With the kind of servants they have in the United States, they don't need any bomb. The Samson option is the United States sending missiles to all of the jew's enemies if the rest of the world decides they have had enough and conspire to descend upon tel aviv. They control the USA thoroughly top to bottom in every aspect of it's infrastructure. Much of what we are "allowed" to see is merely theater. The people above satanyahu and above Trump are the one's who ultimately decide where the missiles will be launched at. It is all done through kabbalistic freemasonry as the executive branch of international jewry.
The Arabs, for as backwards as they are, seem to know this, or at least parts of this. The politicians are also not the ones who can authorize war operations, merely the subtext for the public to understand what is going on. The brass is all on board. There are no rogue generals, there are no questioning colonels, and no one with enough of a following to break away from zionist ambitions using the resource and manpower of the United States military.
The backdrop to the "why" all of this is possible is part explained with the blackmailing pedophile rings, the generational warfare of the Rothschild dynasty in setting up a worldwide debt-based fractional-reserve banking system, as well as the assassins who are bound to them by oath and trained by their agents (now CIA/DIA MI-5 and Mossad), and the inherent weakness that is slowly overcoming all of the world with the creeping systematic control of their worldview, which is a binary worldview, one for them, and one they project for everyone else. They actively believe that the goyim are not allowed to know these things because we are beneath animals to them.
So their hubris, which is part deicidal curse, part genetic, is underestimating the remainder of the world's best and brightest to root them out and inspire followers against them. Jesus Christ did this initially, then all of the great heroes of Christendom followed from Theodosius II, Edward I, Philip IV to Pope Innocent III to Pope Gregory IX to Tomas de Torquemada to Ferdinand & Isabella to Martin Luther to Pope Paul IV to Catherine the Great to Tsar Alexander III to the Third Position leaders of last century. Idi Amin gets a notable mention as being the first black to ever embarrass the jews. Several non-Christians like Gamal Nasser, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein, and al-Assad deserve credit for not caving in.
Time and time again they are routed, and this entire system is an unnatural implementation by their busybody scheming to prevent the natural reaction from occurring. So far the natural reaction has been for jews, as the embodiment of the proverbial can of problems kicked from one neighbor to another, to wander forever lost, as they deserve for betraying God numerous times and murdering His Son. They are defying God's own Will by setting up their state, in addition to the existing "state within states" of all occupied western and eastern governments, and delaying the inevitability of their wandering once more. If they cannot accept their just punishment under Providence, then they will face a harsher one at the hands of the races they have been destroying with their dark designs.