

Other Christian
On the topic of divorce, Judith Wallerstein has the most famous, comprehensive study on the topic. She studied the life outcomes white middle class children in Los Angeles over a period of 25 years, half of whose parents got divorced and half of whose parents stayed together. Her conclusion? That no matter how bad a marriage was or how easy a divorce was, children of divorce had universally worse life outcomes than children whose parents stayed together. This manifested itself primarily during the teenage years when these children were beginning to form relationships with the opposite sex, but the effects were lifelong.

Info on the study: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith_Wallerstein#Research

The study itself: https://commons.wikimannia.org/images/Judith_S._Wallerstein_-_Unexpected_Legacy_of_Divorce.pdf

Moral of the story is try to avoid getting divorced if you have children and don't want to mess them up. Also, it explains why globohomo is so eager to split up families.
Moral of the story is try to avoid getting divorced if you have children and don't want to mess them up.

In theory yes, but in practice this is not that easy.
If your wife's mind is made up to live elsewhere with your kids there is very little you can do.
Also, even if you convince her to stay in the same house with you and the kids, she may still demand the right to date (and bring home) other men.
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On the topic of divorce, Judith Wallerstein has the most famous, comprehensive study on the topic. She studied the life outcomes white middle class children in Los Angeles over a period of 25 years, half of whose parents got divorced and half of whose parents stayed together. Her conclusion? That no matter how bad a marriage was or how easy a divorce was, children of divorce had universally worse life outcomes than children whose parents stayed together. This manifested itself primarily during the teenage years when these children were beginning to form relationships with the opposite sex, but the effects were lifelong.

Moral of the story is try to avoid getting divorced if you have children and don't want to mess them up. Also, it explains why globohomo is so eager to split up families.

Let me get this straight, as you're pointing to her early life history. Is your position is that it's the mainstream Jewish position to *oppose* divorce and broken families among whites? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Typical troll response. 🧌

This is why leftists mock rightists for saying "da jooz" so much. At least make a single argument outside of pointing out the opponent is Jewish and posting a wall of text screencap.
Try again and pay attention. I made the "text screencap" bigger for you to read.

Try again and pay attention. I made the "text screencap" bigger for you to read.
Yes, I know how to read. You are still contrarian posting because of the word "Zion" and "Jew".

Zionists say you shouldn't divorce your wife and leave your kids traumatized? Those Zionists! READ THIS BIGGER TEXT!

Zionists say I should drink water? Watercucks seething over patriot kings dying of thirst!
Nobody tell this guy the New Testament was written by Jews.
No, it wasn't. Not the people we today refer to as "Jews". Jews ceased to exist in the 1st century AD. Today's "Jews" are the people who The Bible is talking about, in the NT, when it says things like "those who claim to be Jews, but lie" and "the synagogue of satan". They are also the ones that Saint John Chrysostom spoke against very strongly. They are not even genetically related to the people of Old Testament Israel any more than ethnic Greeks are. I highly recommend watching the Marching to Zion documentary.

I know you're probably joking and whatnot, but I dislike hearing things along the lines of "Jesus was a Jew." It's a zionist psyop.

All this being said, I don't think her being a Jew is relevant here. The results of the study make sense.

I saw her last name and knew. No need to start shouting and pointing and whipping out the Patrick Bateman reaction images. That's just kind of silly.
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There's a ton of reasons for the why... But the biggest one, having been divorced and remarried with kids from a second marriage.... Seems to be the following:

-Mental effects of seeing conflict in the home
-Financial stress of resources being split vs unified.
-Back and forth between houses/visitation effects on the children.

That said. Kids who grow up with parents who are abusive to each other are going to inherit that behavior as normal. Ask my ex wife.


Kids who grow up with divorced parents who remarry and set a good example round 2.
No, it wasn't. Not the people we today refer to as "Jews". Jews ceased to exist in the 1st century AD. The people we today call "Jews" are less related to the people of the Old Testament than ethnic Greeks are. I highly recommend the Marching to Zion documentary.
Ethnic analysis doesn't really change Jews being or not being Jews. Not in this context at least, and considering her race.

I know you're probably joking and whatnot, but I dislike hearing things along the lines of "Jesus was a Jew"
Claiming he was completely not a Jew is silly. After His crucifixion, it became Christianity. Before, it was Judaism. Jesus was telling about the God in Judaism/the Old Testament on His time. After He wasn't listened to, there started a distinction. It's also why there are more than one verses in Revelation about the Synagogue of Satan.

I hate to backseat janny but this doesn't have anything to do with divorce.
Ethnic analysis doesn't really change Jews being or not being Jews. Not in this context at least, and considering her race.
With all due respect, friend, in the context of someone saying "they wrote the NT", I think it very much matters, and it does change things, because the fact of the matter is that modern talmudic Jews are not Jews at all. Not the ones that wrote the NT, no.
Claiming he was completely not a Jew is silly. After His crucifixion, it became Christianity. Before, it was Judaism. Jesus was telling about the God in Judaism/the Old Testament on His time. After He wasn't listened to, there started a distinction. It's also why there are more than one verses in Revelation about the Synagogue of Satan.
I don't think you understand what I mean. I am not implying that He was not a Jew. I am saying that Jews are not Jews. Let's leave that discussion here as I don't wish to derail the topic further. My apologies for any inconvenience.
With all due respect, friend, in the context of someone saying "they wrote the NT", I think it very much matters, and it does change things, because the fact of the matter is that modern talmudic Jews are not Jews at all. Not the ones that wrote the NT, no.

I don't think you understand what I mean. I am not implying that He was not a Jew. I am saying that Jews are not Jews. Let's leave that discussion here as I don't wish to derail the topic further. My apologies for any inconvenience.
Ethnic analysis doesn't really change Jews being or not being Jews. Not in this context at least, and considering her race.

Claiming he was completely not a Jew is silly. After His crucifixion, it became Christianity. Before, it was Judaism. Jesus was telling about the God in Judaism/the Old Testament on His time. After He wasn't listened to, there started a distinction. It's also why there are more than one verses in Revelation about the Synagogue of Satan.

I hate to backseat janny but this doesn't have anything to do with divorce.
Of course Jesus was a Jew. As in actually ethnically from Judea ect... Not like the Ashkenazi Jews running Israel now.

You're clearly missing that Jews now are not Jews of the Old testament.

They are more related to the Khazar mountain people than the 12 Tribes of Israel.
Kids who grow up with divorced parents who remarry and set a good example round 2.
Those are rather rare, though, no? In my personal experience, more often than not, they just end up with severely stunted social skills, daddy/mommy issues, and a very extreme fear of marriage, or really any kind of serious relationship.
This is why half my generation (I'm a zoomer) seems to prefer, at best, playing house with one person for 5 years until they get bored, and at worst, just being wildly promiscuous like what Roosh used to promote before he turned to Christ.
Matthew 19:3 And some Pharisees came to Jesus, testing Him and saying, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all?” 4And He answered and said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE, 5and said, ‘FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH’? 6So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.” 7They *said to Him, “Why then did Moses command to GIVE HER A CERTIFICATE OF DIVORCE AND SEND her AWAY?” 8He *said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart Moses permitted you to divorce your wives; but from the beginning it has not been this way. 9And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”
The Bible is clear: Divorce is forbidden unless in cases of adultery. The statistics affirm God's Word once again.
The Bible is clear: Divorce is forbidden unless in cases of adultery. The statistics affirm God's Word once again.
This is all true... but... it doesnt bear fruit societally as a point:

The issue is the degree that both parties view marriage as a sacrament. I dont think most protestants have a fricking clue what marriage actually means. So in my expereince, the word alone doesnt do much given the societal pressure to buck the order of marriage.

Being married as a Presbyterian/Episcopalian to a Southern Baptist whose family "didnt believe in divorce" ... I can absolutely say that this statement bore ZERO fruit when I got back from a deployment and my ex had some about a year with out me in the picture but had access to all my money.

Vs getting remarried in the Orthodox Church with my second wife. We did the civil thing first for both convenience and tax reasons during Covid as inquirers..... but all with the knowledge of our priest.

I do agree that those raised under divorce are much more likely to repeat it.


I've experienced the potential screwing that divorce court and it's only because I was in a financial point and capable of throwing 30k up front at it initially, ( and another $120K over the next 5 years for a second round of court to fix crap from my active duty Marines decree) that I can say how shitty that whole experience is now.

My mother in law now was my divorce attny...we maintained a good relationship after the divorce as her family was full of vets also...she introduced me to her daughter at a Marine Birthday function several years later. She had just been divorced and also had kids from her first marriage. Ex was a degenerate gambler and physically abusive and enough was enough. We met and the result was that the blended family has stability mentally, financially, emotionally, and resulted in the family being brought to The Church. We have kids together now and all the rest is history...

Some of her stories are totally shocking regarding the sort of stuff she deals with in these cases. In her case, as an ethical attorney who isnt financially motivated, she prefers to represent vets/fathers so they dont get screwed... which is of course part why I retained here until her daughters and I got married and it became a conflict of interest. In Texas, its not as bad as some states, but its still a fact that the odds are stacked against you as a father.... regardless of your fitness as a parent.

One final thought I'd add is that the court system makes significant impact on the kids.

Explaining why they cant go to moms during my time ... or why we cant bring certain toys/clothes/ ect from my house ect is always hard given the kids get it... but kinda dont get it at the same time.

I get my story isnt the norm for many... and I totally agree that societally Divorce is a terrible thing. Just sharing a different view for discussion.
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The issue is the degree that both parties view marriage as a sacrament. I dont think most protestants have a fricking clue what marriage actually means. So in my expereince, the word alone doesnt do much given the societal pressure to buck the order of marriage.
Abuse is not an argument against proper use. But if your first point is that the more the married parties view their marriage covenant as a reflection of the true covenant established between Christ and His Church then the more successful and blessed their marriage will be, then I agree.

I don't like commenting on people's personal experiences. I don't find it meaningful. All I will say is that I believe God can draw a straight line with a crooked stick.
Abuse is not an argument against proper use. But if your first point is that the more the married parties view their marriage covenant as a reflection of the true covenant established between Christ and His Church then the more successful and blessed their marriage will be, then I agree.

I don't like commenting on people's personal experiences. I don't find it meaningful. All I will say is that I believe God can draw a straight line with a crooked stick.
I dont know what the bolded means. You'll have to clarify please. Anecdotally it's terrible but my point is that the societal stigma isn't enforced among the protests/mainline Christian culture in the US.

I think we are in agreement that divorce is bad.
I dont know what the bolded means. You'll have to clarify please. Anecdotally it's terrible but my point is that the societal stigma isn't enforced among the protests/mainline Christian culture in the US.

I think we are in agreement that divorce is bad.
It means that someone misusing something is not a good reason to stop using it altogether. In this case, people having reckless marriages that lead to divorce is not a valid argument against the Bible's standard for marriage.

Have a good Lord's Day.
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