Gossip and Detraction


Other Christian
There needs to be a serious online discussion about how hellish modern society has become with its readiness to hear gossip about anyone and everyone.

We're supposed to be protecting people's reputations as much as possible, not giving in to detraction, calumny, and backbiting. I don't care about somebody's past sins when that person has confessed and repented, and I'm frankly weary of the Internet trend of eternally shaming people who are trying to move forward. I saw a lot of that done to Roosh when he converted, and at the time, I wondered what was the point in conversion if this is how the Church behaves.

St. Maximus the Confessor has a quote on this topic:

"Do not think that they love you these people who tell you things that make you feel sadness and hate against another person; even if these things seem truthful to you. What you need to do is to avoid these people like they are deadly snakes, so not only they will stop accusing other people to you, but you will also free your soul from all this badness."
St. Maximus the Confessor

There's a time and a place to tell the truth, but if talebearing is the bulk of our discourse, we are doomed.