Happy Thanksgiving

Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving to all the Colonizers.

Happy belated Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a wonderful turkey, or ham. I had both just to be inclusive. And it is blasphemy to have just a ham, with no turkey, on Thanksgiving.

So I had a bit of a meme moment during mine yesterday. I went outside to enjoy a cigar with my dad, sister, and brother-in-law. Sister and her husband finished first and left my dad and I to ourselves. Immediately after their departure, my dad pops the question, phrased exactly as such: “So, what do you think about what Hamas did to Israel?”

The moment had come, but with unfortunate timing. Turkey was coming out of the oven and required my assistance. My response was “what Hamas did to Israel? This question requires a complicated answer. What about what Israel has done to the Palestinians?”

This response was immediately met with the charge that I was an antisemite. I again responded that the matter required an understanding of the history between the two warring groups, and was not uncommon or unexpected given the relationship, and that it also affected our country (or vice versa). I was then peppered with questions about the history of the region. Did I know that there is no such thing as Palestine? That Palestine is an invention of the Arab-influenced media? Ridiculous!

A brief conflict ensued, during which John 8 was brought up (in the context of the ancestry of the parties and of the spiritual ancestry of Christians themselves) and I was called an antisemite probably two or three times again. My brother-in-law then called me in for cooking, at which time I implored my dad not to continue the argument inside. This will have to be resumed at another time, we agreed. This lasted maybe four minutes out of the day.

Overall it was a great day. A nice respite from the drudgery of the usual, and an occasion to give thanks to God with family. We in America are still blessed with peace in our homeland, and I am grateful for that and for the hardship and dedication of my ancestors, whose labor and condition was beyond my experience. God bless you all.
A few years ago my family's Thanksgiving get together devolved into an excruciating hours-long mea culpa about the Indians. Not sure if it was planned or just happened spontaneously. Could have been either, since everyone else is some kind of tradcon or SJW. I've dreaded a repeat ever since, but fortunately it hasn't happened. Bigtime SJW sister didn't come this year and bigtime SJW brother seemed more into playing with my kids and eating turkey, as God intended it. So, a good time was had by all.

I'm thankful that this forum rose from the ashes of RVF. Thanks to @Cynllo and everyone else who made it happen.
A few years ago my family's Thanksgiving get together devolved into an excruciating hours-long mea culpa about the Indians. Not sure if it was planned or just happened spontaneously. Could have been either, since everyone else is some kind of tradcon or SJW. I've dreaded a repeat ever since, but fortunately it hasn't happened. Bigtime SJW sister didn't come this year and bigtime SJW brother seemed more into playing with my kids and eating turkey, as God intended it. So, a good time was had by all.

I'm thankful that this forum rose from the ashes of RVF. Thanks to @Cynllo and everyone else who made it happen.
If ever the indigenous white man bad comment comes up my response is:

"I married a lady who's part chocktaw....so me and my squaw, and our family get a pass on the white guilt trip. OK kimosabe?" Followed by patting my mouth and making a haaaaaa sound. Usually solves the issue before nasty words get involved.

Ha that said ... The idea that the Indians were some sort of noble savage is the dumbest thing ever. And even more so...once you spend time on reservations (I've been both Navajo in AZ/NM and Cherokee in OK) you get a really good understanding of why the White Man was a good thing net net for all the Indians, as left to their own devices there's a ton of crime, and low SES activity. It's sad and all ... But don't blame my ancestors for your ancestors not using the Wheel or discovering gun powder or metallurgy... Or just being lower IQ in general.
If ever the indigenous white man bad comment comes up my response is:

"I married a lady who's part chocktaw....so me and my squaw, and our family get a pass on the white guilt trip. OK kimosabe?" Followed by patting my mouth and making a haaaaaa sound. Usually solves the issue before nasty words get involved.

Ha that said ... The idea that the Indians were some sort of noble savage is the dumbest thing ever. And even more so...once you spend time on reservations (I've been both Navajo in AZ/NM and Cherokee in OK) you get a really good understanding of why the White Man was a good thing net net for all the Indians, as left to their own devices there's a ton of crime, and low SES activity. It's sad and all ... But don't blame my ancestors for your ancestors not using the Wheel or discovering gun powder or metallurgy... Or just being lower IQ in general.
I guess I'm in a similar situation, albeit my wife's ancestors are from the Mayan areas in Central America where the local indigenous religion revolved around worshiping blood and death through mass human sacrifice. Yet somehow Clown World doesn't see their mass conversion to Roman Catholicism as an improvement.

Any time an SJW tries to lay a guilt trip on me about the Indians I always point out that no one ever talks about giving Constantinople back to the Greeks.
If ever the indigenous white man bad comment comes up my response is:

"I married a lady who's part chocktaw....so me and my squaw, and our family get a pass on the white guilt trip. OK kimosabe?" Followed by patting my mouth and making a haaaaaa sound. Usually solves the issue before nasty words get involved.

Ha that said ... The idea that the Indians were some sort of noble savage is the dumbest thing ever. And even more so...once you spend time on reservations (I've been both Navajo in AZ/NM and Cherokee in OK) you get a really good understanding of why the White Man was a good thing net net for all the Indians, as left to their own devices there's a ton of crime, and low SES activity. It's sad and all ... But don't blame my ancestors for your ancestors not using the Wheel or discovering gun powder or metallurgy... Or just being lower IQ in general.
Just tell them that many of the Native Americans chose to convert to Christianity. The biggest proponents of reigniting paganism amongst the Natives are Marxist Communists.