• ChristIsKing.eu has moved to ChristIsKing.cc - see the announcement for more details. If you don't know your password PM a mod on Element or via a temporary account here to confirm your username and email.

Heritage Request Thread


Orthodox Inquirer
Members of RooshVForum can get the Heritage badge if you let us know. All you have to do is on RVF update your profile's About You section and write in "Username <Your Christ is King username> on Christ is King". Then copy the URL for your profile and paste that in a reply in this thread. The next available admin will then update your badge.

We also advise that if you're a RVF member and have changed your username in the transition to update your signature on CIK to say your old username - it's a nice way to let everyone that their previous acquaintances are still around, just with different names.