Jeff Dewit



This thread is for posting any information that can help put the screws to this traitorous satanic clown Jeff Dewit. In this audio clip in which he sounds like a creepy homosexual he attempts to bribe Kari Lake and then subtly threatens her with "back east" JQ power.

DeWit to Lake: "There are very powerful people who want to keep you out. But they're willing to put their money where their mouth is in a big way. So, this conversation never happened."

No surprises here at CIK, but this type of evil speak is literally right out of a spy novel. DeWit must be made to name names. If law enforcement won't do it then justice is going to have to be administered by internet sleuths, hackers, and trolls. DeWit needs to be humiliated for the criminal that he is in front of the entire country.

Let it also be noted that Kari Lake is not just some innocent bystander in all of this and she must also be made to "spill the beans" on all of this corruption. In the above audio clip Lake says, "I'm assuming this is our friend?" At this point DeWit says, "This is back East."

Which "friend" Kari? Tell us everything you know on national television or spend the rest of your life in jail. It is time for someone to start playing hardball with these traitorous JQ stooges.
DeWit was the Chief JQ Financial Officer of NASA from 2018 to 2020. This traitor with his "very powerful" "back East" financial connections was obviously "placed" at the center of NASA finances for some nefarious reason by his JQ overlords, the only question is what was his assignment?
DeWit was the Chief JQ Financial Officer of NASA from 2018 to 2020. This traitor with his "very powerful" "back East" financial connections was obviously "placed" at the center of NASA finances for some nefarious reason by his JQ overlords, the only question is what was his assignment?
Is that a Dutch J name? Curious.

What is "back east"? How far back east? LoL
Lake: I'm not gonna let these people who hate our effin' country tell me not to run. These people are corrupt. (@Get2choppaaa Doesn't sound like she's talking about Mitch McConnel and Senate Republicans here).

DeWit: They want you to be on their team.

Lake: Well, if they're pushing a globalist agenda then I can't do that...

... This is about the final death blow to Trump...

... All these consultants don't want their payday to end and I don't want to make a deal with these people...
[Again, here she mentions (JQ?) "consultants" not McConnel or Senate Republicans].

... If they're going to steal the election to make me and our movement go away, then I'm not letting them do that...

... They're going to have to effin' kill me to stop me... You don't have to tell them that...

DeWit: Where are we in two years if they steal the election again?

The bottom line is, they aren't talking in public like they are talking in private. This is dishonest and corrupt. They are hiding the real machinations of the US government from We The People in order to line their own pockets with money and to experience the thrill of power. They are selling out the best interest of this country to the highest bidder regardless of what the policies are (funding tranny surgeries, abortions, sanctuary cities, free hotels and healthcare for illegals, etc.). These are treasonous "high crimes and misdemeanors" punishable by death.

In addition, these two clowns are acknowledging that the 2020 election was stolen yet aren't on FOX News every night screaming at the top of their lungs about it. Instead they're lying to our faces in public and saying Biden won just so they won't "rock the boat" and hurt their future re-election campaigns.
Lake: I'm not gonna let these people who hate our effin' country tell me not to run. These people are corrupt. (@Get2choppaaa Doesn't sound like she's talking about Mitch McConnel and Senate Republicans here).

DeWit: They want you to be on their team.

Lake: Well, if they're pushing a globalist agenda then I can't do that...

... This is about the final death blow to Trump...

... All these consultants don't want their payday to end and I don't want to make a deal with these people...
[Again, here she mentions (JQ?) "consultants" not McConnel or Senate Republicans].

... If they're going to steal the election to make me and our movement go away, then I'm not letting them do that...

... They're going to have to effin' kill me to stop me... You don't have to tell them that...

DeWit: Where are we in two years if they steal the election again?

The bottom line is, they aren't talking in public like they are talking in private. This is dishonest and corrupt. They are hiding the real machinations of the US government from We The People in order to line their own pockets with money and to experience the thrill of power. They are selling out the best interest of this country to the highest bidder regardless of what the policies are (funding tranny surgeries, abortions, sanctuary cities, free hotels and healthcare for illegals, etc.). These are treasonous "high crimes and misdemeanors" punishable by death.

In addition, these two clowns are acknowledging that the 2020 election was stolen yet aren't on FOX News every night screaming at the top of their lungs about it. Instead they're lying to our faces in public and saying Biden won just so they won't "rock the boat" and hurt their future re-election campaigns.
Not sure why you suggest this isn't Republican leadership...

McConnel literally sells us out to China (chicom wife) and The .mil industrial Complex... I'm sure he could orchestrate a Boeing type deal like Nimrod Haley got for Lake if she'd agree.
In addition, these two clowns are acknowledging that the 2020 election was stolen yet aren't on FOX News every night screaming at the top of their lungs about it.
What do you think DeWit would say as to how it was done? By computer or by bringing out harvested paper ballots at 3 am in swing states?

I think the reason why is that they realize we are so close to the end, and the deep state so entrenched, they also laugh at "Democracy"
> It's about being on the team.

This is the most telling part of the call. Indeed it isn't about ownership or control as with puppetry. They want unprincipled initiated acolytes who amplify the cult's irrational and unholy mantras, pick up on the current messages and respond predictably in positions of power.
Not sure why you suggest this isn't Republican leadership...

McConnel literally sells us out to China (chicom wife) and The .mil industrial Complex... I'm sure he could orchestrate a Boeing type deal like Nimrod Haley got for Lake if she'd agree.
I don't know exactly who it is they're talking about. What I do know is that there is another layer (or two) of JQ "elites" behind the "firewall" of whoever it is they're discussing.

Lake goes on to say, "All these consultants don't want their payday to end and I don't want to make a deal with these people." I'm assuming that she's not referring to McConnel and Senate Republicans when she uses the terms "consultants" and "these people," but again, that's just an assumption. Whatever the case, something's rotten in the state of Denmark. This I'm sure we can agree on.
I don't know exactly who it is they're talking about. What I do know is that there is another layer (or two) of JQ "elites" behind the "firewall" of whoever it is they're discussing.

Lake goes on to say, "All these consultants don't want their payday to end and I don't want to make a deal with these people." I'm assuming that she's not referring to McConnel and Senate Republicans when she uses the terms "consultants" and "these people," but again, that's just an assumption. Whatever the case, something's rotten in the state of Denmark. This I'm sure we can agree on.
Absolutely my friend. 100 percent clear.