

Other Christian
Looks like there's no homeschooling thread. I'll start one, with a specific question. Do any of you out there know of any good resources for teaching history to grade school kids? Doesn't need to be full on the Nazis were the good guys, moon landing fake, women should never have gotten the vote or anything like that. I'd just like something that isn't totally America-bad-because-it -invented-slavery girlpower LGBTHBDGVEE (or whatever the letters are today) commie propaganda. Basically, good minimal resources for learning objective facts like "George Washington was the first president" that my kids will need to know for passing the state exam that allows me to keep homeschooling them.

I know the details on what they need to know vary from state to state, but my understanding is that in my state it's not much, so anything that's not overtly Satanic and SJW would probably be helpful.

Feel free to discuss anything about homeschooling on this thread. I'm happy to answer questions about what my wife and I are doing, although I'll keep things vague enough to protect my identity.
Following, no children yet but God willing I would like nothing more than to homeschool them when they come.
Do it, it's great. Most people think of educating their children themselves as this huge, complicated burden. I kind of expected it to be like that too when my wife was pregnant with our first, but there was no way we were going to just send our kids into the American public education system and hope for the best.

Then it turned out that for the most part it's not that hard to figure out and a joy to be present as your children learn, rather than just vaguely hearing about it from some public school teacher. You can literally perceive how their brains develop as they get older and can suddenly understand things that were just too advanced a short time before. The difference between "there" and "their" is one example, being able to read double consonant sounds like 'st' or 'bl' rather than just single consonants is another, things like that that they just couldn't wrap their heads around and then suddenly it makes sense to them.
We're homeschooling and it's kinda hard, but this has more to do with the Australian bureaucracy than putting the effort in to the child. We decided to put our son in primary school part time and this is mainly for him to get his PE (physical education) and the second language he will be learning. We live in a village with about 20 students in the entire school and know the two teachers but I will still keep a close eye. He just started so we'll see how it all goes as it's all new to us.

One good thing here is that they don't need to be vaxxed up here to go to school while in the USA you pretty much have no option but to homeschool.
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Many of my friends were homeschooled, from what I can tell women seem to thrive in homeschool environments and men seem to struggle towards the late middle school/high school age.

Since men are traditionally the bread winners and have to engage with everyday society more, they have to more expose to society as a whole. Home-schooling men for too long tends to leave them awkward or at least socially inept.

I would argue that sending young men to some kind of boarding/technical school program that promotes social integration as well teaches them a valuable skill is best for ensuring they can develop healthy relationships and become a valuable employee.