Energy Levels After Nocturnal Emissions


Forgive me if this is too personal, but luckily this forum is impersonal. Is it normal to become extremely tired, lethargic and unmotivated, and mentally impaired whenever male bodily emissions occur? I always dread whenever nocturnal emissions happen to me. Often they happen without a dream. Most of the time because I fall asleep without my evening rule. I also abstain from lust so that allows it to happen.

Whenever emissions happen to me I am extremely tired for the first day, tired for at least 3 or 4 more days, and not feeling my best for 5 to 7 days. And I have a burning headache. Every single time. Does what I describe sound similar to what any of you men experience? I had to refrain from communion today, because it is preferable if the Christian can refrain when such things happen, and it's also harder to spiritually prepare to receive Christ when such things happen. This effect makes lust extremely unattractive to me and makes mee ok with never having sex. If this is a normal thing, personally I don't feel that I'd miss out on anything as a virgin as long as I get the love and affection I need from close brothers and sisters in Christ.
Your test levels do drop when you ejaculate, regardless of how, so feeling like you're on power-saving mode a bit is probably normal, but the headache thing is weird. Are you sure you're driking enough water daily?
If it were connected to not drinking enough water, I would experience that as a result of not drinking enough, rather than experience all these effects afterwards, that's what I think. I don't often drink more water than what I feel I should drink per day, I am not sure if I'm drinking 3 liters. But how would that explain being mentally impaired? I drink relatively the same amount of water each day and I only experience this unique feeling when those bodily functions happen. The burning headache also reminds me of when I accepted a cigar from a friend at a birthday party, I had a similar burning headache, at least the way I feel about what I feel, and I barfed three times. Never smoked since.
If it were connected to not drinking enough water, I would experience that as a result of not drinking enough, rather than experience all these effects afterwards, that's what I think. I don't often drink more water than what I feel I should drink per day, I am not sure if I'm drinking 3 liters. But how would that explain being mentally impaired?
I was thinking that it might be connected since the body needs a lot of water to replenish semen.
As for the mental impairment, I honestly have no idea. I don't think I've ever experienced that.
I'd go ask a doctor about this. Official, holistic, traditional Chinese, whatever you prefer. I don't think this is normal, no.
I was thinking that it might be connected since the body needs a lot of water to replenish semen.
As for the mental impairment, I honestly have no idea. I don't think I've ever experienced that.
I'd go ask a doctor about this. Official, holistic, traditional Chinese, whatever you prefer. I don't think this is normal, no.
I'm in a typical suburban American household, my family has never taken me to either holistic or eastern doctors, if anybody in this thread knows a good way to go about this, let me know. Also, I suppose this could be the thread for further topics like this if people want to contribute.
I find that I'm usually more tired the next day a bit, but by day 2 I am mostly back to normal. Even when my energy levels normalize, however, I feel like my T-levels are lower for 3-7 days after ejaculation. I think they still climb after that, like from day 7-30 (and then seem to stabilize), but that climb is more subtle than the initial 3-7 day climb.
It's perfectly normal to be more tired and drop t levels after ejaculation (although I've found that since getting married I've been able to build endurance to some degree). Before marriage, I also experienced this with noctural emissions. The headache thing is strange, however. I would also say that it's strange to get a headache and barf after a quick cigar, which means you might be overly sensitive to certain things and this could relate to issues with your immune system or other recovery mechanisms. Going to a doctor is likely best, but unfortunately a lot of doctors in the West today will tell you that you're crazy for not masturbating or having regular sex outside of marriage, and they'll even say things like "that's not normal" when in reality it's completely fine and extremely healthy.
I'm in a typical suburban American household, my family has never taken me to either holistic or eastern doctors, if anybody in this thread knows a good way to go about this, let me know. Also, I suppose this could be the thread for further topics like this if people want to contribute.
I think a normal doctor might be able to help you with this. There are good ones out there. Be careful when taking any modern medicine, though. Do your research. Even things as simple as antihistamines will have some side effects (antihistamines weaken androgen receptors) and you need to decide for yourself if they're worth it or if you'd rather look for a different solution.

If you want to find an eastern/holistic doctor, word of mouth is probably the best way to go about it. I don't think liberal types have a problem with alternative medicine, so you could just ask friends and family for recommendations even if they're very left-leaning. Ask your priest too, priests are often well-connected and whatnot, and I'd assume an Orthodox priest would be fairly likely to lean more toward traditional medicine. You could also just look for such places on something like Google Maps and look at the reviews and pictures. If it looks like it's a rather witchy place, I'd look for something else. I dislike Google as much as the next guy, but Google Maps is a real life saver when looking for bus stops or churches or whatever else.
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Get some liquid zinc and selenium, either as trace minerals, or a well-reviewed supplement that works, and some clean grass-fed whey protein, or raw milk/ raw kefir. The minute you wake up from these dreams or sleeps with the nocturnal emissions, as soon as you can, get out of bed, clean yourself, and take either the zinc and selenium with the protein in hot water, or drink some raw milk (only available in certain places). Your body will replenish the nutrients lost during the event and you will not enter into a lethargic state. I suffered from this problem when I stopped lusting years ago, it never truly leaves as we are men, and the more active and healthy we are, the more naturally virile we are. I suppose getting married would help, but it is also a psychokinetic attack from creatures of pure energy (demons) so that is much harder to fend off. They prey upon the minds of men who still have not squashed their lust completely, and on the minds of former-lusters who came to Christ most fervently.

You may not be able to stop the nocturnal emissions on your own, but you can repair and restore the imbalances they cause with quick action. As long as you replenish within an hour of it happening, two at the most, you should not feel these negative physical effects.