Investing is a crime against nature then?
No, very easy to create non-usurous investment schemes. Instead of collecting 5% on your loan per year, you instead collect 5% flat on your loan. No interest. You invest with an expectation of return, which is 100% legal and holy, as you take the risk, but the idea that your loan will be worth more over time if they fail to pay it back is pure evil. Risk must be shared equally between lender and lendee.
Should a business fail it is not merely the man who worked hard trying to make it work be the one to bear all costs of the loan. The lender assumes no effort, he should not be entitled to a forever increasing return merely because he started as the richer of the two parties.
Lending at interest is usury and it is pure evil. It is the ONLY sin Jesus got violent over (combined with it being in the most holy of places), and it couldn't be more clear by Jesus's commandment: God or Mammon.
There is nothing more disgusting in the eyes of our Lord than money. God looks at money the same way you look at poop. We all have to poop (or make money). That's not something to be proud of, be flashy about, or spending all of your time thinking of how much poop you can do. That is the closest analogy to how God views people's pursuit of money, which logically means usury is making others suffer and work hard just so you can acquire more poop (i.e. something worthless to God).
We live in such a debauched and disgusting age people have come to accept their bonds of usurious enslavement with almost no questions asked. The usury in our culture is 10000000x more disgusting than any of the homosexuality or other perversions we have, and yet it's completely accepted as normal.
Every single sin prevalent in our society today is rooted in usury, in one way or another, because of how pervasive the power of money is. Truly, I promise anyone who digs deep into the cause of all sins today find it goes back to easy money combined with interest rates. There is never enough money in the system for everyone to repay their debts in a fractional reserve system, so the only choice is for more easy money. Because very few can aquire wealth in such a system, as the constant shortage of money means the majority will be poor, people binge on whatever money they can get ahold of since it makes no sense to work hard for money that doesn't exist (hence why there are very few good jobs). Instead, people wait until they can loan again with more cheap money, which further enslaves them to sin and debt.
It's a downward spiral that is reflected in our abortion rates, jaw-dropping birth rates, marriage rates, family formation, Church attendance (people are so stressed and overworked no one wants to make the effort to worship), business formation, sexual perversions manifesting as a outlet to escape a hell world, etc. Pretty much every sin we see today is just a symptom of a much worse rot at the heart of our government and society.
Someday the yoke will be thrown off. But it could take centuries, and the damage will be more and more severe the longer this is allowed to continue. By the end of the century, for example, worldwide White populations will be halved from what they are now, and if usury isn't solved by then the White race will decline another 50%, and each leg down it becomes harder and harder for the usurers to run a scam on the disappearing slave class, which eventually prompts a revolt of some kind.