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IQ Research


Orthodox Inquirer
Here is a fun one to start with: A research paper from Ohio State University says that blonds are not dumb, and actually top the IQ tables.

From the paper:

4. Conclusions

Popular culture portrays white women with blonde hair as beautiful but dumb. Nevertheless, each year millions of people in the U.S. spend over a billion dollars to change the color of their hair, many to blonde (Deborah and Ellen, 2006). Surprisingly, NLSY79 data show the dumb blonde stereotype is a myth.

Mean values of IQ shown in table 1 show that on average, blondes are smarter than brown, red and black haired women. The distribution of IQ shown in table 2 reveals blondes have the least percentage of low IQ or dumb women, and blondes are most likely to appear in the exceptionally high intelligence or genius category. Only data in table 1’s median column suggests blonde women are not the smartest, but instead have roughly equal intelligence to brown haired women.

A persistent myth in the U.S. is that blonde haired women are more beautiful, but less intelligent, than women with other hair colors. Employers who believe the beauty part of the myth will choose and pay higher wages for blonde women to work in front-line positions where aesthetics and customer interactions are important. However, employers believing the myth that blondes are dumb will also slow the advancement of qualified blondes for back-room managerial positions, where intelligence is more highly valued than looks. Future research is needed to see if this leads to the perverse result that for a given job, such as waitress, blondes earn more than women with other hair colors, but that women with other hair colors are more likely to be promoted to higher paying positions than blondes.

These findings also have implications for research on the economics of beauty. Previous findings showed that more attractive people received larger financial benefits than the less attractive. However, if blondes are both more likely to be considered beautiful, and they are of higher average intelligence, then not all the economic return attributed to beauty in the previous research is discrimination. Instead, some of the “beauty premium” might actually be caused by blondes having higher ability because they are smarter. Future research on the economics of beauty needs to include both attractiveness and intelligence indicators to isolate the true effects of attractiveness.

While it is beyond the scope of this research to investigate genetic relationships between hair color and intelligence, results suggested that blondes grew up in homes with more reading material than women of other hair color. If living in a more literate environment is truly the driving reason for higher blonde intelligence, then the solution for people who wish they or their children were smarter is not to dye or bleach their hair. Instead, the prescription is to provide or engage in more intellectual stimulation, such as reading books.

Johnston (2010) and others have posed an interesting follow-up question, “Do blondes really have more fun?” Maybe in the next 50 years of collecting data on some of society’s serious problems, the NLSY79 will include enough extra information to also answer this question.

I remember reading somewhere, possibly on the old forum, that the 'dumb blonde' concept was a Jewish propaganda psy-op. Supposedly the beautiful (and genetically rarer) blonde WASP female was seen as an unobtainable object of Jewish male desire. With their disproportionate influence within the modern mass media they were able to insert and propagate this trope. Socio-sexual sour grapes, if you will. Who knows?
From Michael Damian Brooke Baker on Quora:

Historians roundly agree that the notion of blondes being dumb dates back to a play performed some 250 years ago, titled Les Curiosités de la Foire, based on the misdemeanours of the legendary courtesan Rosalie Duthé, which established blondes as both stupid and sexually available. Duthé took long pauses before she spoke, leading people to believe she was literally dumb, as well as stupid. Fast-forward to 1953, and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes hit the box office with Marilyn Monroe as Lorelei, epitomised as the dumb blonde. Portrayed as absentminded, slightly scatty and interested in marrying solely for money, some of Lorelei's most famous lines only emphasise the stereotype: "I can be smart when it's important, but most men don't like it." In contrast, her co-star, Dorothy (a brunette) is characterised as smart and more capable. My favourite ‘dumb blonde’ has to be Judy Holiday in the film, ‘Born Yesterday’

However, the term ‘dumb’ was first applied to men, including no less a figure than Thomas Aquinas. The expression 'dumb ox' long pre-dates 'dumb blonde' and it was this word that was applied to the venerable Saint.
Just like all the evil blonde men in jewish hollywood movies, got to make the goyim hate themselves!

The measure of intelligence quotients can be more accurately measured, and realized by a civilization's own creations and contributions.

Cleverness and deception as exhibited by the international jew require cunning, but not intelligence as it is ingrained in the Nordic, Germanic, Celtic, Slavic, and Mediterranid races.

Here is a video where EMJ talks about how the jews usurped this feature for their own benefit:
"Dr. EMJ - How jews cheated in I.Q. Tests & took control of Harvard University"

And a silly little musical from the old dissident right to share with the kids that explains the scientific side of these tests:
"Walt Bismarck - IQ Tests"
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I remember reading somewhere, possibly on the old forum, that the 'dumb blonde' concept was a Jewish propaganda psy-op. Supposedly the beautiful (and genetically rarer) blonde WASP female was seen as an unobtainable object of Jewish male desire. With their disproportionate influence within the modern mass media they were able to insert and propagate this trope. Socio-sexual sour grapes, if you will. Who knows?

I can buy this. This is a common trope on sitcoms. Look at how Penny is portrayed on The Big Bang Theory. This is really played up on The Golden Girls. Rose is the butt of all jokes because she is a dumb blonde.
Over here I've heard claims IQ is low because it isn't obligatory in schools. And it has credibility. My teacher would get furious over "is it worth points?" and the word "obligatory". Half the classes with her was her explaining to the class what "obligatory" meant.
Then again, barely anyone in my country finished even high school. I went to a private one and even there at least 5 people failed every year and had to repeat it. Can't imagine the public ones.
Have you ever wondered how these IQ numbers are collected?

Unless there is no mandate for IQ tests, only those who expect to be high IQ anyway will partake, but all those with lower numbers will probably not (think of the modern days invaders).

Every time IQ is discussed, this question comes to my mind.

What are your thoughts?
A redhead, a brunette and a blonde are all pregnant. They go to the doctor together to discover the sex of the babies.

The doctor says to them "I can tell the sex of the baby by the position in which it was conceived."

The redhead says "I was on top."

"That's going to be a girl" the doctor says.

The brunette says "He was on top."

"That's going to be a boy" the doctor says.

The blonde starts crying.

"Whatever is wrong?" The doctor asks.

The blonde replies sniffling, "Does this mean I'm going to have puppies?"
Have you ever wondered how these IQ numbers are collected?
For this particular paper, the method was detailed in section 2.

A redhead, a brunette and a blonde are all pregnant. They go to the doctor together to discover the sex of the babies.

The doctor says to them "I can tell the sex of the baby by the position in which it was conceived."

The redhead says "I was on top."

"That's going to be a girl" the doctor says.

The brunette says "He was on top."

"That's going to be a boy" the doctor says.

The blonde starts crying.

"Whatever is wrong?" The doctor asks.

The blonde replies sniffling, "Does this mean I'm going to have puppies?"

For this particular paper, the method was detailed in section 2.


Does this take into account the invaders who come into our country?

Since I don't believe these people are being tested, I would assume that any numbers in circulation are outdated or simply incomplete.

If a country's average IQ is shown as 100, it's probably inaccurate because no migrants and GMOed people have been tested.
And a silly little musical from the old dissident right to share with the kids that explains the scientific side of these tests:
"Walt Bismarck - IQ Tests"

I'd forgotten all about that song! But as soon as I saw your post, I could instantly remember some of the catchy lyrics.
Does this take into account the invaders who come into our country?

Since I don't believe these people are being tested, I would assume that any numbers in circulation are outdated or simply incomplete.

If a country's average IQ is shown as 100, it's probably inaccurate because no migrants and GMOed people have been tested.
France's IQ has been going down and down through the years. Redditors actually believe it is a problem with the French.
Where did you get this info?
From an article a few months ago. Apologies for not posting sources, but it's been discussed a lot that their national IQ has been going down.
