Barbarossa and revitalized Italy and Romania and Hungary for a brief time as well, even in occupied/liberated France they did not allow usury for the 4 years they were there.

When enough of us don't care what the solution is called to topple the jewish schemes, then they have no ground to stand on. Just like people are being less afraid of being called a "racist" these days, which was their technique to keep the Europeans down forever.

I thought it was just a joke, but it isn't...

I wish it was, but that's the reality of who runs AfD. They had another very lovely girl but she was ousted for saying some mean things against migrants. The bulldyke is one of the most common system enforcers in the west, the perfect unattached unfeeling order-following monster, just like the homosexual. They have no loyalty to their family and kin, and will turn on anyone for a paltry handful of shekels.
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Is this real? Ffs.
Yes it is.
Weidel has been one of the party's most well-known faces for years. Her central theme is the alleged collapse of internal security as a result of immigration. She is an exception in the male-dominated AfD, being one of the few prominent women who is also openly in a relationship with a woman of Sri Lankan heritage.
Yes it is.

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Her "partner" lives with the children in Switzerland. The children attend private schools and regularly meet their biological father, as she mentioned in an interview. According to Weidel, this arrangement is a "healthy" situation. Very conservative of her...

It is unfortunate that she chose to live as a lesbian. She used to have a more feminine appearance.
Her "partner" lives with the children in Switzerland. The children attend private schools and regularly meet their biological father, as she mentioned in an interview. According to Weidel, this arrangement is a "healthy" situation. Very conservative of her...

It is unfortunate that she chose to live as a lesbian. She used to have a more feminine appearance.
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Is it just me or is she starting to look a bit "Jewish". I mean you don't expect her to look the same at 45 as above, but she's manifesting the same contortions of the face as the Nuland or Soros types. Older lesbian often develop this look that betrays malice and contempt.
