Sorry if this has been mentioned before, cause it's from September.
Two conservative German podcasters are being fined €250.000 for calling a Trans woman a man.
It's just so utterly disproportionate. As I said earlier, Germany to me is simply the dumpster fire of Europe. This is self-destruction at its finest and it's only going to get worse.
I was going to post on
Hoss und Hopf but you beat me to it.. Actually did not know about this.
This was the one I listened to recently :
Warum das traditonelle Familienbild gefährlich ist! - Hoss und Hopf #207
Gesellschaftliche Trends, Medienanalyse, kritisches Denken: Ein kontroverser Blick auf den "Tradwife"-Diskurs. In der heutigen Episode nehmen Philip Hopf und Kiarash Hossainpour einen vieldiskutierten ZDF-Artikel über den "Tradwife"-Trend unter die Lupe. Sie hinterfragen die Darstellung des...
Ein kontroverser Blick auf den "Tradwife"-Diskurs. In der heutigen Episode nehmen Philip Hopf und Kiarash Hossainpour einen vieldiskutierten ZDF-Artikel über den "Tradwife"-Trend unter die Lupe.
Yes, it turns out that the ZDF article was written by a "gender expert" financed by the compulsor
y „Rundfunkbeitrag“ that you have to pay in Germany once if live there. It's not much, I recall €80 per year but the offensive thing is that you are paying for attempts at brainwashing you with nonsense. Well, the attempts do not work on some of us of course but it's a bit sick.
In that episode,
Hoss und Hopf make a very intelligent attack on the
That podcast the attention of TPTB and after having listened to a few I can see why. They are extremely mild but present red pilled ideas intelligently and with the same tone of voice as the MSM. So they are very suitable for slowly sowing new ideas among the mainstream normies who would be scared off by more traditionally right wing podcasts. So if you know any German normies you could send them that.
For me it is not very interesting, very mild, hearing red pilled ideas I accepted long ago. But they definitely do a great job for a wider audience.
Oh no, €250,000 fine for telling the truth that a man who perhaps chopped off his wee-wee and put on a wig is probably still best described as a man rather than a woman.
Well, one of the podcasters is a crypto-millionaire who left Germany for Dubai, if I have understood it right. So well done with that, but no wonder it upsets TPTB when they are attacking stuff in Germany in the German language (including the precious
Rundfunkbeitrag) while having left Germany. I hope this fine does not hurt them too much and they can avoid having to pay it.
It's like with Winston Smith in 1984,
How many fingers am I holding up?
Can't say anything that The Party doesn't like any more..