Many good priests know that this minefield exists and they're just trying to navigate it,
Spot on.
and I'm sure if you get to know them and it becomes clear to them that you not only can handle raw, blunt truth, but that you in fact need it and are seeking it, they'll change the way they speak to you accordingly.
And this I am doubting, I have got to know them quite well, and on a personal level all fine, whatever I say, they sacrifice their life for Christ, do the sacraments.
But.. Also in private it influences.
I think it could be that mans always tries to be congruent, the wants to be the same person everywhere, those that speak in euphemisms in sermons also take that in their normal talking.
It seems they don't like the Christ on the cross as much as the risen Christ, they like the loving Christ better than the Christ that says to Peter "get behind me Satan", they like the Christ that says"turn the other cheek" and don't like the Christ that takes the whip.
Christ is all of this.
I have a need for Truth, you're right.
And I feel traumatized (to use a nice secular world) for the largest part of my life I thought Christ was loser singing in a musical, this supposed God was a lazy guy hanging in the cloud, and the devil was either a cartoon or just a cool guy having "fun".
Now learning about Christ, about God, I discover that my image was totally wrong. Totally.
And I feel that if you would have talked to the 16 year old me about the full Christ. I would have loved it.
It's not a dialectic position, "fire and brimstone" or "love" as some make it seem. It's both and what in between.
It's like cutting of a guy's balls. Speaking in Euphemisms is not what a man should do, it leads the sheep astray.
Christ says: "A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also."
And I feel and see many men desire it, this absolute Truth, the Truth that can be touched but never held. As we can never fully understand God.
A good example are girlfriends (not leading to marriage in celibacy), this is so normal nowadays but against teaching and I know how destructive it is.
I think the "euphemistic" priests knows. But it's hard to speak the truth. They are happy that young couple sits there. Better tone it down a bit..
It's all so understandable, but isn't it the snake that tells us to tone down a bit, and then what the next week speak the truth?
In my experience it's a road, you either try to lovingly tell the Truth or you take the way of least resistance, of euphemisms, to not stir up
Maybe I'm totally wrong here and someone who is not ready to hear talk of devils and sins and eternal hellfire and unfathomable terrible worms that never die, simply does not belong in the Church. Maybe it will make their ultimate fate worse, to see and hear the truth and still reject it. But, you know, I used to be a total "feminist ally" fag. I had 6-digit karma on Reddit. I spoke in favor of abortion and homosexuality and I blasphemed and acted like a madman. I feel for the modern man and I want him to have a chance to stand tall before the horrors, and to live forever. God gave me a chance. God gave me many. He keeps giving them to me.
I know a great priest here, and I joined a "youth mass", with young people singing modern songs. (liberal catholics you could say)
The priest talked on sin, on repentance, on confession, on forgiveness, on being home, on the devil, on love.
I spoke with a few, the kids loved it.
This intrigues me, as most priests seem to think kids desire a toned down version of the truth.
And in my experience it's the opposite, kids want the Truth, desire it. They feel the energy of it. See it.
I think it's in our minds only, it's just the snake, that tells you "you can't say that, they won't understand you". Don't they really?
By speaking in euphemisms I think we become sinners ourself.