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Do you believe in “Stocastic terrorism”

Stochastic terrorism is the belief that by speaking “hate speech”, you rule up someone to commit illegal acts of violence without instructing then. I believe this is an attempted attack on the first amendment.

This actually has the potential to even affect religious services, see the following article:

Anderson claimed in one of his uploaded YouTube sermons that “these people all should’ve been killed anyway” given that “the Bible says that homosexuals should be put to death.”

He claimed at the time that a “righteous government” should have tried the victims in court and had them executed according to “God’s perfect law.”

Lipowsky said: “You could have people listening to that and take that responsibility because this is the will of God — ‘if the government won’t take that action then I have to do it.’ That’s the danger of the consequences of these types of work.”

That’s the argument the left is trying to take in terms of free speech. Its tyrannical.
Hate speech. This doesn´t exist. Violent/agressive speech maybe. But the concept of hate speech is so stupid. Orwell. Stupid people everywhere. The coercion of speech. Made by laws created by retards. Only has one outcome. The lack of criticism and the obvious continuation of error. You cannot point out error. Because it hurts feelings. No correction of trajectory is possible. Even when its wrong to others. Its fascism of the dumb. Stupid people everywhere. Somehow stupid people obtained positions of leadership and are now in control. Hard times ahead.
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