French Politics Thread

This is the main reason for his arrest and its timing, same reason the ADL pushed for the TikTok ban:

I would post the Telegram channel where you can find Israeli state secrets, but I don't want to put a target on my back. Needless to say, it's there to be found.
If I were Durov, I'd hire a private extraction detail, jump on a private jet and get tf outta France to a country with no western extradition. France will never let him go. They're going to Assange him. Only thing I hope he has up his sleeve in such an event, is a kill switch with intel that will bring down certain (((states))).
French internet magnate Xavier Niel, who is close to Macron, globalist, board member of KKR, he made his fortune in porn and still has lots of shady content including pedo filth hosted on his web hosting company's servers - never had an issue with French law.
Horrible amount of lies and hypocrisy among the ruling class
This is the main reason for his arrest and its timing, same reason the ADL pushed for the TikTok ban:

Here's the story without a paywall :
Needless to say, it's there to be found.
News like this spreads by itself
If I were Durov, I'd hire a private extraction detail, jump on a private jet and get tf outta France to a country with no western extradition. France will never let him go. They're going to Assange him. Only thing I hope he has up his sleeve in such an event, is a kill switch with intel that will bring down certain (((states))).

See lads, some nice blonde bimbo is just not worth it.
If I were Durov, I'd hire a private extraction detail, jump on a private jet and get tf outta France to a country with no western extradition. France will never let him go. They're going to Assange him. Only thing I hope he has up his sleeve in such an event, is a kill switch with intel that will bring down certain (((states))).

Not sure how feasible that is given that he is likely going to be closely surveilled. Maybe he can pull off the same stunt as Carlos Ghosn did to escape from Japan, hiding in a trunk.

The Russian embassy would be another option, or perhaps the UAE embassy if he has guarantees. The UAE can pressure France, rumors have floated of UAE revising their multibillion euro purcahse of a fleet of Rafale jets from France due to Durov's arrest, but they are unconfirmed.
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That headline by the French tabloid Paris Match is funny, they mention that Durov is hanging out with his fiancee emphasizing that she is 15 years younger than him, as if this was weird, while they NEVER mention the weird bigger age gap between Macron and his pedo husband-wife, who molested him when he was 14 or 15 at the most.

Macron came to power because he was built up by the French media as some kind of a finance and economics genius, he was featured in literally hundreds of magazine covers and flattering articles before his presidential run.
Macron uses Telegram. My guess this was a rogue operation by some. But I could be wrong.

Durov must be eating incredible food. Even french prison food must be better than most cuisines.

What do you all think eventually happens to Durov?
I'm rarely the forecaster to call these things but, here goes... Maybe the French courts will show some true independence from the government and the prosecution may not be able to find enough to make a case. It is possibly just posturing, intimidation and media stunts, just like how they did a dawn raid on the Compact Magazin guy in Germany (Jürgen Elsässer) but ultimately had to let them continue running the magazine.

Durov has done less 'wrong' than Assange or Snowden, less wrong than even Jürgen Elsässer. He did not leak anything, he did not run a subversive publication he just founded and ran a communications platform and refused to censor, just let the users do their thing. Or censored less than the American platforms. They would have to surely set some kind of new legal precedent to get him for that.

Even if they just let him go in a few months, although Assange was detained for more than a decade, however long it is it is stressful and has an impact on the individual and on the public who follows the story. Incurs costs, wastes time and resources.
Even if they just let him go in a few months, although Assange was detained for more than a decade, however long it is it is stressful and has an impact on the individual and on the public who follows the story. Incurs costs, wastes time and resources.
It also shows us more about them, which doesn't help them. He does have French citizenship, though, right? Do you think it's true that Macron lured him there like the satirical paper said?
Do you think it's true that Macron lured him there like the satirical paper said?
The thing I read was that Macron was trying to convince him to move the headquarters of Telegram to France in the past. Why did he go there this time exactly? He probably was there many times in the past as a passport holder and was a bit naive to not imagine that something like this might happen one day.

It´s not a pajeet. But a french left wing extremist.

Looked her up, it seems she's from Bosnia-Herzegovina and is an ethnic Albanian Muslim. In a proper society I'd say that desecrating an image of the Blessed Virgin and the Christ Child should earn an Infidel like her a public whipping at the least.