French Politics Thread

Looll. Lady gaga speaks really bad french.

When we were young in Paris my oldest brother had a school play exactly with this and other songs. Mon truc en plumes. Lool. Brings back memories.

He played in this song. They disguised as blacks picking up cotton:

Lool. The song translates into something poor black you work day and night to pick up cotton.

I think the inauguration costed 1,5B. Ppl didn´t pay much attention to the bad parts. What´s being shared is the best parts.


Macron is a fag who loves black dick. He is also a Rothschild puppet. Fuck him.

What Lady Gaga (Quelle conasse!!!) butchered was this:

Nice french song:

Btw the tarte tropezienne nobody cares about it. I like it. You don´t have to go to Provence to eat it. Any shit shopping mall has it.

French patisserie has so many colors. When you go to other countries all cakes are brown and yellow.

Supposedly this place is expert of tarte tropezienne. But it tastes like everywhere else:

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Olympic ‘Last Supper’ scene was in fact based on painting of Greek gods, say art experts​

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It was approved by the French government and paid for with the French taxpayer's money.
Ahahaha. So if something is approved by the government and paid by taxpayers it represents the country?

So this represents USA. US is a country of fags? Its in your embassies all over the world in government buildings. More official than this.


It was approved by the US government and paid by US tax payers.

I won´t even go into Hollywood movies or californian gay parades. Or the laws which are approved in transgender and exported.

That gay flag you fly in your embassies will turn into a pedo flag.
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And yes. This is what we have become under the current administration.
What have you become? Gays? Americans are gays. You are gay! Have you told your family?

Im not deflecting anything. I´m pointing out through an example the absurdity of your argument. And the irrationality of your logic. Unless you admit you are an homosexual because your government promotes homosexuality. Not only indoors but wants the entire world to be made out of faggots.

You doubled down but you can´t cast stones. Because your roof doesnt even exist.

All degeneracy comes from US and mostly protestant countries. This is not debatable.
What have you become? Gays? Americans are gays. You are gay! Have you told your family?

Im not deflecting anything. I´m pointing out through an example the absurdity of your argument. And the irrationality of your logic. Unless you admit you are an homosexual because your government promotes homosexuality. Not only indoors but wants the entire world to be made out of faggots.

You doubled down but you can´t cast stones. Because your roof doesnt even exist.

All degeneracy comes from US and mostly protestant countries. This is not debatable.

You're not deflecting ? The whole world just saw a public display of your "liberté, égalité, fraternité", disgusting trannies were publicly mocking Jesus in the heart of your capital city, and you pretend like it didn't happen. You're taking the white flag waving to a whole new level.
And quit your whining about America, it just shows your inferiority complex. It's unsightly.
You're not deflecting ? The whole world just saw a public display of your "liberté, égalité, fraternité", disgusting trannies were publicly mocking Jesus in the heart of your capital city, and you pretend like it didn't happen. You're taking the white flag waving to a whole new level.
And quit your whining about America, it just shows your inferiority complex. It's unsightly.
This is rich. Please don´t talk about flags.

You have no morals to accuse anyone of anything brokeback boy. A complex inferiority towards america? Loooll. You cut kids dicks. You castrate chemically innocent beings. I envy you everyday. Why can´t we become americans and turn boys into girls? And sterilize them.

I didn´t say it didn´t happen. You are not telling the truth.

I said it didn´t represent France Paris or sports. And it obviously doesn´t. It might represent for you. But this reveals more about you not others.

If it´s the last supper there´s no context to insert it in the olympics. And dionysus has nothing to do with sports. It´s just stupid forced jew shit. Imposed by a small group to the rest of population. France like America and west is an occupied country. But America has given more control to invaders and they are tearing up from inside.

Whenever some degeneracy was posted we used to post something to clean it. So here it goes Lourdes. Recommend anyone with children to take them to a candle procession. Kids will love it.

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