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Latest German Lunacy


I can understand why ex-chancellor Gerhard Schröder is salty. Since leaving office, he has (oddly) been on the Board of Directors for Gazprom, NordStream, and Rosneft. Now that the US blew up the NordStream pipeline, I'm sure his pocketbook is suffering. Surprisingly though, he admits that Germany still cannot do anything major politically, without getting the green light from the USA.

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It's called supplication and submission to the masters who rule you. Germany has not been a real country since the end of WW2. It's an economic zone that's apparently become an inconvenient vassal that needs to be pushed down by a peg or two.

Honestly at this point none of this matters. The country is on a self destruct course and no matter what they do now Germany's back has finally been broken. Without affordable fuel/gas/energy there is no viable industry, and without industry the Germans are nothing but an acquisition target for the likes of Blackrock or Vanguard. It may end up like an Islamist version of the Ukraine.
It's called supplication and submission to the masters who rule you. Germany has not been a real country since the end of WW2. It's an economic zone that's apparently become an inconvenient vassal that needs to be pushed down by a peg or two.

Honestly at this point none of this matters. The country is on a self destruct course and no matter what they do now Germany's back has finally been broken. Without affordable fuel/gas/energy there is no viable industry, and without industry the Germans are nothing but an acquisition target for the likes of Blackrock or Vanguard. It may end up like an Islamist version of the Ukraine.
As long as German blood runs in veins, and German lungs still draw breath, there will never be a complete capitulation.

I have met many Germans in the east who are adamant about having children, are awake to the JQ, and didn't take their vaxxes. It's just a matter of getting them to work together. No other people have the will to resurrect themselves like they do when they go to work. In the face of a jewish dominated world, as long as there are Germans alive there will never be complete domination.

The academic control on Germany expires in 2099, which is on par for it being no longer "Germany" period. But the people are waking up, and each year more and more truth gets revealed from the lies they tried to embed beginning in 1945. Changes must happen in the next generation to prevent this fate you predict. That future is not set, for one hardworking German man and productive German mother can create a bounty of fruit the likes that 10,000 lazy migrants never could.

The only difference between 1919 and right now is that the jewish elites have wised up to the fact that they must coerce a control over German minds otherwise they will never be able to control these people. Back then it was all monetary, demoralizing and degeneracy, and they thought the rot of it would forever mire the Germans, but their jewishness does not understand the volk, and the spirit of a people, which I believe comes from the Holy Spirit, to reinvigorate and rebuild itself according to God's laws.

Parts of Germany may be lost for generations, but others will not go so quietly.
The latest from a once great nation:

As the old saying goes: You can vote yourself into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

🇩🇪🏭 Germany's energy woes spark 'deindustrialization on a considerable scale'

Consultancy firm Deloitte reports that two out of three German companies have partially relocated their operations abroad due to ongoing energy issues in Germany.

Previous reports indicated that nearly half of the country’s small-to-midsized companies were considering moving abroad or ceasing operations. According to Deloitte, 67 percent of German companies have moved some operations abroad, and every third industrial company plans to relocate high-quality areas such as production and preassembly.

Germany is done. The Jew loves collective punishment, and insists on destroying this nation for what its ancestors did in the 1930s.

America went through similar deindustrialization in the 1970s, which is why real wages peaked around 1973 and we have been on a gradual slide downward ever since, but it will be much worse for Germany, as it lacks the Exhorbitant Privilege that has kept the US in a giant bubble, plus the German changes are occurring far more rapidly.

All to try to preserve the border in a former Soviet province that is the most corrupt nation in Europe. Hope it was worth it.
Another case of an elderly German citizen being evicted from their home, to make way for "New Germans":
