Irish Politics Thread

Nice post about the latest situation in Ireland and Conor Mcgregor's response:

Another day, another atrocity; another shameless display by the Western establishment (the politicians and media), as they attempt yet again to hide their extraordinary failures and smear justified public outrage as “far-right agitation”.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, Ireland’s leader, plumbed new depths a few hours ago when he addressed the media following an unprecedented night of unrest in Dublin. The cause of the unrest, as you probably know, was the stabbing of multiple schoolchildren, at least one of whom has died, by an Algerian immigrant.

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I'm about to drop out of society but Conor's got me all pumped up and day dreaming about moving to Ireland. I feel like this is a war we could win.
Gentle people..
Take it from a Celt.

Back in the days when in the troubles began in earnest (around 1971) and children, children .. were being shot in the back by snipers just walking down the street and in retaliation men were breaking into houses and shooting young civilain men sitting at their kitchen table minding their own business, there were the more proactive and investigative reporters going to Belfast and interviewing different sides.
One particularly revealing black and white interview was with a Catholic priest.

The British interviewer asked if it was true what he was hearing, that the Political IRA (who had been the main players in the 1916 rising and civil war and who were seen to represent Catholic interests in the North) were being elbowed out.
There was a new force in town called the "Provisional IRA" and behind the scenes they were, violently if necessary, cleaning house and turfing out the Old Guard. The Provisional IRA knew that the old guard were not fit to fight the new war against an experienced British occupying army and so they gutted them and took over behind the scenes.
The Catholic Priest's eyes lit up when he was asked this question and he could barely suppress his his smile. He kept saying "I don't know, I wouldn't know about that.." when it was clear that he did know and that he was stoked that finally somebody with a bit of gumption was defending his community and taking the fight to the British.

Well, where did the IRA get its guns from? Partly from Libya, partly through the Maltese connection.. the British MI6 knew ALL about it and did nothing to stop it.
They, the zoo-freemason elite, had set up the whole conflict in the first place. "Good King Billy" was part of a Zio-Freemason invasion of England and then Scotland and Ireland, that part's true. The freemason Orange Order in protestant Northern Ireland is a testament to that.
But what many don't know is that "Good King James" (whom my family over the centuries repeatedly fought for and died for and were harassed off the back of it) was ALSO a freemason. These people play both sides. My people throwing themselves at English guns and dying horribly for the Stuart cause had 10,000% the commitment that someone like the Old Pretender or the New Pretender ever had. It was by contrast a game for those elites.

The provisional IRA fought hard and even got elected to seats in Parliament in London through their political wing, Sinn Fein.
Well, who were those brave leaders of Sinn Fein and the Provos?
We all know about Freddie Scapaticci on the IRA ruling council and how he was actually codename "Stakeknife" warning the British and enabling them to take out IRA operations like Gibraltar.
But the reason that we are allowed to know about Stakeknife is because the infiltration went higher. Gerry Adams was working with and for British intelligence (they got to him through the pedophilia in his family) and Martin McGuinness was able to kill civilians, soldiers and VIPs with impunity (he was never even interned) as he was agent "J118" working for the British. Thats how controlled both sides of the conflict were.
And when the IRA put down their guns and came to the peace table then suddenly a new group, the Real IRA, popped up. Who do you think was managing them?
The senseless and cruel Omagh bombing happened at, suspiciously, just the right time to invigorate the burgeoning peace process.
These days Sinn Fein have a lot of power in Republic of Ireland politics and yet.. look at that.. the Irish people that they claim to defend are under a full blown attack from mass migration, censorship laws, and other WEF EU policies. Who runs Irish media? the jews. who runs the Irish economy through its Big tech sector? the jews. who runs Ireland? the jews through their obedient Sinn Fein and gay Indian sock puppets.

@It_Is_My_Time is right. This IS a blue-pilled forum these days. Let's not pretend it isn't.
The Aya Sophia still stands but, as of April this year the last of the red-pill posters like 911 suspiciously disappeared (and no-one on here, even to this day, even said word one about that) and in his place practically the only posting was about which movies people liked, or which Daily Wire commentator said what.
It got to the stage where Barbie the movie was being discussed ad infinitum and people were fighting it out as to which of their favourite Daily Wire jew talking heads had said what about "Barbie the movie" >by contrast, 911's disappearance didn't even get a couple of sentences.
They took down all the Orthodox icons in the Aya Sophia and whilst RVF 2.0 still stands blue pilled posts have gone up now on all the walls instead.
The Culture War truly IS an intelligence run psy-op and whilst I could have posted that and got agreement on a red pilled RVF a year ago, I would have a hard time convincing the constant Twitter/X up-daters and Daily Wire adherents on here now.

In response to this Mr @PurpleUrkel you will no doubt use your stock-in-trade, one-size-fits-all phrases "have you ever considered that not Everything is a conspiracy?" "Do you realise how many people would have to be involved in something like that?"
OR, as regards the bombing of the World Trade Centre "maybe it's (9-11) exactly what it seems too? Two planes flown by Muslims who trained at a Florida flight school flew into the Twin Towers and brought them down. Maybe the buildings didn't need extra explosives to collapse? It seems to me that the fire would have burned them to the ground eventually. There was no way they were going to put that fire out. Sometimes the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Everything can't be a jewish false flag psy op planned and organized to such flawless perfection."
This is the new standard on here now. Believe the official 9-11 story. Don't question it. Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK etc.
If I tell people that jews like Jim Balsillie, Szemberg, Dongier were cultivating and shaping Jordan Peterson from the very beginning of his career when no-one had ever heard of him Mr Urkel's truth-test in response is: "when you state something about Jordan Peterson's past you need to say "I personally know Jordan Peterson and I was present when the jews approached him and forced him to sell his soul to the devil," or, "I'm ex-CIA and I saw the jewish file on Jordan Peterson with my own two eyes." otherwise it didn't happen.. and back we go to "wow! just in! Jordan Peterson really showed them with his latest video! I just wish he was a bit more nuanced on Christianity/Israel.guess we'll all have to
Tune in NEXT episode!
update from the Daily Wire, update from the Daily Wire again, more updates from Twitter,
if it isn't being told to us by jewish financed MSM then - did it ever really happen? "like their own thoughts come the thoughts of others"

I mean its fine, I get it, this is a blue pilled forum for middle aged normies who have conservative values and who don't like the current pace of change.
They can meet like minded types and share things they liked on the "X"-tweet-tele-whatsit-ma-thingy that they saw, then have cocoa...
Bad Skeletor thought he would get away with it but He-Man really put him in his place, >>>> Until next time...
Which is exactly what the agencies who curate our media-fare want us to be doing, Sitting here goggle eyed, following the celebrities they give us whilst they are always giving us just enough to keep us hopeful, hopeful that a bit more keyboarding will finally do the trick.
Whats that? Fed up with just keyboarding? Obviously this forum isn't the place to organise trips to the Ukraine front or Ireland or anywhere else but it seems the sentiment is there. People are serious.
After all Conor McGregor just did a tweet! people are putting up memes about the IRA! (The IRA who are run by British MI6 ultimately and whose political wing Sinn Fein is flooding Ireland with migrants and censorship laws right now..But who cares, Its on!)
Big arrests soon! Hilary will be indicted! Q foretold this..
And Im in! here we go!
Thats the problem here: a safe, comfortable, media-curated Un-Reality.
Candace Ownes just agreed with Tucker Carlson that "the cost of food keeps going up and yet the elites don't solve poverty, they just use their money to fund more wars...
Same as its ever been Tucker...

It sure seems that way Candace"
and THAT was the conclusion to Candace and Tucker's Groundbreaking name-the-jew discussion about (((Big Harvard Donors))).
Woah! Back up jews! Its mid-1917 Russia and people are Finally Naming the Jew! A little bit.. That should put off the coming Red terror.
Candace:"Im actually on really good terms with the CEOs of Daily Wire and Andrew Klavan and Michael Knowles and all those guys.. just, me and Ben need to work things out right now.." A Soap Opera. Tune in Next Time.
Its all divide and rule, always has been and it is all Very Comfortable for the elites.
So Conor MacGregor, from his hotel suite, says something (that I personally agree with) on Twitter/"X". then there's also a rowdy demo.
So what? The needle is not moving an inch.
Go to Ireland and the Gardai will have you surveilled within an inch of your life.
And ask yourself before you go, have people ever made serious efforts to kill you? how many times? have you been arrested before? how many times? Been up in court on serious charges? Been locked locked up? Or... is this just more fantasy larping?
This IS a blue pilled forum on account of the weight of blue-pilled posting BUT one that mercifully HAS freedom of speech - such that others (much smarter than me) will occasionally chip in a red pilled post.
So keep telling us that Alex Jones is The Man, that its all the moooslims, that Tommy Robinson isn't a deep state agent, that Lee Harvey Oswald shot JFK, Jordan Peterson is 'just misguided', that 2 planes piloted by dumbs Arabs caused 3 buildings to spontaneously explode in New York, that We Need to Just Vote Harder for Donald Trump This Time.. and, maybe, some will even believe you.
But spare us the "guess what? I just remembered! Im 1/8 Irish! Hey Im catholic! Lets all go to Ireland!" roleplaying games.

The level of Fantasy and unreality on here is bad enough as it is..
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They'd starve the Irish again if they truly revolted, only this time with additional untold number of African and Indian mouths to feed.

It is good to see a bunch of lads take to the streets as it means they've reached a breaking point, but its futile unless they actually attack their own politicians for allowing these travesties by selling out Ireland.

Winding the clocks back a bit, let's see how others fared, and how even with the odds in their favor certain times, it never changed the ultimate outcome.

There was an alternative to the current IRA in the 1930s, with Eoin O'Duffy and his blueshirts in the People's National Party, but like every national movement of that era was beaten down and blurred from history. Here they are below hoisting a St. Patrick's cross flag.


The problem is Europe is divided. As Catholics stand together, it would be Ireland, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Italy, Croatia, and Poland all supporting one another through a common unison of the church. This is what happened in the 1930s when Ireland, Germany, and Italy supported Franco against the red communists in Spain, who were surprisingly more comprised of English marxists, Russian Bolshevik foreign fighters, and French communists than an entirely Spanish opposing force. His book "Crusade in Spain" explains everything they lied about to the rest of the world then.

There will be no uprising anywhere in Europe until people are starving and the various nations realize that they will only survive if they band together. All of them.

Here is an honest film about the Irish struggle against Britain from 1941 for those interested. It was made in Germany.

"Mein Leben fur Irland"

Those of you who wish to go there and "fight" this system take heed of all the predecessors who did, and did not succeed. Yet there is still value in fighting and dying for a cause you believe in, even if you don't win it.

There were many others who rose up to true standards of Celtic Patriot that history has also swept aside, for every country. For Ireland, there is Sir Roger Casement, who was a former British diplomat and knight, and during WW1 signed an agreement in Berlin, authorizing the "Irish Brigade" be formed from Irish prisoners of war who had been drafted to fight for Britain. Ultimately Casement wished to send a fighting unit of Irishmen to Ireland to fight the British occupiers. The Irishmen who volunteered received training in machine guns and were assigned German officers. They were attached to the 203rd Brandenburg regiment and divided into two companies comprising ten Machine-Gun-Corps. They also received their own Irish Brigade uniform. In 1916 Casement returned to Ireland by German U-boat and was captured by the British and executed for "treason."

There was also Father John Nicholson, and the Church records state:
'Father John T. Nicholson, was a native Irishman who had come to the United States as a youth to make his seminary studies, but who never lost his affection for Ireland. It is related of him that he spent some time in Germany in 1916, and that, while there, he tried to aid Sir Roger Casement in securing German assistance for the Irish cause. In doing so he aroused the wrath of the English Government. Happily, he did not fall into their hands.

Father Nicholson had been ordained in 1897, and had served in Houston, Texas, until coming to Wyoming for his health in the latter part of 1916. He was pastor in Newcastle and Buffalo until his transfer to Laramie in 1920. A scholarly man, he was devoted to his people and solicitous in every matter than concerned them. It was he who built this church, taking the design from a church he had admired in Germany. Many of the tiles and designs in the sanctuary were of his own creation. He died in 1935, and through a fortunate investment he had made, willed a bequest of $20,000 to the parish. This later was a decisive factor in making the parochial school a reality.'

There was also James O'Donovan:

James O'Donovan (November 3, 1896 – June 4, 1979), also known as Seamus O'Donovan, was an important volunteer in the Irish Republican Army (IRA). He fought in the Irish War of Independence and also on the Anti-Treaty side (those who would not accept a compromise with the British and the Anglo-Irish Treaty) during the Irish Civil War. His convictions landed him in prison many times, such as his imprisonment during the Irish War of Independence. He was an explosives expert and in 1921 became the IRA Director of Chemicals.

In August of 1938, at the urging of the IRA chief of staff Seán Russell, he created the S-Plan, a bombing campaign targeting England. He wrote in his unpublished memoirs that he 'conducted the entire training of cadre units, was responsible for all but locally-derived intelligence, carried out small pieces of research and, in general, controlled the whole explosives and munitions end of S-plan.'

Even this man's life work did not change the outcome that is still there today, and because of the infiltration with the IRA later on, there has been a stagnant stalemate, where the victors slowly eroded Ireland's Catholicism, and its family, and now its people.

Let's take a look at another Irishman who would have changed the face of his country had he succeeded:

Gearóid Ó Cuinneagáin, (January 2, 1910 - 1991) was born into a middle class Catholic family in Belfast, Ireland. He excelled in school and in 1927 even took third place nationwide in the Irish civil service examinations. He went on to college after gaining acceptance to Queen's University in Belfast. A teacher from his youth had inspired him to learn the Gaelic language and he took night courses in order to do so. He found the language quite natural and even changed his name from the Anglicized 'Gerald Cunningham' back to the Gaelic 'Gearóid Ó Cuinneagáin'. He began working as a tax consultant before his interest in politics forced him to change his path. His proficiency in Gaelic earned him a position as an editorial writer for the Republican weekly 'An tÉireannach' in 1933. As his interest in politics continued to grow he went on to found the Ailtirí na hAiséirghe in 1942. The party carried on even after WW2, in 1958 it still had formal meetings and up until the early 1970s the party's newspaper still released publications.

"Altiri Na hAiseirghe"
(Architect of the Resurrection)


'Your duty to Ireland does not end with the casting of your vote.
Serve Ireland always.
Speak the language.
Encourage others to speak the language.
Help everything Irish and national and clean!'

--Ailtirí na hAiséirghe slogan

Ailtirí na hAiséirghe (which means 'Architects of the Resurrection' in Gaelic) was a nationalist and fascist political party founded by Gearóid Ó Cuinneagáin in Ireland in 1942. The Party was influenced by and aligned with National Socialist Germany and the Axis powers. They sought to create their own military and gain true sovereignty of Ireland. Included in this aim was the conquest of Northern Ireland and the end of the use of the English language, instead returning to their native Gaelic language. The Ailtirí na hAiséirghe also wanted to end the incredible jewish power and influence over Irish politics, life and culture. Maintaining a Christian culture throughout Ireland was an important goal to the party. In the 1945 local government elections party members won a hefty 9 out of 31 contested seats.

Take a look at what they had to say then:


If anyone isn't doing this for their kin they are not on the way to revival. It all begins with the language and the faith. Don't let anything else start until these two are solid, for all else are jewish distractions. Even chasing down these migrants is a waste of time, the hole in the boat (traitorous politicians) will keep pouring more dirty water (migrant bioweapons) to sink the nation. Plug the hole, then fetch a pale and dish the mud soup out.

"Anti-semitism is the word used by the jews to designate any form of opposition to themselves, and they strive to persistently to associate irrationality and want of balance with the term. They evidently want the world to believe that anyone who opposes jewish pretensions is more or less mentally deranged." - Father Denis Fahey.
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They'd starve the Irish again if they truly revolted, only this time with additional untold number of African and Indian mouths to feed.

It is good to see a bunch of lads take to the streets as it means they've reached a breaking point, but its futile unless they actually attack their own politicians for allowing these travesties by selling out Ireland.

Winding the clocks back a bit, let's see how others fared, and how even with the odds in their favor certain times, it never changed the ultimate outcome.

There was an alternative to the current IRA in the 1930s, with Eoin O'Duffy and his blueshirts in the People's National Party, but like every national movement of that era was beaten down and blurred from history. Here they are below hoisting a St. Patrick's cross flag.

View attachment 1722

The problem is Europe is divided. As Catholics stand together, it would be Ireland, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Italy, Croatia, and Poland all supporting one another through a common unison of the church. This is what happened in the 1930s when Ireland, Germany, and Italy supported Franco against the red communists in Spain, who were surprisingly more comprised of English marxists, Russian Bolshevik foreign fighters, and French communists than an entirely Spanish opposing force. His book "Crusade in Spain" explains everything they lied about to the rest of the world then.

There will be no uprising anywhere in Europe until people are starving and the various nations realize that they will only survive if they band together. All of them.

Here is an honest film about the Irish struggle against Britain from 1941 for those interested. It was made in Germany.

"Mein Leben fur Irland"

Those of you who wish to go there and "fight" this system take heed of all the predecessors who did, and did not succeed. Yet there is still value in fighting and dying for a cause you believe in, even if you don't win it.

There were many others who rose up to true standards of Celtic Patriot that history has also swept aside, for every country. For Ireland, there is Sir Roger Casement, who was a former British diplomat and knight, and during WW1 signed an agreement in Berlin, authorizing the "Irish Brigade" be formed from Irish prisoners of war who had been drafted to fight for Britain. Ultimately Casement wished to send a fighting unit of Irishmen to Ireland to fight the British occupiers. The Irishmen who volunteered received training in machine guns and were assigned German officers. They were attached to the 203rd Brandenburg regiment and divided into two companies comprising ten Machine-Gun-Corps. They also received their own Irish Brigade uniform. In 1916 Casement returned to Ireland by German U-boat and was captured by the British and executed for "treason."

There was also Father John Nicholson, and the Church records state:
'Father John T. Nicholson, was a native Irishman who had come to the United States as a youth to make his seminary studies, but who never lost his affection for Ireland. It is related of him that he spent some time in Germany in 1916, and that, while there, he tried to aid Sir Roger Casement in securing German assistance for the Irish cause. In doing so he aroused the wrath of the English Government. Happily, he did not fall into their hands.

Father Nicholson had been ordained in 1897, and had served in Houston, Texas, until coming to Wyoming for his health in the latter part of 1916. He was pastor in Newcastle and Buffalo until his transfer to Laramie in 1920. A scholarly man, he was devoted to his people and solicitous in every matter than concerned them. It was he who built this church, taking the design from a church he had admired in Germany. Many of the tiles and designs in the sanctuary were of his own creation. He died in 1935, and through a fortunate investment he had made, willed a bequest of $20,000 to the parish. This later was a decisive factor in making the parochial school a reality.'

There was also James O'Donovan:

James O'Donovan (November 3, 1896 – June 4, 1979), also known as Seamus O'Donovan, was an important volunteer in the Irish Republican Army (IRA). He fought in the Irish War of Independence and also on the Anti-Treaty side (those who would not accept a compromise with the British and the Anglo-Irish Treaty) during the Irish Civil War. His convictions landed him in prison many times, such as his imprisonment during the Irish War of Independence. He was an explosives expert and in 1921 became the IRA Director of Chemicals.

In August of 1938, at the urging of the IRA chief of staff Seán Russell, he created the S-Plan, a bombing campaign targeting England. He wrote in his unpublished memoirs that he 'conducted the entire training of cadre units, was responsible for all but locally-derived intelligence, carried out small pieces of research and, in general, controlled the whole explosives and munitions end of S-plan.'

Even this man's life work did not change the outcome that is still there today, and because of the infiltration with the IRA later on, there has been a stagnant stalemate, where the victors slowly eroded Ireland's Catholicism, and its family, and now its people.

Let's take a look at another Irishman who would have changed the face of his country had he succeeded:

Gearóid Ó Cuinneagáin, (January 2, 1910 - 1991) was born into a middle class Catholic family in Belfast, Ireland. He excelled in school and in 1927 even took third place nationwide in the Irish civil service examinations. He went on to college after gaining acceptance to Queen's University in Belfast. A teacher from his youth had inspired him to learn the Gaelic language and he took night courses in order to do so. He found the language quite natural and even changed his name from the Anglicized 'Gerald Cunningham' back to the Gaelic 'Gearóid Ó Cuinneagáin'. He began working as a tax consultant before his interest in politics forced him to change his path. His proficiency in Gaelic earned him a position as an editorial writer for the Republican weekly 'An tÉireannach' in 1933. As his interest in politics continued to grow he went on to found the Ailtirí na hAiséirghe in 1942. The party carried on even after WW2, in 1958 it still had formal meetings and up until the early 1970s the party's newspaper still released publications.

"Altiri Na hAiseirghe"
(Architect of the Resurrection)

View attachment 1723

'Your duty to Ireland does not end with the casting of your vote.
Serve Ireland always.
Speak the language.
Encourage others to speak the language.
Help everything Irish and national and clean!'

--Ailtirí na hAiséirghe slogan

Ailtirí na hAiséirghe (which means 'Architects of the Resurrection' in Gaelic) was a nationalist and fascist political party founded by Gearóid Ó Cuinneagáin in Ireland in 1942. The Party was influenced by and aligned with National Socialist Germany and the Axis powers. They sought to create their own military and gain true sovereignty of Ireland. Included in this aim was the conquest of Northern Ireland and the end of the use of the English language, instead returning to their native Gaelic language. The Ailtirí na hAiséirghe also wanted to end the incredible jewish power and influence over Irish politics, life and culture. Maintaining a Christian culture throughout Ireland was an important goal to the party. In the 1945 local government elections party members won a hefty 9 out of 31 contested seats.

Take a look at what they had to say then:

View attachment 1724

If anyone isn't doing this for their kin they are not on the way to revival. It all begins with the language and the faith. Don't let anything else start until these two are solid, for all else are jewish distractions. Even chasing down these migrants is a waste of time, the hole in the boat (traitorous politicians) will keep pouring more dirty water (migrant bioweapons) to sink the nation. Plug the hole, then fetch a pale and dish the mud soup out.

"Anti-semitism is the word used by the jews to designate any form of opposition to themselves, and they strive to persistently to associate irrationality and want of balance with the term. They evidently want the world to believe that anyone who opposes jewish pretensions is more or less mentally deranged." - Father Denis Fahey.

Its all a bit of a mess in Ireland these days.
A few years ago I had great hopes that the jews and globe-homo would try mass migration on Ireland and that the 'RA the provos and the loyalist gangs would unite to kick them out. Hasn't happened though.

There are dangers with compromise, there are dangers with purity.. and purity spiralling..
In a sense you have to work with what you've got.
I am heartened to see the Irish fight back but we must remember that what we used to think was "winning!" now looks more like turbulence that the TPTB experience briefly whilst imposing their plans relatively easily.

I was talking to a disillusioned young guy from Eastern Europe. He was looking for a 'home', somewhere he could go based and red pilled and capable of fighting back against this jewish globalisation that is happening everywhere.
One day he contacted me and said: "Northern Ireland! Its white, still, there are guns that the state doesn't regulate and they have their own militias (IRA UDA UVF etc.)"

In reply I sent him the below video and advised him to temper his idealism.
The video gives a taste of modern Northern ireland which in many ways is getting closer to "Change my Facebook Picture to The Current Thing" SNP Scotland, which is no place you want to find your home politically. A lot of people in the Republic are the same. They think IRA and anti English means pro- Antifa and pro BLM and #MeToo and pro EU.
Poor Lyra McKee was one of the new ultra liberal ultra LGBTQ SJW activists of the new generation
She got shot by accident at a sectarian protest

The documentary with its annoying jewish presenter (oh yes, they run N.I. too) interviews all manner of 'players' on her housing estate - its all un-dateable, space-hoppa sized, angry SJW women and left wing virtue signalling everywhere.

Gone are the days of street fighters and the hey-day of the likes of Sean Hughes and Mad Dog Adair..
I learned this week that Dublin patrol vehicles are not fire-retardant if one places a flaming cardboard box on the back seat.
A bunch of Glowies got their talking points. :unsure:







I often wonder how my and many other men's personal journeys went from PUA to nationalism via a Red Pill appreciation of women's nature and how it can destroy nations.

This is the Red Pill's war bride doctrine in operation.

However, there won't be many Palestinian women expressing corresponding views. No, they will double down on bringing up the next generation to overwhelm Israel.
This IS a blue-pilled forum these days. Let's not pretend it isn't.
I respectfully disagree.

The Culture War truly IS an intelligence run psy-op and whilst I could have posted that and got agreement on a red pilled RVF a year ago, I would have a hard time convincing the constant Twitter/X up-daters and Daily Wire adherents on here now.
I think you're wrong about this. Most people here, myself included, believe that many aspects of the culture wars are indeed different forms of psy ops.

In response to this Mr @PurpleUrkel you will no doubt use your stock-in-trade, one-size-fits-all phrases "have you ever considered that not Everything is a conspiracy?"
Well, have you? Everyone on here believes in conspiracies, some of us just aren't as far down the rabbit hole as you are. Please have patience with those of us who aren't as well informed as you are.

This is the new standard on here now. Believe the official 9-11 story. Don't question it.
Everyone on here questions 911. The real point being made is what difference does it make who did it? Life can be good and improve regardless of who was "really" behind 911 (or any other event).

I mean its fine, I get it, this is a blue pilled forum for middle aged normies
It doesn't sound fine. You sound really upset about it. But again, I respectfully disagree, this forum is much greater than the condescending, black pilled way you are describing it.

Obviously this forum isn't the place to organise trips to the Ukraine front or Ireland or anywhere else but it seems the sentiment is there. People are serious.
No, we are not serious (at least I'm not). All talk of moving to Ireland and joining a war led by Conor McGregor was a joke.