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Keith Woods Thread

It seems to me that they are reaping what the sowed by becoming essentially anti-Christian, though they are nationally proud. That reminds me of the Spanish, who also are largely anti-Christian socialist pawns, but because of some historical things and perhaps an African border, have a little more sensibility about invaders. It's definitely ironic that both are "Roman Catholic" and both have pitiful fertility rates.

By the way, slightly off topic, but why are "right wing" leaders so rare? How were Franco and Pinochet able to not get wacked/knocked off before they got control of things. I know a lot of people love the controlled opposition stuff, but a far better explanation would be that the chaos of the modern left can't totally control for all things.

What's the proof here? Not that I would be surprised, and I know the BAP is a phony, but I need more proof than this.
It's 100% BAP. Check Keith's latest thread below.
This is the single funniest thing I've seen on twitter in 10 years. A man who speaks about fizeek, aesthetics, bodybuilding and 'life of power and vitality' all day, looking like a white pajeet with that physique.
Guy looks like he's never picked up a dumbell in his life