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Germany was set up in World War 2 to fail by the international financiers


Other Christian
The below post looks at Guido Giacomo Preparata's thesis in "Conjuring Hitler" that the international financiers in England and the United States built up Germany in order to totally destroy it in order to give way to the current globohomo world:

The linked article is excellent. This is one of those things where many or even all of the facts given are true, and many are even spun correctly, but the overall conclusion is hard to swallow. The idea that the British/American/Jewish financialists designed and carried out WWI, WWII, and the Bolshevik revolution as a premeditated plan is a bit hard to swallow. Does anyone think it is possible to direct what will happen in the world over the next 40 years? I'd say it was no more possible in 1910 than it is now.

However, I'd say at any given time, their short term goals in each immediate situation were in line with what such a long term strategy would have called for, if such foresight had been possible. The effect of all these short term maneuvers looked like the result of a grand strategy in hindsight, but they would have had to make things up in the moment as events played out.

Even allowing that they made it up as they went, I believe their motives along the way were very much what is described in the article, and much different than what the conventional history says. Therefore, if you leave off the idea of being able to plan out 40 years of world history ahead of time at the dawn of an unprecedented technological age, the rest of the article is very much on point.
Thank you for this thread and the article link. This part of the article sent shivers down my spine:

"The Treaty of Versailles was not what it appeared to be. While on its face the Treaty was ruinous for Germany, demanding a level of reparations that could not be paid back (especially after losing 13% of her territory which included 75% of her iron ore reserves, 26% of her coal production, as well as 44% and 38% of her pig iron and steel production respectively), the Allies did not expropriate the wealth of the German landed class, which it could have done as a first step by sequestering the certificates of the German war loan from their wealthy subscribers, who held the bulk of such securities. In other words, it let German’s right-wing aristocracy, steeped in deep military and hierarchical tradition, remain intact. By structuring Versailles in this manner, it would be the common man who would be forced to bear the brunt of inflation and excess taxation, which would in turn help radicalize them: “So the Treaty was in essence an articulate trap by which the German upper class - the custodians of Reaction - were to be left untouched, and thus uncured of the feudal disease, while the grief and resentment of the underclass - the proximate victims of the reparations’ bloodletting - was counted on to provide as much fodder for ‘radicalism’ as the sheltered Junkers required to re-establish a reactionary, anti-Bolshevik regime.”

The Versailles debt bubble was twice the size of Germany’s income, so the British financiers would have known that short term disastrous hyperinflation awaited. It would have been expected that engineering such a result would result in annihilation of the country’s currency resulting in societal destabilization, which could then be “solved” via massive foreign investments thereafter in order to buy everything in Germany for cents on the dollar."
This is one of those things where many or even all of the facts given are true, and many are even spun correctly, but the overall conclusion is hard to swallow. The idea that the British/American/Jewish financialists designed and https://www.nommeraadio.ee/meedia/pdf/RRS/Rockefeller Foundation.pdfcarried out WWI, WWII, and the Bolshevik revolution as a premeditated plan is a bit hard to swallow. Does anyone think it is possible to direct what will happen in the world over the next 40 years? I'd say it was no more possible in 1910 than it is now.
I respectfully disagree. For the average person, yes, grand conspiracies seem absurd. But the average person doesn't have untold sums of money and leisure time to mold societies as he sees fit. If we take a step back, we can see how manipulated society is. The entire covid-19 psyop is an excellent case study.

Back in 2010, the Rockefeller foundation published a report titled "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development.” In the section titled "Lockstep," a chilling scenario involving a worldwide pandemic is outlined. Anyone interested may read it here (the relevant section starts at page 18): https://www.nommeraadio.ee/meedia/pdf/RRS/Rockefeller Foundation.pdf

From 2020-2022, we had big business and governments all over the world acting in unison with respect to a phony pandemic. We had vaccine passports, temperature thermometers, testing swabs (coated with carcinogenic ethylene oxide), and MRNA injections all rolled out on a largely subservient population that would rather attack dissidents than think for themselves. The kakistocracy invented a fake pandemic, then rolled out the "solution" in the form of MRNA vaccines. People proved shockingly easy to dupe.