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Is a Schism Occurring in the United States and Western World?


Other Christian

Over the past several months it seems that there has been a considerable uptick in people who no longer have any belief in "our democracy" and those hinting at or outright discussing the Jewish question. Add to that more vocal opposition against immigration and the trans-agenda. It seems for a lot of people, too many lines have been crossed. All of my older relatives (from the UK) who are various types of normie-cons think we are living in a clown world. They see everything going rapidly down the toilet and have no hope for the future of their grandchildren. Some gave up voting some time ago and others are pretty close. Yet, at their age, they don't get exposed to much further than the Daily Mail. Of the few people I know IRL who see what's going on, all have been testing the boundaries of what they can get away with saying to normies. A lot of people are noting that they are starting to see fractures. That's something, which, I think, we really first saw with one of the most embarrassing military campaigns of all time - Afghanistan, 01-21. In particular the very sharp spike in children been degraded into transgenderism by the public-private partnership seems to have helped push people over the edge.

There are many trends. The current iteration of the pickup community also seems to be far more saturated in topics like JQ, the decline of men/women + religion. Something like 45% of males in the UK have a positive opinion of Andrew Tate. I mention this not to hold Tate up, but to illustrate, the mass of young males who are rejecting the fake and gay society. Tate is not going to be the end of that journey. Another is the increased willingness for people to say things like "just stay the hell away from black people" or "I can't see any benefit from being around black people". Things which many have essentially known for a long time, but probably not wanted to say. It's peeling back. Then there's France. Many know what's going on there and that France's future is to disappear with it's head in the sand, apologising.

I believe a big part of this has been Gab, which has taken a few million worn-down normie-cons and slowly boiled upped the temperature of noticing. And now those people have flooded back on to Twitter.

There are three people whose movements have been notable in this movement:

1) Auron MacIntyre, an anti-democratic and anti-liberal philosopher, with a knack of boiling down topics into a sentence or two. This is a growing space, adjacent to the more right-wing circles of Trump and DeSantis enjoyers. But what was more notable is that MacIntyre has been picked up by The Blaze, which it quite emblematic of the normie-con phenomena. I didn't really have much interest in anything they put out, but they are allowing him to use the platform to quietly and effectively spread the post-liberal and anti-democratic message.

2) Elijah Schaffer, who was a soft culture warrior loser at The Blaze, with a bit too high soy parts per million for me. His content was like some astro-turfed Candace Owens spectacle. Recently he's been running polls that show majorities hold positions that the left-mainstream would be terrified of. Such as Jews engageing in an anti-white agenda to destroy Western countries.

3) Scott Adams, who went from a lite liberal-normie-con cross-over and vaxxxer, to someone who has been pushing the bar of what people say. Things most people instinctively know, but are often to afraid to admit to themselves.

I've also heard people commenting on this phenomena, that "we're about to turn a corner". I don't really see that, necessarily, because the right-wing has an incredibly weak hand in the institutions that are transforming the future we will live in - into one that is far more fake, gay, debased and incompetent than the present.

But, it seems there is a genuine split happening, in which people can no longer abide the left-mainstream and are far less afraid to say so and why. And that seems like a snowball heading down a hill.

Further, while the right will abide masses of actual insane leftist policies; I'm under the pressure that just right-wing words are more difficult for them to deal with. I'm hoping that if the right starts being more forthright and banning as much leftist insanity in states, then leftists will start self-deporting, or not arriving in the first place.




Where do you see this going?