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How to determine if something is propaganda/psy-op?


Being able identify yourself and identifying your enemy is a necessary part of cultural/spiritual war that we are in. I created this thread as way to help identify if whether something is propaganda, psychological warfare, a psy-op or all three.

The first thing I can think of is the non-stop propaganda in film, television and music over the past 60-70 years. One film that I was checking out was The Faulty (1998), it follows the typical plot-points you can think of: teachers are taken over by aliens and drugs are the only way to beat them. This film undermines the authority figures, idolizes trouble makers as the good guys, promotes drug usage.

The rules that I have for sussing something out is as follows:
  1. Does it go against Christian Moral values?
  2. Does it promote violence or sexual content? (Gore & Porn can best describe most modern media)
  3. Does it try to undermine traditional authority?
  4. Does it promote drug use?
  5. How are the personal lives of the individuals involved?
Please add any other questions that help suss something out.
I'm at that stage now and for the past three years is that everything is a psyop that's in MSM.

Look into Gematria, numerology, Freemasonry and ((Mossad)).

Nearly everyone you see in the Establishment are just actors playing their role for the current narrative to divide and conquer.

The biggest realization is that "Politics" is just theatre. When you can finally accept that it all falls into place.

Problem - Reaction -Solution.
I'm at that stage now and for the past three years is that everything is a psyop that's in MSM.

Look into Gematria, numerology, Freemasonry and ((Mossad)).

Nearly everyone you see in the Establishment are just actors playing their role for the current narrative to divide and conquer.

The biggest realization is that "Politics" is just theatre. When you can finally accept that it all falls into place.

Problem - Reaction -Solution.
I disagree that everything in MSM is a psyop. Roe v Wade getting overturned, was not in the elites' plan, neither was the UN turing on Israel. I think there are a lot of moving parts and different factions that have varying degrees of control over politics and media. They cannot use their full power, lest the normies catch on, so they let certain things slide.
I disagree that everything in MSM is a psyop. Roe v Wade getting overturned, was not in the elites' plan, neither was the UN turing on Israel. I think there are a lot of moving parts and different factions that have varying degrees of control over politics and media. They cannot use their full power, lest the normies catch on, so they let certain things slide.
All of MSM is a manipulated reality presented to us. In that sense everything on MSM is a psychological operation. Roe vs. Wade being overturned happened. The MSM manipulates our perception of what happened. The people with the most power/money are able to bend perception of reality to their will the most. They can't do it completely, and never have, but they are getting closer as technology advances. At a certain point I'm fairly certain the only thing we will be able to tell is real is what is physically happening in front of us. Even then, it may be difficult for most if they've signed up for chips in their brain and other such things.
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All of MSM is a manipulated reality presented to us. In that sense everything on MSM is a psychological operation.
This true.

I was yesterday going through WW2 papers in Germany to research the Dresden bombings.

Paper in beginning 1945 and in 1947, 1948 and later. They are completely different, in tone, in form, in parts.

The "science" part of every new newspaper in Germany (after 1945) is which the newest "NASA inventions" are presented, the new discoveries of galaxies in space, the strides we make to cure diseases. The "economy" part in which new entrepreneurs are honored, new businesses are "discovered", the stock exchange which is growing. Where foreign (non aligned) governments are mocked with cartoons. The typography. The decreasing amount of newspapers. The secularism.

The whole media is a psy-op, it's undebatable.

Do some research yourself:

Many think "psy-op" means there are millions of Americans organizing everything like a stage play. That absolutely not necessary.

The moment you take the 'science" section and start using the articles coming via "associated press" you are part of the psychological operation.

Many don't question what is chosen to represent and how it's presented. Why do we keep hearing about Israel, day in, day out, and why now no Corona?

They provide the frame in which we are allowed to think and feel. And thereby guide our feeling and thoughts.
And we can't escape it, all newspapers have an economy section, a stocks section, a science section.

It seems logical, but it isn't.

So the psy-op is done by the framing in most cases; what do we show? how do we show it?

The psy-op is they control our frame of reference of the reality we see around us. All media have the same science section, yes Russia and China are in on the same game. (they also send rockets to the moon lol)

With modern media (YouTube, Instagram) it's not different.

The frame is driven by popularity, commercial opportunities, but also strict guidelines, what not to say.

So we see boys reviewing earbuds and phones making a lot of money. The content is not made by the system engineers but the conditions are set for it to work like that.

They want us to believe a psy-op is an all engineered theater play. E.g. The alex jones fakery that says all the school shootings are fake. In my opinion these all likely happened. It's way too risky to do theater in small cities and (fake) kill children. For what goal?

There are large staged events, like the fake festival massacre in Israel on which they build the new global narratives.

So while engaging with media, we always need to ask who is the sender? And what is their interest?

In most media it's either commercial or political. They are trying to sell you something. An idea or a product, otherwise they wouldn't take the effort to get that message to you, they don't do it because they like you.

In principle I'm off the opinion media is power grab for your preferences, emotions and thoughts. For your own health and faith it would be best to completely detox from it.

So all you see on the screens is propaganda in some kind of form. And as we saw in Germany also a guided operation.

How do you think they "denazified" Germany? It's by using media and schools. Only some went to re-education camps.

It's an incredibly powerful weapon that I used in systemic way. And in most cases it's not about what you think exactly, but what you think about. Guiding the attention. Setting the frame.

Here 1984 is off in it's depiction, you don't need millions of employees to change old newspapers.