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Global population density map

I don't think this map conveys a correct impression. It looks like Hispaniola has more population than the Northeast corridor in the US, from Boston to DC. In fact, Hispaniola has 22 million people, and the Northeast Corridor is about 50 million.
I will never understand why people make make 2d maps into 3d maps, it just looks odd. I guess playing fortnite and other horrible looter games might skew your vision and perception.


Edit; if it's for shock value/understanding then good on you because it really is that bad. Just remember loads of them already live in our countries.
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I will never understand why people make make 2d maps into 3d maps, it just looks odd. I guess playing fortnite and other horrible looter games might skew your vision and perception.


Edit; if it's for shock value/understanding then good on you because it really is that bad. Just remember loads of them already live in our countries.

That map is off indeed. Java for instance is one of the most populated areas in the world and has a population per square kilometer of 1000. India on the other hand has a population per square kilometer of 481. But the map makes it seem as if it's the opposite.

Below is an interactive map of the world's population. It's a great tool.
