Ladies’ Thoughts on Male/Female Spaces for the CiK forum

How would you prefer access and posting for gender to be handled?

  • Women can only post in the Ladies Forum, men can post anywhere

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only women can post in the Ladies Forum, only men can post in the men's forum, and a unisex section

    Votes: 3 75.0%
  • Only women can post in the Ladies Forum, women can post in a few parts of men's lifestyle

    Votes: 1 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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So there’s debate about what should be male only, female only, and unisex spaces as well as what should be private and such on this forum and I thought maybe some of our opinions might be worth taking into consideration given our experiences.

I think there should be men *only* and women *only* subforums for sure. I can’t count how many times on RVF we were having a discussion to have a guy come in and bungle it all up. (I imagine the male experience is the same with a female interjecting. It is equally as frustrating.)

A unisex “Living” section was suggested. I agree with that but it would be nice to comment on “current event” topics also. There were quite a few times I felt like could have contributed useful information or comments.

As for private subforums, I think it’s a double edged sword. On one hand, prying eyes are (mostly) kept at bay, and on the other, posters have a false sense of security...

I think there should be open viewer parts of the forum as well as member only. Maybe the Main Forum is open view but if a person wants access to the Private Men’s or Private Women’s, they need to make an account. At least if the person signs up, they have a little dog in the game.

The origin of RVF was very different than this one. So I’m interested in what you Ladies think.
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I like the forums separated, men and ladies, but why not have one or two forums where both can post as well? I admit to being somewhat frustrated when the men were discussing a topic where I wanted to add my 2 cents. Also, I was frustrated when ladies were discussing something and some men entered, dominated a discussion, and then acted as if they were the ultimate authority. What seemed to work well, was the thread, titled something like: "Men's Topics that Women Really Like". The ladies then could copy/paste from the men's forum and continue with it in their own forum.

As for privacy, we know that "the powers that be" have the ability to access anything they want; nothing is totally private, but I would still like this forum to be "members only", both for reading and posting.
As for privacy, we know that "the powers that be" have the ability to access anything they want; nothing is totally private, but I would still like this forum to be "members only", both for reading and posting.

Do you mean the entire forum is only visible to members? This has not been discussed, but there will be a private men's section and could also be a private women's section.

In terms of privacy. The server is based in Russia and protected by a proxy. You are only accessing the site through another server. So if that happens to be comprised, then there is another one that would need to be compromised. And if any authorities get access to the servers, it will be Russian ones, which will likely not matter. The site will also be accessible on a .onion domain via Tor. Other security provisions will be made going forward.
One thing I hadn’t considered is what will the new women who aren’t RVF refugees be like? I think for us OG ladies, the whole forum could be open to us but we’d mostly stick to the ladies forum anyway because it’s what we prefer but also because we respect the men’s space. I worry when new women join, they may not have that same tendency and cause discord instead… I’m sure once the forum is open to the public and makes its way around the internet there will be all sorts of characters trying to post here.

It might be best to not allow new women members to post outside of the Ladies Forum for a bit, at least until they adapt the tone of the forum. Maybe having a certain posting amount (like 30 comments or something, I don’t know) to open up privileges to post outside the Ladies Forum? Then, any women who can’t behave would most likely be banned or leave before they reach the larger part of the forum. It’s much easier to start out strict and then loosen up than the other way around.
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There are similar rules on RVF, for gaining access to certain areas after X posts. This will probably be continued here and it would be a good idea to do it for whatever unisex areas there are.
I like the idea of having men's only, women's only, and unisex sections. I particularly love the idea of the entire forum being private, for members only. I feel uneasy sharing details about my life that random people on the internet can read. Where I live, I'm part of a group that you can join by invitation only. This has kept the group very safe for years. I understand this forum is different because there are people from all over the country/world and we can't meet in person, but maybe something like that could be implemented (?)

Sorry if this is off topic, but what I don't like about RVF is the level of censorship that's going on. I feel like I'm always walking on eggshells and it's the reason I mostly lurk without posting anything. You can be banned for disagreeing with him. I've seen how he would let some people get away with things just because he personally liked them. There used to be a lot of female members but now only a handful participate and I think this is why.

BTW, what does "heritage" mean? Is that the title you get after a certain number of posts?
particularly love the idea of the entire forum being private, for members only.

The main forum will be public, but there will be a private area.

Sorry if this is off topic, but what I don't like about RVF is the level of censorship that's going on

It won't be the case here. As long as you are not trolling, blaspheming or promoting fornication it is unlikely you will be banned. The intention is to be light on bans, particularly for good posters. At least a couple of banned users are already here.

BTW, what does "heritage" mean? Is that the title you get after a certain number of posts?

It just means you were on RVF. I will add it to your account.
But the key difference is that men and women can make emoji's anywhere (hopefully this can be done through software).
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