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Immigrants Storm French Party Shouting "Kill white people", Killing One


A few days ago a migrant mob went into a village party in Crépol, not far from Grenoble and attacked people with knives. One died.

Commentary in French from Marion Maréchal, niece of Marine Le Pen. She quit the RN party and joined Eric Zemmour's party La Reconquête

It was overheard that they were going to go after white people and there were reports that the deceased also had his fingers chopped off.
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White people are too busy putting their 1.2 children to daycare and march for abortion to even care anymore.

Look at Israel. It took white people over 12 000 minors being bombed to death that they are now slightly noticing. Babysteps. We here on this forum are 20 years ahead at least. Good thing is, before we nuke each others to death, God will come and put a happy end to it.
@Cynllo not much there was a well attended funeral :

Hashtag #DonnezLesNoms as the police refuse to name the suspects, no doubt as it does not fit the narrative.
Rumours about it being North Africans with French citizenship. Some footage around someone at the event recorded on their phone. This and the various Irish murders around the same time, upsetting. To be seen to what extent it wakes people up.
White people are too busy putting their 1.2 children to daycare and march for abortion to even care anymore.

Look at Israel. It took white people over 12 000 minors being bombed to death that they are now slightly noticing. Babysteps. We here on this forum are 20 years ahead at least. Good thing is, before we nuke each others to death, God will come and put a happy end to it.
People are noticing, they are just scared, demoralized and atomized/de-organized.
Discussion of the sick anti-white politics that is allowing the incidents such as this and the Dublin one and suppressing all the healthy outrage (German)