Fighting against social media and smartphones

I’d like to start a thread to begin a movement against these technologies. I personally believe that the advent of the smart phone and social media circa 2010 is one of the most destructive social trends in all of human history. For the small good it brought it, 90% of it is and was destructive.

I’ve never seen myself as a victim so I began brainstorming ideas to fight back against these technologies. Some are more feasible than others. I’d like to hear more pragmatic and real ideas to fight this trend. Please no responses like just pray and things will work themselves out. Yes, pray and an act of God may very well end these trends, but in the mean time God gave us intellect and reason, so let’s use it.


-Lead by example, do not use a smartphone or social media.

-If you are a religious leader or pastor, ban all phone use during mass.

-Father or patriarch? Ban or heavily limit use by your immediate family.

-Business owner? Ban or heavily discourage use by your employees when on the job.

-Do not invest in any of these tech companies. Vote with your wallet.

-Write your local representatives and discuss these issues, or join your local town council.

-Get out in nature or lead hiking / nature groups where you take in natural beauty without any technology,


-Talk to people about the dangers or social media and smart phones and spread these ideas.

-Use the platforms for God’s will, evangelization etc.

Hard to implement / not recommended

Note I am not advocating any illegal activity, and laws vary by country. Also the ends may justify the means in some cases.

-Purchase a cell phone jammer and actively jam signals. Note this is an FCC violation in the US, and will land you with a large fine or possibly jail. It may be legal in other countries. But for the more extreme out there it is an option.

-Modified EMP device, again probably highly illegal and dangerous.

-Massive DoS attacks on servers and infrastructure.

Acts of God:

These are out of our hands but I believe the Lord will rain down destruction to reset civilization when and if things get bad enough and we do not repent.

-Massive solar flare

-Atmospheric nuclear weapon detonation

Pleas post more ideas!

We must fight against these technologies or ultimately take them over for good.
Is it just me or does this thread seem to glow a tiny bit? It is early, might just be the glow of my cell phone.
It's not just you although it did not occur to me in those words.

I removed my 'like' as I only half-like what is being said.
-Purchase a cell phone jammer and actively jam signals.
If it were just people making voice calls as they were in the brick phones of the 90s and early 2000s it would not be such an issue. Really just a nifty innovation of mobile telephony, not needing to be at home near the plugged in phone, as much as I loved that curly cord and large phone books next to the phone with all the fine print (and the rotary dial).

The problem is more smartphones and social media and the way people behave it brings about addiction and anti-social staring at screens.

Roosh started a good thread on this topic on RVF and there is already a one here -
It would be unwise for anyone to advocate for 'hacktivism' on the forum, but if someone choses to push the boundaries that far, surely there is a more worthy target than a general attack on phone infrastructure. Just saying, not asking for members to offer suggestions.
The whole nuclear part usually.

Is it just me or does this thread seem to glow a tiny bit? It is early, might just be the glow of my cell phone.

That’s exactly the reason I outlined that certain things were potentially illegal in certain countries. Pro tip, that may not apply to different countries. Some of you guys live in total fear, everybody is a glowie and out to get you!
I’d like to hear more pragmatic and real ideas to fight this trend. Please no responses like just pray and things will work themselves out. Yes, pray and an act of God may very well end these trends, but in the mean time God gave us intellect and reason, so let’s use it.

Really the best thing to do is to focus on yourself. Minimize your own use and recognize the ideal is not using it at all. You will affect others around you simply by your own action.

The problem is actually more fundamental than just the phone. The problem certainly extends to any satanic rectangle flashing images at you. All of them are versions of un-reality. We can move through it and do our best, like we do here, but the technology is fundamentally dysfunctional. The dysfunction originates in our conception of technology. We use it for power, comfort, and control. We've even distilled our definition of technology into terms of pure quantification to gain even more control. As it stands now we can work within this system and retain our souls but all of this will eventually catch up and the only way you'll be able to live in reality at some point is to retreat somehow. (Just wait until Elon solves the "screen problem" by embedding chips in your brain.)

This trend will not end. It is the building of a tower of babel and the groundwork for antichrist. Prepare yourself spiritually. Recognize that this is the very reason Christ came in the flesh and why we commune with him in the flesh. Always move towards reality. Christ is reality.