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How come nobody speaks on Corona/Covid19 anymore?


It's kind of interesting, that when I observe local politics, some politicians asked to do research on what happened in these 2 years when we were locked in our homes.

The puppets voted to research nothing. No reflection. No press. No learning. No consideration what happened.

They act as if nothing happened. I checked this for other countries and it's all the same.

Isn't that strange? I think it's worth it to start a thread on this specific issue. How are they able to stop all research / investigation on this issue?

For me it was the biggest government fake event in my life time in the impact it had on my life. Here we are 2 years later.

I noticed talking to colleagues and friends, that there should be some investigation, they say: "we should just go on". As if they haven't been masked for 2 years.

As if nothing happened. All that fake fear propaganda, full hospitals, deaths, bat virus, magnetic vaccines, dewormer.

What's the point of this total destruction of discourse? The papers don't write on it. The TV. YouTube. As if nothing ever happened. It's totally of the agenda.

What's the point? And do you share this strange observation?

I noticed talking to colleagues and friends, that there should be some investigation, they say: "we should just go on". As if they haven't been masked for 2 years.

As if nothing happened. All that fake fear propaganda, full hospitals, deaths, bat virus, magnetic vaccines, dewormer.

It's cognitive dissonance. Most people follow what "society" (the media) tells them is the "right" thing to do, which makes them feel like they're being a "good" person. People who spent the last 4 years listening to the media and following orders are unable to deal with the facts in front of them. Most people don't have the strength - it would essentially break their worldview and concept of self. It's a psychological defense mechanism. So instead they do their best to ignore it without having to process it, and hope it all goes away.

The media of course understands this, and wants the last 4 years to go away too, which is why they completely stopped talking about COVID in unison as soon as they came up with a good enough distraction (Ukraine).

The best thing you can do with colleagues is try to ask questions in a gentle, non-threatening way - not just about COVID but about other subjects too. Let them think they came to the conclusions themselves. Do it slowly without threatening their worldview all at once, which makes them go into turtle mode. You won't reach everyone, but more and more people are waking up, so it can happen. It just takes time.


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It's cognitive dissonance. People who spent the last 4 years listening to the media and following orders are unable to deal with the facts in front of them. Most people don't have the strength - it would essentially break their worldview and concept of self. It's a psychological defense mechanism. So instead they do their best to ignore it without having to process it, and hope it all goes away.

The media of course understands this, and wants the last 4 years to go away too, which is why they completely stopped talking about COVID in unison as soon as they came up with a good enough distraction (Ukraine).

The best thing you can do with colleagues is try to ask questions in a gentle, non-threatening way - not just about COVID but about other subjects too. Let them think they came to the conclusions themselves. Do it slowly without threatening their worldview all at once, which makes them go into turtle mode. You won't reach everyone, but more and more people are waking up, so it can happen. It just takes time.
I don't have the ambition to wake up anyone. I'll leave that to the woke crowd.

I'm just flabbergasted that these people still listen to the same politicians and the same billionaires (and their papers / press agencies).

Politicians and billionaires (and their press) are just a logical tandem of rule in modern society. So I don't blame them; to control and unify a population you need shared fears and hopes.

But the people dissappoint me, back then they copied the elites focus on the flu, and now they copy their denial.

At least you would say: "these people abused us". Maybe it's the Stockholm syndrome; that we tend to love our abusers.

I noticed when I criticize the politicians from Corona at work(they all moved into new jobs), on average people defend them "they had to make hard calls". As if I was criticizing God, they don't dare to say a bad word on the abusers.

But maybe it's also just the same thing over and over again, the people also voted to set Barabbas free and let the the son of God be killed.

Matthew 27:20
"But the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus executed."

Kill the son of God, because the deceivers tell you so.

Dark times we live in.

Not any darker than back then, but still I find it shocking how gullible the people are.
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They know deep down they were fooled but to admit it is probably unbelievably painful and horrifying to accept, so they just bury their head in the sands and hope it goes away. That's the best case scenario. Many people still believe in the old narratives and will until death.
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They know deep down they were fooled but to admit it is probably unbelievably painful and horrifying to accept, so they just bury their head in the sands and hope it goes away. That's the best case scenario. Many people still believe in the old narratives and will until death.
You suppose they even care.

Did Gavin Newsome care when he had dinner at The French Laundry while he banned everyone else from doing so?

Do the politicians who tried to ban churches and Thanksgiving care that they did it?

No. Because no one is holding their feet to the fire. Believe me, they'd care if they were facing criminal charges.
They know deep down they were fooled but to admit it is probably unbelievably painful and horrifying to accept, so they just bury their head in the sands and hope it goes away. That's the best case scenario. Many people still believe in the old narratives and will until death.
Whether or not any particular person is ashamed, they screwed up. Nobody likes talking about their L, so this topic (that is so strongly felt by unvaxxed minority) is left unaddressed by the majority that were part of it:

There's a great deal of unresolved (and probably unresolvable) psychological trauma surrounding the COVID years, even for those of us who saw through it from the beginning and never took the vax. The stunning realization that something like 30-40% of our fellow citizens would have gladly thrown us into internment camps because we rejected the dangerous, ineffective and untested vax is really difficult to come to terms with. And you can add on to that group another large plurality of the population that is apparently completely lacking in courage and moral scruples, who just silently acquiesced to the madness without a peep, despite knowing it was wrong. The COVID hysteria did lasting damage to the social fabric, damage that permeated society from the highest echelons of government and corporate power down to the level of the nuclear family and close friendships. Relationships were ruined, careers and businesses were lost, millions of children had their educations permanently stunted, and the economy is still reeling from the effects of the disastrous shutdowns. It's basically impossible to look back at COVID without coming away extremely blackpilled about just about everything. So most people would rather just pretend the whole thing never happened, and at this point I can't blame them. It was either the most sinister plot ever unleashed upon humanity by an untouchable elite who completely got away with their crimes, or the mother of all fuck-ups by governments/institutions that are inconceivably stupid and inept, and neither of those possibilities is comforting in the least.
It's a great question. Basically, I think the NPCs know deep down that they were fooled but they don't want to question their beliefs - it's too uncomfortable - so they just want to move on with life. Also, for most people if the media doesn't cover something, it basically doesn't exist at all. It's extremely black pilling.

This post asks the same question as OP and delves into the answer: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/did-the-last-three-years-of-covid
Because the normies realized they had been fooled and their children and other loved ones are having massive side(?) effects from the poke and they don't want to look you, the pure bloods, in the eyes and tell you that you were right. That's why I lost most of my friends or how they just went cold on me. The implications of this experiment will be felt for generations and a lot of their gene pool will die out.

Because the normies realized they had been fooled and their children and other loved ones are having massive side(?) effects from the poke and they don't want to look you, the pure bloods, in the eyes and tell you that you were right. That's why I lost most of my friends or how they just went cold on me. The implications of this experiment will be felt for generations and a lot of their gene pool will die out.

Exactly this. But hey, at least they got to go to restaurants and travel. Worth dying for?
Because the normies realized they had been fooled and their children and other loved ones are having massive side(?) effects from the poke and they don't want to look you, the pure bloods, in the eyes and tell you that you were right. That's why I lost most of my friends or how they just went cold on me. The implications of this experiment will be felt for generations and a lot of their gene pool will die out.


I am losing friends at an alarming rate. I can no longer listen to or take advice from anyone I know that took the jab and/or pushed it on me. Especially in my circle, all the husbands cucked to the wives and jabbed themselves and their young children. The patriarchy has been replaced by the matriarchy. This was exposed during the cov-aides. Women value safety over freedom and men value freedom over safety. If men were still in charge their would have been no lockdowns.

This is especially concerning since I am the only person I know that is not jabbed and I am feeling increasingly isolated. Anyone else in the same situation? I need to practice grace and mercy but I have none and having been praying for some.
On another note I always laugh when people say their life got worse during Covid because of the "quarantine". They did that to themselves. I lived in one of the most tyrannical states during this time (don't wanna dox myself, but it was bad) and I continued living like normal. All the people who self-subjected themselves to quarantines were the biggest clowns out there. I actually loved the shutdowns, my friends finally had the free time to game and we played tons of Warzone, good times. Though by the end of 2020 it got old, my city turned into a ghost town. I would go for walks at night and not see a single person, sometimes not even a single car. Wild.

I am losing friends at an alarming rate. I can no longer listen to or take advice from anyone I know that took the jab and/or pushed it on me. Especially in my circle, all the husbands cucked to the wives and jabbed themselves and their young children. The patriarchy has been replaced by the matriarchy. This was exposed during the cov-aides. Women value safety over freedom and men value freedom over safety. If men were still in charge their would have been no lockdowns.

This is especially concerning since I am the only person I know that is not jabbed and I am feeling increasingly isolated. Anyone else in the same situation? I need to practice grace and mercy but I have none and having been praying for some.
Almost everyone I know in my life got vaxxed and none of them ever tried to convince me to take it. However, if anyone shamed or criticized my choice I would have removed them from my life. I don't see any point in "othering" people who got the vax and not associating with them, as long as they weren't self righteous or vitriolic about it. I do admit it's pretty terrifying to consider that your friends and familes health may be in danger. It's also concerning to realize that your friends might not be as courageous as you think. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't associate with them.
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I am losing friends at an alarming rate. I can no longer listen to or take advice from anyone I know that took the jab and/or pushed it on me. Especially in my circle, all the husbands cucked to the wives and jabbed themselves and their young children. The patriarchy has been replaced by the matriarchy. This was exposed during the cov-aides. Women value safety over freedom and men value freedom over safety. If men were still in charge their would have been no lockdowns.

This is especially concerning since I am the only person I know that is not jabbed and I am feeling increasingly isolated. Anyone else in the same situation? I need to practice grace and mercy but I have none and having been praying for some.
My circle of dissenters is small, and the level of delusion amongst the rest is off the scale - they really don't seem to understand how badly they were manipulated.
I am losing friends at an alarming rate. I can no longer listen to or take advice from anyone I know that took the jab and/or pushed it on me. Especially in my circle, all the husbands cucked to the wives and jabbed themselves and their young children. The patriarchy has been replaced by the matriarchy. This was exposed during the cov-aides. Women value safety over freedom and men value freedom over safety. If men were still in charge their would have been no lockdowns.

This is especially concerning since I am the only person I know that is not jabbed and I am feeling increasingly isolated. Anyone else in the same situation? I need to practice grace and mercy but I have none and having been praying for some.
This describes me. I don't think I know anyone except my wife and child who didn't take it. I know I'm right and that's good enough for me.

My wife was very close to taking it and I told her no.
I am losing friends at an alarming rate. I can no longer listen to or take advice from anyone I know that took the jab and/or pushed it on me. Especially in my circle, all the husbands cucked to the wives and jabbed themselves and their young children. The patriarchy has been replaced by the matriarchy. This was exposed during the cov-aides. Women value safety over freedom and men value freedom over safety. If men were still in charge their would have been no lockdowns.

This is especially concerning since I am the only person I know that is not jabbed and I am feeling increasingly isolated. Anyone else in the same situation? I need to practice grace and mercy but I have none and having been praying for some.
I make fun of my friends who took the jab.

Any meme I find online booomm. I send to them.