Essence-Energies Distinction


For the more astute Orthodox, what source would you point someone to if they wanted to learn about E/E? Why do you consider the doctrine important, what is at stake?

It’s not an easy topic really, I certainly don’t feel qualified, but there are some useful introductory videos on the topic. It’s considered essential theology for the possibility of Theosis (participation in God’s energies) and the experience of God, and it plays a big part in the difference between Eastern and Western theology.
The question of "what is at stake" is a good one.

One thing at stake is: What is meant by communion with God?

If His grace that we experience is actually "energies" this means direct communion with Him. God is still God and is ultimately unknowable in His essence, but energies mean that a very close communion with God is possible.
The question of "what is at stake" is a good one.

One thing at stake is: What is meant by communion with God?

If His grace that we experience is actually "energies" this means direct communion with Him. God is still God and is ultimately unknowable in His essence, but energies mean that a very close communion with God is possible.
Are the Energies uncreated or created? I've heard both. Seems to me like what Palamas had to say on that would be more definitive.